Will Trump Dump Sessions for Giuliani?

Six months in, and Trump has had to call in a buncha people from the second string.

I feel like every time Trump gets rid of someone, the Oompa Loompas should show up and sing a song about greed or gluttony.


Oompa loompa doompety doo
I've got a perfect puzzle for you
Oompa loompa doompety dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me
Rudy is hardly second string. He took down more mob members in his time then anybody.
If I was a Clinton I would be renting closer to an airport!

Rudy took down real, genuine wiseguys.

What do you get when you meet with Russians
Lying faster than your press man can rush in
What have you won, getting nothing done
Even involving your very own son
I don't like the look of it
getting nothing done. hahahahaahahahahaha he's so far past your lazy ass you can't see what he's done cause you're blinded by his speed of light. hahahahahahaha, I love the new SCOTUS. good thing that is nothing to you.

What do you get when you meet with Russians
Lying faster than your press man can rush in
What have you won, getting nothing done
Even involving your very own son
I don't like the look of it

How did Uncle Vlad make you flip your vote?

Don't be shy, tell, Dr Phil how the Russian made you flip your vote
I have not voted on the national level since 2004.

But to answer your idiotic question, I wonder why you are so obtuse and show off your illogic so often on this forum. Do you even realize what a fool of yourself you are making?

Russian meddling wasn't about flipping votes. It was exactly what I predicted for years before the election, right here on this forum. I said the next election (2016) would be determined by how many voters of the opposite party each side could get to stay home.

The Russians helped Trump get Democratic voters to stay home.

And as I said right after the election, there is no way to know just how much the meddling affected the outcome, but there is no denying it did. In fact, pseudocons just like you were saying BEFORE the election, all summer and fall, that the Wikileaks alone were changing the outcome.

Now you tards want to pretend it had no impact. Just who the fuck do you think you are fooling with that flip-flop bullshit? And you probably think you are clever! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Trump admin is in such a mess. Already replacing people 6 months in.

You people are such Kool-aid drinkers. When Trump was praising sessions, you loved him and defend him. Now that Trump doesn't like Sessions, you dont like him.

I bet if Trump criticized your own mother, you'd stop talking to her because Trump said so.
I think you're just falling for the hype.
I've read that it takes over a year for an administration to get completely settled.
When Bill Clinton took over the WH was in total chaos.
Snot-nosed little shits walking up to men in uniform telling they weren't welcome anymore.
People with no security clearance hanging around, one guy was caught soaking his feet in the fountain in the Rose Garden.
When these degenerates left they took all of the Ws off of the computers and typewriters.
Furniture, artwork, and China disappeared and ended up having to be brought back from Clinton offices and other properties.
mud, gotta say, I love this gif.


What do you get when you meet with Russians
Lying faster than your press man can rush in
What have you won, getting nothing done
Even involving your very own son
I don't like the look of it

How did Uncle Vlad make you flip your vote?

Don't be shy, tell, Dr Phil how the Russian made you flip your vote
I have not voted on the national level since 2004.

But to answer your idiotic question, I wonder why you are so obtuse and show off your illogic so often on this forum. Do you even realize what a fool of yourself you are making?

Russian meddling wasn't about flipping votes. It was exactly what I predicted for years before the election, right here on this forum. I said the next election (2016) would be determined by how many voters of the opposite party each side could get to stay home.

The Russians helped Trump get Democratic voters to stay home.

And as I said right after the election, there is no way to know just how much the meddling affected the outcome, but there is no denying it did. In fact, pseudocons just like you were saying BEFORE the election, all summer and fall, that the Wikileaks alone were changing the outcome.

Now you tards want to pretend it had no impact. Just who the fuck do you think you are fooling what that flip-flop bullshit? And you probably think you are clever! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

So Vlad made you stay home -- OK. Thanks for clearing that up for us
Summer 2016: Wikileaks has some AWESOME sauce! Hitlery is toast! Stick a fork in her!

November 2016: What do you mean Russia was behind the leaks?

December 2016: Those leaks had no impact on the election!

January 2017: Those leaks didn't start until October! Fox News sez so!
Here are the pseudocons bragging how the leaks were helping Trump win:

WikiLeak Exposes Hillary’s Plot to Confiscate Americans’ Guns, This is TREASON!

She is done...

Wikileaks about to release the KRAKEN!-

Leak early, leak often: If WikiLeaks had obtained Clinton emails earlier, US voters could have chosen Sanders v Trump. So do it. Do it now.

Here's another one bragging the leaks impacted the outcome of the election: New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

34% wont make a dent in the electorial vote count ... and those early voters?

yup, Trump is still fucked
34% won't make a dent in the electoral vote?

What planet do you live on?

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

What do you get when you meet with Russians
Lying faster than your press man can rush in
What have you won, getting nothing done
Even involving your very own son
I don't like the look of it

How did Uncle Vlad make you flip your vote?

Don't be shy, tell, Dr Phil how the Russian made you flip your vote
I have not voted on the national level since 2004.

But to answer your idiotic question, I wonder why you are so obtuse and show off your illogic so often on this forum. Do you even realize what a fool of yourself you are making?

Russian meddling wasn't about flipping votes. It was exactly what I predicted for years before the election, right here on this forum. I said the next election (2016) would be determined by how many voters of the opposite party each side could get to stay home.

The Russians helped Trump get Democratic voters to stay home.

And as I said right after the election, there is no way to know just how much the meddling affected the outcome, but there is no denying it did. In fact, pseudocons just like you were saying BEFORE the election, all summer and fall, that the Wikileaks alone were changing the outcome.

Now you tards want to pretend it had no impact. Just who the fuck do you think you are fooling with that flip-flop bullshit? And you probably think you are clever! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
well son, that is factually incorrect. man that feels good to say to your sorry ass. but you should really go investigate a subject before you write about it. here, go read the total of votes for the dems in 2012 vs 2016. you will find that more people voted. so intellectually speaking you're a fking goof.

"More voters cast ballots in November’s elections than when President Obama won reelection in 2012, though the number of Americans who showed up to vote remains well below all-time highs set half a century ago."
So you see, before they knew it was Russian meddling, the pseudocons were merrily bragging how that meddling was affecting the outcome of the election. "Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that they know the Russians were behind it, they expect us all forget how THEY THEMSELVES said the meddling affected the outcome.

These dumb shits aren't clever by half.
I think he should dump sessions(confiscation). But not for recusing himself. I thought that was an honest move.

He wants to recuse himself, nothing more..
Do you recall this statement made from Trump after the campaign, who now wants fire Sessions to go after Clinton..? The man lies so much it is easy to miss what he says..

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with the New York Times. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.” He also said the Clinton Foundation has done “good work.”

Donald Trump will NOT pursue investigations into Hillary Clinton | Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump won’t pursue Hillary Clinton investigations as president

Senior Trump adviser says Trump 'doesn't wish to pursue' charges against Hillary Clinton
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.
So you see, before they knew it was Russian meddling, the pseudocons were merrily bragging how that meddling was affecting the outcome of the election. "Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that they know the Russians were behind it, they expect us all forget how THEY THEMSELVES said the meddling affected the outcome.

These dumb shits aren't clever by half.
oh so it wasn't meddling when the NBC video about trump and billy bush was released? and it wasn't meddling when the left brought women out who said trump sexually assaulted them. BTW, where are they now? Thanks for your continued support of hypocrisy rule on the left.
Trump admin is in such a mess. Already replacing people 6 months in.

You people are such Kool-aid drinkers. When Trump was praising sessions, you loved him and defend him. Now that Trump doesn't like Sessions, you dont like him.

I bet if Trump criticized your own mother, you'd stop talking to her because Trump said so.
yea, kinda like comey rules, then he sucks, then he rules again, then aw hell who cares.

yea, good thing the liberal side never sees such activity in their emo-swings.
Trump's Chumps said 34 percent were less likely to vote for Clinton because of what turned out to be Russian meddling.

So there's your answer, CrusaderFrank
Trump admin is in such a mess. Already replacing people 6 months in.

You people are such Kool-aid drinkers. When Trump was praising sessions, you loved him and defend him. Now that Trump doesn't like Sessions, you dont like him.

I bet if Trump criticized your own mother, you'd stop talking to her because Trump said so.

Trump admin is in such a mess. Already replacing people 6 months in.

You people are such Kool-aid drinkers. When Trump was praising sessions, you loved him and defend him. Now that Trump doesn't like Sessions, you dont like him.

I bet if Trump criticized your own mother, you'd stop talking to her because Trump said so.
yea, kinda like comey rules, then he sucks, then he rules again, then aw hell who cares.

yea, good thing the liberal side never sees such activity in their emo-swings.
Love: Trump Praises FBI Decision to Continue Investigation Into Clinton's Emails

Hate: Trump Turns on the F.B.I. After Comey Clears Clinton

True Love: Pres. Trump nuzzles FBI Director James Comey’s cheek after blowing him a kiss at White House event

Hate: F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump
A mountain of evidence Russia meddled, and the Chumps ask, "Yeahbut how many votes were changed? I want an EXACT number!"

Then when you show their own side was jizzing in their pants at the change in outcome caused by what was Russian meddling, they suddenly get struck blind, "Duhhhhhhh...what meddling?"

The evidence for meddling is overwhelming. That's why Congress is right now about to pass some sanctions on Russia for meddling.

Only traitors at this point are denying the Russians meddled. Straight up traitors.

But Trump fabricates a total fantasy of millions of illegal Mexican voters, and these very same dipshits can't parrot that lie often enough!

And they think they are clever. They have NO idea how stupid they are showing themselves to be. :lol:
Telling, how every conservative on this thread thinks the AG should be loyal to the president, instead of being loyal to the nation. They want a dictatorship, and they're not bothering to pretend otherwise.

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