Will Trump be the First President to roll back the Progressive Jihad


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Since 1913, Progressives have carried out a successful, over 100 years without a single setback campaign in pushing the USA toward a third world all powerful central government disaster.

The personal income tax, IRS and direct election of US Senators were a neutron bomb the wiped out the power of the independent states, yet kept them as functioning entities. The Federal government now had unfettered direct access to control the People. FDR and LBJ erected a massive welfare state that crack cocaine-like addicted the lower class to government checks, eviscerating the very concept of the black nuclear family in the process. Progressives Bush and Obama gave us a surveillance state not even imagined in Orwell's worst nightmare.

Harding, Coolidge and Reagan only acted on the fringes and did not dismantle ANY of the Progressive infrastructure. With Trump we may finally begin to roll back the Progressive jihad on American basic freedoms. Either totally eliminate the Department of Education or scale it back so that it's only function is to distribute vouchers. That's a start, then tear out half of the Federal Register, eliminate the IRS and the Fed.

Whatever form it takes, now is the time to take action.
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Since 1913, Progressives have carried out a successful, over 100 years without a single setback campaign in pushing the USA toward a third world all powerful central government disaster.

The IRS and direct election of US Senators were a neutron bomb the wiped out the power of the independent states, yet kept them as functioning entities. The Federal government now had unfeytered direct access to control the People. FDR and LBJ erected a massive welfare state that crack cocainelike addicted the lower class to government checks, eviserating the very concept of the black nuclear family in the process. Progressives Bush and Obama gave us a surveillance state not even imagined in Orwell's worst nightmare.

Harding, Coolidge and Reagan only acted on the fringes and did not dismantle ANY of the Progressive infrastructure. With Trump we may finally begin to roll back the Progressive jihad on American basic freedoms. Either totally eliminate the Department of Education or scale it back so that it's only function is to distribute vouchers. That's a start, then tear out half of the Fedreal Register, eliminate the IRS and the Fed.

Whatever form it takes, now is the time to take action.

Fuck me are you people stupid.
Yeah, let's do like the Founders did and tax business only..Then business increases it's prices to cover the tax and the consumer ends up paying it...Then another progressive wave can come through and make alcohol illegal again, causing taxation on an individual level that we already had from the increased prices from companies...
I will be utterly surprised if there is much in the way of rolling back regressive policy.

Trump is not an ideologue. If all he does is secure the border and leave my fuckin guns alone I'll consider his presidency to be a success.

If it does turn out that regressive policies are undermined he will be the greatest president since Reagan.

I will be utterly surprised if there is much in the way of rolling back regressive policy.

Trump is not an ideologue. If all he does is secure the border and leave my fuckin guns alone I'll consider his presidency to be a success.

If it does turn out that regressive policies are undermined he will be the greatest president since Reagan.
And Trump can be like Reagan and start another progressive war on drugs...and society...
Since 1913, Progressives have carried out a successful, over 100 years without a single setback campaign in pushing the USA toward a third world all powerful central government disaster.

The IRS and direct election of US Senators were a neutron bomb the wiped out the power of the independent states, yet kept them as functioning entities. The Federal government now had unfeytered direct access to control the People. FDR and LBJ erected a massive welfare state that crack cocainelike addicted the lower class to government checks, eviserating the very concept of the black nuclear family in the process. Progressives Bush and Obama gave us a surveillance state not even imagined in Orwell's worst nightmare.

Harding, Coolidge and Reagan only acted on the fringes and did not dismantle ANY of the Progressive infrastructure. With Trump we may finally begin to roll back the Progressive jihad on American basic freedoms. Either totally eliminate the Department of Education or scale it back so that it's only function is to distribute vouchers. That's a start, then tear out half of the Fedreal Register, eliminate the IRS and the Fed.

Whatever form it takes, now is the time to take action.

yes but is going to be a long hard fight
Yeah, let's do like the Founders did and tax business only..
"Only"? That's a bit too drastic ...... but a step in the right direction.

Then business increases it's prices to cover the tax and the consumer ends up paying it....
Does Washington have no governing power over anyone but the common man?

Price fixing ought to start from the bottom up, not the other way round. You should be asking yourself what prices the lowest citizen can afford and fix prices there ..... NOT ..... what percentage increase of income do the already rich expect each year and set prices with that as the goal post and let the bottom citizen starve.
Talk radio, FOX News and now the internet are the only way leftists have gotten a push back. Obviously enough people now are aware that the msm is mostly entertainment and not trustworthy. We need to keep that trend going and cut off their propaganda machine.
I will be utterly surprised if there is much in the way of rolling back regressive policy.

Trump is not an ideologue. If all he does is secure the border and leave my fuckin guns alone I'll consider his presidency to be a success.

If it does turn out that regressive policies are undermined he will be the greatest president since Reagan.
And Trump can be like Reagan and start another progressive war on drugs...and society...
Yes because we need your crack wars back.....stupid fucktard LWNJ......
We on the Board now the far right, the alt right, and far left here are "mostly entertainment and not trustworthy."

This is going to be a fun pre-inauguration season as Trump turns his back on the far right.
Talk radio, FOX News and now the internet are the only way leftists have gotten a push back. Obviously enough people now are aware that the msm is mostly entertainment and not trustworthy. We need to keep that trend going and cut off their propaganda machine.

I suggest getting rid of TV entirely. Dish, DTV, cable ETC. You can stream everything anyway.

A fraction of your entertainment dollars go to treasonous shit like MSLSD and CNN even if you never watch it. Since most people DON'T, they manage to stay afloat on your hard earned money anyway.

Talk radio, FOX News and now the internet are the only way leftists have gotten a push back. Obviously enough people now are aware that the msm is mostly entertainment and not trustworthy. We need to keep that trend going and cut off their propaganda machine.

I suggest getting rid of TV entirely. Dish, DTV, cable ETC. You can stream everything anyway.

A fraction of your entertainment dollars go to treasonous shit like MSLSD and CNN even if you never watch it. Since most people DON'T, they manage to stay afloat on your hard earned money anyway.

Been there done that. Been streaming for about 2 years. All I pay for is Amazon Prime.
If the left can't deal with the reality of Trumps win, their heads are going explode when he gets us out of the Politicalicaly motavated lie of Climate Change.
The harmful war on our coal miners is over.
Yeah, let's do like the Founders did and tax business only..Then business increases it's prices to cover the tax and the consumer ends up paying it...Then another progressive wave can come through and make alcohol illegal again, causing taxation on an individual level that we already had from the increased prices from companies...

But then the People would then be free from the reach of the all powerful Federal government. So, yes, let's do that
Yeah, let's do like the Founders did and tax business only..Then business increases it's prices to cover the tax and the consumer ends up paying it...Then another progressive wave can come through and make alcohol illegal again, causing taxation on an individual level that we already had from the increased prices from companies...

But then the People would then be free from the reach of the all powerful Federal government. So, yes, let's do that
And drug lords and gangs would be harder to jail, if not for tax evasion..
Talk radio, FOX News and now the internet are the only way leftists have gotten a push back. Obviously enough people now are aware that the msm is mostly entertainment and not trustworthy. We need to keep that trend going and cut off their propaganda machine.

I suggest getting rid of TV entirely. Dish, DTV, cable ETC. You can stream everything anyway.

A fraction of your entertainment dollars go to treasonous shit like MSLSD and CNN even if you never watch it. Since most people DON'T, they manage to stay afloat on your hard earned money anyway.

Been there done that. Been streaming for about 2 years. All I pay for is Amazon Prime.
I watch streamed movies for free on YouTube..
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Since 1913, Progressives have carried out a successful, over 100 years without a single setback campaign in pushing the USA toward a third world all powerful central government disaster.

The IRS and direct election of US Senators were a neutron bomb the wiped out the power of the independent states, yet kept them as functioning entities. The Federal government now had unfeytered direct access to control the People. FDR and LBJ erected a massive welfare state that crack cocainelike addicted the lower class to government checks, eviserating the very concept of the black nuclear family in the process. Progressives Bush and Obama gave us a surveillance state not even imagined in Orwell's worst nightmare.

Harding, Coolidge and Reagan only acted on the fringes and did not dismantle ANY of the Progressive infrastructure. With Trump we may finally begin to roll back the Progressive jihad on American basic freedoms. Either totally eliminate the Department of Education or scale it back so that it's only function is to distribute vouchers. That's a start, then tear out half of the Fedreal Register, eliminate the IRS and the Fed.

Whatever form it takes, now is the time to take action.

Fuck me are you people stupid.
They were just like this right after Bush won. They don't understand actions and consequences.

Bush once said the people in Iraq should be grateful for what Republicans did to their country. Imagine, "Thank you President you killed my uncle Bush".

They imagine how something is going to happen. When instead, terrible damage happens, they cast around for blame. Did you know that many Republicans think the lack of Government response after Katrina was Obama's fault and it was Hillary's vote that took us into Iraq?

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