Will Trump allow smooth transition?

The state is in a bind with this presidential election. Rampant fraud was used to oust a problematic president. The fraud was assisted by a hostile unionized Postal Service that viewed the president as a force to end an inefficient system that has been losing money for generations.

Without risking accusations of conspiracy theories, even if one considers the release of a deadly global virus from China which stands to lose all of its advantages if Trump wins to be mere coincidence, the fact that liquor stores have remained open nationwide shoots down any sense that can be made of mail-in votes for safety.

The problem is that the state hit our ship of state below the waterline and destroyed the integrity of our voting system forever. They had to do it because the upstart was sure to be re-elected. The election was corrupted from top to bottom and elections will never be the same. Now the state faces the reality of jail time for Joe Biden for being a bribed agent of the People's Republic of China which is even more problematic than the president they went to such extremes to remove.

Only the most gullible cannot see the crucial role the US Postal Service played in this swindle of the American voter.

This country and its election system is shattered.
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I don't know why Trump won't just go quietly and and let Biden take over. The democrats cheated fair and square and now they want their prize. Sheesh!
2 days ago you were crowing about how the blob was going to win the challenges? What happened?
I am confident the facts will display malfeasance on the part of Trump's opponents. Whether or not it is acted upon remains to be seen.
All I know is that if Trump does not concede a lot of dead people are going to be very disappointed.
If T-Rump does not concede soon there will be a lot more dead people

Delayed start to transition of power hurts coronavirus-fighting effort, Biden team says

The petulant man-child who is currently taking up space in the White House was fired by the American People . Now he wants to exact revenge on us by causing even more pain and suffering than he already has.

With President Trump still balking at conceding electoral defeat and public health experts forecasting a horrific new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, calls intensified Sunday for the start of a formal transition to the administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

The nationwide virus caseload last week touched unprecedented heights of more than 180,000 new daily infections, and Biden’s incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, said the president-elect’s team urgently needed to begin coordinating with experts inside the government.
We should never allow our Republic to be stolen by Socialist assholes with voter fraud.

We need to fight against it or else our Republic is lost. The Socialists have fucked up every country they have infected and we can't allow it here.

We may be able to vote ourselves into a Socialist shithole by fraud but we will have to shoot or way out of it.
...Was he given a "smooth transition" in 2016 ??...

The very moment that Shrillary conceded.

The Obama Administration executed its proper function and immediately began collaborating with the incoming Trump transition team.

Such as it was... I mean... after all... nobody was more shocked than Rump that he'd actually managed to win... totally unprepared...and it showed.
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We should never allow our Republic to be stolen by Socialist assholes with voter fraud.

We need to fight against it or else our Republic is lost. The Socialists have fucked up every country they have infected and we can't allow it here.

We may be able to vote ourselves into a Socialist shithole by fraud but we will have to shoot or way out of it.
You clowns aren't going to do diddly-squat except sit at home in your basements and guzzle beer and whine.

Next time, try fielding a Human Being for a candidate.

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