Will the United States again respect Science?

As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
How many genders are there?

Just forget about biology. You can be whatever you want. This is leftist thinking. Its incredibly stupid.
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
Science like so many other things in our country is a scam.
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
Probably not...Kim Stanley Robinson has a series of science fiction books that feature climate change...he calls this era, "The Dithering'...and so it is. He also predict that
'Boomer' will become an insult..denoting a wasteful person whose selfishness condemns later generations to decades of austerity..and millions of deaths.

Great writer....probably a bit too....everything...for right-wingers.

He's a bit too much of a moron. He's a "science fiction" writer. Did you notice the "fiction" part?
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
Probably not...Kim Stanley Robinson has a series of science fiction books that feature climate change...he calls this era, "The Dithering'...and so it is. He also predict that
'Boomer' will become an insult..denoting a wasteful person whose selfishness condemns later generations to decades of austerity..and millions of deaths.

Great writer....probably a bit too....everything...for right-wingers.

He's a bit too much of a moron. He's a "science fiction" writer. Did you notice the "fiction" part?
Indeed, did you note that i said that/idiot!

You couldn't make through one of his books on a bet..too many big words..and too many big concepts.
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?

Science tells me that you're directly-descended from pond scum, and I respect that scientific theory. I'll prove it to you, using science:

You believe in the Theory of Evolution, right? Evolution teaches that all life evolved from single-celled lifeforms that first emerged 3.8 billion years ago. In other words, your descendants were all pond scum.

I on the other hand, am directly descended from God. He created me in His own image, not in the image of you liberal pond scum.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis 1:27&version=KJV
There is real science and there is democrat science. Only a fool would take democrat science seriously.
There is only science. It is non-partisan and non-political..at least..until the politicians and partisans get a-hold of it.

Republican 'science' is not a good look either...climate change deniers are among some of the stupidest people I've ever met.
Progs have been pushing this scam for 50 years. Global Warming....Global Cooling...Climate Change.. Whatever suits your agendas. You even combined pollution and the weather. If there is climate change, humans affect on it is minimal or not worth the cost to make a dent in the changes. Over 8 billion people living in many areas susceptable to damage from weather with the natural changes that occur also. Globalists want a global tax to transfer from the rich nations to the poorer ones. And the stupid Americans will have less spending money because of it. Obama spoke as you and has two oceanfront properties. Decades ago the then scammers said half of Florida would be gone as well as many coastal areas. Even the satellites are adjusted to give us false readings with younger scientists denied employment if they do not fall into line. Just to many lies by the political class/media/entertainers over the years to believe them. And they live the life of Riley while forcing us to do without.
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?

Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

How many trillions of dollars do we need to invest in windmills to prevent this?
How will we know when we've spent enough?
Males giving birth is settled science the leftists believe in.
We would need a team of linguists to figure out what the hell you are trying to say.

Which part did you fail to understand?


Maybe it's a gender deficiency... perhaps you can highlight your gender so we can scientifically move forward.
Will the United States again respect Science?

When it stops being politicized, that’s when
...So stop already!
Another several hundred movies and TV shows will have the Climate Change propaganda to sway the population. Trump wanted Science to go back to the moon. Rumor has it.. Biden is going to delay it. For some more false satellites to circle the earth and tell us the Climate Change is really really really bad this time around again. And you will get that massive global tax that will not be spent on eco green crap but to give away to poorer nations.

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