will the lefts so called support of Israel change ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Hamas is known to hide their weapons leaders and terrorist fighters behind a shield of innocent men women and children ... its a sad fact that there will be innocent civilians killed because the cowardly terrorists use them as shields against Israeli attacks to take out the threat ... dont be surprised if the left condemns Israel for said unfortunate casualties .. the squad is already gearing up to do just that .. will the rest of the left follow suit ?

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Hamas is known to hide their weapons leaders and terrorist fighters behind a shield of innocent men women and children ... its a sad fact that there will be innocent civilians killed be cause the cowardly terrorists use them as shields against Israeli attacks to take out the threat ... dont be surprised if the left condemns Israel for said unfortunate casualties .. the squad is already gearing up to do just that .. will the rest of the left follow suit ?

The Squad has no power over any government decisions. The navy is already sending help.

No need to mistake 4 Muslims or Christians who are anti Israel with all the other Democrats.

The support for Israel will continue.
The Squad has no power over any government decisions. The navy is already sending help.

No need to mistake 4 Muslims or Christians who are anti Israel with all the other Democrats.

The support for Israel will continue.
This is true but the big issue with the left is that they are less spiritually connected to Israel. There are far more people of Faith on the right. Of course, Israel will still be supported. It would be great if some Americans (and many in the West) stopped hating their own nations and their allies though.
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The Squad has no power over any government decisions. The navy is already sending help.

No need to mistake 4 Muslims or Christians who are anti Israel with all the other Democrats.

The support for Israel will continue.
democrat socialists held a pro Palestinian rally in NYC today ...
Hamas is known to hide their weapons leaders and terrorist fighters behind a shield of innocent men women and children ... its a sad fact that there will be innocent civilians killed because the cowardly terrorists use them as shields against Israeli attacks to take out the threat ... dont be surprised if the left condemns Israel for said unfortunate casualties .. the squad is already gearing up to do just that .. will the rest of the left follow suit ?

Sixties Fan is a big-time leftie. He is adamantly against Trump and very supportive of Biden. He is probably the biggest supporter of Israel on this form.
Sixties Fan is a big-time leftie. He is adamantly against Trump and very supportive of Biden. He is probably the biggest supporter of Israel on this form.
And I do thank you for that truth, except maybe the last part where there are many Jews and non Jews who are very much supporters of Israel.

On the other hand, if one only clicks on your signature about the Knights Hospitaller, one can finally figure out what you are all about.

You are a glorifier of terrorists. Terrorists who go around killing Jews, just as the Crusaders did on their way from Europe into Israel, killing every Jew they could find all the way to Jerusalem and once reaching Jerusalem killed all the Jews there as well.

Fake FDR does not like Jews, and definitely does not like Israel and cries copious tears for the people in Gaza who are stuck there because of decisions made by Muslims and Christians against Jews and Israel, with the goal of seeing Israel cease to exist and Jews return to their wandering ways or worse, the final solution devised by the Nazis during WWII, something that the Palestinian leader Al Husseini was very much for.

So much was Al Husseini for a final solution to the Jews that he took pains to go to Iraq and start a riot against the Jews there and Nazify all the Arabs in that area.

Congratulations Fake FDR.

You are a proud member of the all time haters of Jews and Israel.

May your mission fail miserably, as all other vile intentions against wiping out all Jews have always failed.

Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !

And will continue to do so :)
And I do thank you for that truth, except maybe the last part where there are many Jews and non Jews who are very much supporters of Israel.

On the other hand, if one only clicks on your signature about the Knights Hospitaller, one can finally figure out what you are all about.

You are a glorifier of terrorists. Terrorists who go around killing Jews, just as the Crusaders did on their way from Europe into Israel, killing every Jew they could find all the way to Jerusalem and once reaching Jerusalem killed all the Jews there as well.

Fake FDR does not like Jews, and definitely does not like Israel and cries copious tears for the people in Gaza who are stuck there because of decisions made by Muslims and Christians against Jews and Israel, with the goal of seeing Israel cease to exist and Jews return to their wandering ways or worse, the final solution devised by the Nazis during WWII, something that the Palestinian leader Al Husseini was very much for.

So much was Al Husseini for a final solution to the Jews that he took pains to go to Iraq and start a riot against the Jews there and Nazify all the Arabs in that area.

Congratulations Fake FDR.

You are a proud member of the all time haters of Jews and Israel.

May your mission fail miserably, as all other vile intentions against wiping out all Jews have always failed.

Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !

And will continue to do so :)
As I’ve said many times, you constantly launch unprovoked personal attacks against me. It’s up to you do whatever you want. Hope you have a nice night

I know that many Jewish people in Israel disagree with you and agree with me

And I don’t think you read the very posts in my signature. Because you are blatantly wrong about your description of the Catholics of the Middle Ages, who fought valiantly and honorably for the holy land. And the first crusader kingdom of Jerusalem was a place of love and dignity.

Ibn Jubair A Muslim traveler, who visited the kingdom of Jerusalem under Catholic rule, admired the place and said it was a great place for non-Catholics.

And so like it was when you claim that Islam demands “Muslims to always fight for lands that were once in the hands of Muslims”. You are provably wrong. And easily so. But you don’t really care about any of this stuff you just keep on going on with personal attacks and propaganda. And that’s up to you brother.

Long live the Knights Hospitalier, their glory lives on forever. They build hospital for non-Catholics, and gave Medical relief to non-Catholics in battle. What honorable people they are to this day

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As I’ve said many times, you constantly launch unprovoked personal attacks against me. It’s up to you do whatever you want. Hope you have a nice night

I know that many Jewish people in Israel disagree with you and agree with me

And I don’t think he looked at my signature. Nor did you read the very posts in my signature. Because you are blatantly wrong about your description of the Catholics of the Middle Ages, who fought valiantly and honorably for the holy land. And the first crusader kingdom of Jerusalem was a piece of love and dignity.

Ibn Jubair Amazon traveler, who visited the kingdom of Jerusalem, under Catholic rule, admired the place and said it was a beautiful place for non-Catholics.

And so like it was when you claim that Islam demands Muslims to always fight for glands that were once in the hands of Muslims. You are provably wrong. And easily so. But you don’t really care about any of this stuff you just keep on begging on with personal attacks and propaganda. And that’s up to you brother.
What a horribly blind Catholic.

Crusaders were about love.

Here is some Crusader Christian love on the way to Jerusalem : [How many Jews do you think were killed between the first Crusaders leaving Europe all the way to reaching Jerusalem? Take a guess. ]

Background: The High Middle Ages was a period in which church influence within Europe expanded north and, later, was able to push back against the Islamic expansion in the south.

During the first 700 years of Christendom, Jewish communities in Europe are rarely placed in direct physical danger. But the situation changes when, in 1095, Pope Urbanus calls for a crusade to liberate Jerusalem [Constantinople] from the hands of the Muslims… On their way to Jerusalem, the crusaders leave a track of death and destruction behind in the Jewish communities along the Rhine and Danube. "Because," as they exclaim, "why should we attack the unbelievers in the Holy Land, and leave the infidels in our midst undisturbed?”

With the start of two centuries of crusades beginning in 1096 the holy warriors would begin their journey to Jerusalem to wrest the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims by first murdering the infidel Jews of Europe.

As portrayed in the movies and literature the Crusades had a single purpose, to liberate the Holy Land. As is frequently the case other, perhaps less “spiritual" considerations may have motivated the crusades than just “liberating” the Holy Land from the “infidels.” In fact the first crusade, of 1096, was launched not to liberate Jerusalem, but rather in response to an appeal by Constantinople, Christianity’s Eastern Empire, then under siege by the Turks:

The principal stated objective was to drive the Turks out of Anatolia. The principal hidden agenda was to heal the Great Schism on Rome''s terms… The objective of going on to re-conquer the Holy Land for Christendom (as long as we''re in the neighborhood) was almost an afterthought.”

Not just an “afterthought.” In addition to the affront to Christendom of the Holy Land being in the hands of the Muslim infidels, Palestine also just happened to sit astride the trade route to the East. So a business opportunity may also have inspired reclaiming Jerusalem for Christendom. But whatever the true motivation, the impact of the crusades on Europe’s Jewish communities was devastating.

During the first Crusade alone tens of thousands of Europe’s Jews met their deaths by sword, fire and drowning. “In Regensburg Jews were thrown into the Danube,” recorded at the time as, undergoing “baptism” to save their souls before dying.

As the soldiers passed through Europe on the way to the Holy Land, large numbers of Jews were challenged: "Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!" 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed in the first Crusade. This [pattern of murder would continue] for 8 additional crusades until the 9th in 1272.”

On May 25, 1096, some 800 Jews were murdered in Wurms, Germany while many others chose suicide rather than subject their families to torture, rape and murder at the hands of the crusaders. In Mainz, Cologne, Prague and many other cities, thousands were killed and their possessions plundered. Thus began the long period of persecution, expulsion and murder which only began to ease, if temporarily, with the gradual secularization of Europe beginning in the 17th century.

Yeah, if only all one needed was love:

What a horribly blind Catholic.

Crusaders were about love.

Here is some Crusader Christian love on the way to Jerusalem : [How many Jews do you think were killed between the first Crusaders leaving Europe all the way to reaching Jerusalem? Take a guess. ]

Background: The High Middle Ages was a period in which church influence within Europe expanded north and, later, was able to push back against the Islamic expansion in the south.

With the start of two centuries of crusades beginning in 1096 the holy warriors would begin their journey to Jerusalem to wrest the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims by first murdering the infidel Jews of Europe.

As portrayed in the movies and literature the Crusades had a single purpose, to liberate the Holy Land. As is frequently the case other, perhaps less “spiritual" considerations may have motivated the crusades than just “liberating” the Holy Land from the “infidels.” In fact the first crusade, of 1096, was launched not to liberate Jerusalem, but rather in response to an appeal by Constantinople, Christianity’s Eastern Empire, then under siege by the Turks:

Not just an “afterthought.” In addition to the affront to Christendom of the Holy Land being in the hands of the Muslim infidels, Palestine also just happened to sit astride the trade route to the East. So a business opportunity may also have inspired reclaiming Jerusalem for Christendom. But whatever the true motivation, the impact of the crusades on Europe’s Jewish communities was devastating.

During the first Crusade alone tens of thousands of Europe’s Jews met their deaths by sword, fire and drowning. “In Regensburg Jews were thrown into the Danube,” recorded at the time as, undergoing “baptism” to save their souls before dying.

On May 25, 1096, some 800 Jews were murdered in Wurms, Germany while many others chose suicide rather than subject their families to torture, rape and murder at the hands of the crusaders. In Mainz, Cologne, Prague and many other cities, thousands were killed and their possessions plundered. Thus began the long period of persecution, expulsion and murder which only began to ease, if temporarily, with the gradual secularization of Europe beginning in the 17th century.

Yeah, if only all one needed was love:

It appears to be the case you simply did not read my signature. And you’re just providing your opinion on things. You’re an anti-catholic?. in addition to being an anti-Muslim… I mean, you have no credibility you think that in Islam, Muslim lands always have to be fought for by Muslims. Your blatantly wrong, and acting like an extremist.

Throughout the history of the Jewish people, there have been jews who have committed horrific crimes. this is the case with individual Jews, Catholics and Muslims. All throughout history there’s good and bad there. Common sense tells us that. And there have been Jewish countries before the existence of Israel. In Yemen for example the Himyarite kingdom of Yemen was a Jewish entity.

And so I don’t really need to respond you because every point you bring up is responded to in my signature.

Try and build bridges my good brother. Plenty of Jews, Muslims and Catholics have done good for history.
It appears to be the case you simply did not read my signature. And you’re just providing your opinion on things. You’re an anti-catholic?. in addition to being an anti-Muslim… I mean, you have no credibility you think that in Islam, Muslim lands always have to be fought for by Muslims. Your blatantly wrong, and acting like an extremist.

Throughout the history of the Jewish people, there have been jews who have committed horrific crimes. this is the case with individual Jews, Catholics and Muslims. All throughout history there’s good and bad there. Common sense tells us that. And there have been Jewish countries before the existence of Israel. In Yemen for example the Himyarite kingdom of Yemen was a Jewish entity.

And so I don’t really need to respond you because every point you bring up is responded to in my signature.

Try and build bridges my good brother. Plenty of Jews, Muslims and Catholics have done good for history.
And you have gone and changed the subject again.

You cannot deal with what you said about the Crusaders, which has no truth at all?

Endless of platitudes and generalizations in all your sentences, but dealing with the facts of history that is not something you are strong about.

Deal with the love given to Jews since the Roman Catholic Church came to be.

Deal with what the Crusaders did for centuries.

Your signature is worthless.

The Knights Hospitaller- The Catholics Who shaped our civilized world

So, "Blessed Gerard is some kind of Saint who did not kill any Jews, because the Crusaders did that for him?

Exactly how many Jews did he get to deal with after all the Jews in Jerusalem were murdered?
None left apparently. Juden free Jerusalem.

You can choose to avoid the facts of what the Roman Christian Church created and did for centuries against the Jews, but the History will always be there.

One good Catholic does not turn Catholicism into a peace, loving Church, or peace loving people, as proven again and again in the conquests of the New World.

Stay in your safe place. Avoid all contact with history.

Some Christians and Muslims will never have love for Jews, as demanded by their "holy" books.

Which is exactly why we keep seeing a rise in attacks on Jews all over the world by both extreme Christians and Muslims who must do what their holy books have taught them to do.

Hate the Jews, attack the Jews, kill the Jews.

And you live in this fabricated world where everyone is the same, all are good, there is love all around, where there is clearly not, and you clearly do not mean it when it comes to Israel as you keep attacking Israel as if it really had anything to do with what Hamas and others are putting their powerless population through.

Whatever happens between Israel and Gaza is between them, nothing to do with you and your failed understanding that wishing love on the world has Never worked, and never will. Too many greedy dictators wanting it all for themselves.

But can you deal with that truth? I doubt it.
Hamas is known to hide their weapons leaders and terrorist fighters behind a shield of innocent men women and children ... its a sad fact that there will be innocent civilians killed because the cowardly terrorists use them as shields against Israeli attacks to take out the threat ... dont be surprised if the left condemns Israel for said unfortunate casualties .. the squad is already gearing up to do just that .. will the rest of the left follow suit ?

with the recent surge in anti Semitic speech on campuses it seems the left indeed has turned on Israel ... leftists are easily predictable ... but what I didn't foresee was leftists siding with and even claiming they are HAMAS ! the leftists on campuses are claiming they are a terrorist group !

Hamas is known to hide their weapons leaders and terrorist fighters behind a shield of innocent men women and children ... its a sad fact that there will be innocent civilians killed because the cowardly terrorists use them as shields against Israeli attacks to take out the threat ... dont be surprised if the left condemns Israel for said unfortunate casualties .. the squad is already gearing up to do just that .. will the rest of the left follow suit ?

The left wouldn’t raise a cry if all of Israel were to be invaded and all its Jewish people slaughtered.
The Squad has no power over any government decisions. The navy is already sending help.

No need to mistake 4 Muslims or Christians who are anti Israel with all the other Democrats.

The support for Israel will continue.
it appears that thousands of leftists in the streets and .on college campuses would disagree with you ..


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