Will The Democrats Run Out Of Fish???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If Democrat voters were not mandated....by their party.....to eschew questioning, thinking, demanding explanations for the agenda, the policies, the orders of the party, then, one might believe that they understood what they voted for.

This is not the case. They cannot name the Trump policies they voted against, nor the Biden policies they voted for, they cannot defend nor explain their agreement with the dozen or so executive orders Biden was ordered to sign immediately after inauguration.

Hence, we are discussing a rabble more akin to trained seals, than thinking human beings.


More proof in today's news:

No Democrat will be able to defend this:

"Woke Medicine Comes to New York City
A pair of doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital last month outlined a pilot program that, they said, would offer "preferential care" to patients of color. The proposal, published in Boston Review, accuses hospitals across the country of practicing "medical apartheid"—something they said must be addressed through "race-explicit interventions."

Dr. Michelle Morse, from moving on up: She is now the chief medical officer of New York City.

In her new post, Morse will wield enormous influence over New York's hospital system, and she has promised to use it to "advance health equity." Part of her job will be serving as a liaison between the health department and local medical centers, including three she singled out as examples of "apartheid": Montefiore, New York-Presbyterian, and Mount Sinai.

Morse's ascent reflects the larger trajectory of progressive activism, which has migrated from the fringe of academia to the heart of public health bureaucracies. Vermont's health department announced this month that people of color will get first dibs on the coronavirus vaccine as a part of the state's commitment to "health equity." And in December, the Centers for Disease Control proposed vaccinating essential workers before the elderly because the elderly skew white.

Race-conscious policies of the sort Morse advocates have found a home in prominent medical journals such as the Lancet, which in February released a Soros-supported report calling reparations a public health measure. These studies cite others from the same nonprofit complex, giving activism an air of academic legitimacy.

.... rests on foundation-funded critical race theory. The proposal borrows heavily from a paper—"Critical Race Theory, Race Equity, and Public Health: Toward Anti-Racism Praxis"—"
Libturds are nothing but a bunch of Group Thinking Monkeys going round and round the Cobblers Bench.

There is no sense of individual greatness, just a bunch of collective misery loves company.
If Democrat voters were not mandated....by their party.....to eschew questioning, thinking, demanding explanations for the agenda, the policies, the orders of the party, then, one might believe that they understood what they voted for.

This is not the case. They cannot name the Trump policies they voted against, nor the Biden policies they voted for, they cannot defend nor explain their agreement with the dozen or so executive orders Biden was ordered to sign immediately after inauguration.

Hence, we are discussing a rabble more akin to trained seals, than thinking human beings.

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More proof in today's news:

No Democrat will be able to defend this:

"Woke Medicine Comes to New York City
A pair of doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital last month outlined a pilot program that, they said, would offer "preferential care" to patients of color. The proposal, published in Boston Review, accuses hospitals across the country of practicing "medical apartheid"—something they said must be addressed through "race-explicit interventions."

Dr. Michelle Morse, from moving on up: She is now the chief medical officer of New York City.

In her new post, Morse will wield enormous influence over New York's hospital system, and she has promised to use it to "advance health equity." Part of her job will be serving as a liaison between the health department and local medical centers, including three she singled out as examples of "apartheid": Montefiore, New York-Presbyterian, and Mount Sinai.

Morse's ascent reflects the larger trajectory of progressive activism, which has migrated from the fringe of academia to the heart of public health bureaucracies. Vermont's health department announced this month that people of color will get first dibs on the coronavirus vaccine as a part of the state's commitment to "health equity." And in December, the Centers for Disease Control proposed vaccinating essential workers before the elderly because the elderly skew white.

Race-conscious policies of the sort Morse advocates have found a home in prominent medical journals such as the Lancet, which in February released a Soros-supported report calling reparations a public health measure. These studies cite others from the same nonprofit complex, giving activism an air of academic legitimacy.

.... rests on foundation-funded critical race theory. The proposal borrows heavily from a paper—"Critical Race Theory, Race Equity, and Public Health: Toward Anti-Racism Praxis"—"
I notice their collective misery is much higher since Daddy Trump was cheated out of office.
It has been an amazing thing to watch over the last few decades. Identity politics has so completely replaced liberalism that we are right back to the most primitive and illiberal form of human society -- the tribe. The true believers just keep going along with it conforming to every dictate without even a scintilla of self-awareness.

I mean, really now. 20 years ago, if you had asked any of these numb nuts whether they believed transexuals should be competing against women in sports, how many would have said yes? Today, however, it is their gospel.

Idiocracy came to us faster than I could have ever imagined.
It has been an amazing thing to watch over the last few decades. Identity politics has so completely replaced liberalism that we are right back to the most primitive and illiberal form of human society -- the tribe. The true believers just keep going along with it conforming to every dictate without even a scintilla of self-awareness.

I mean, really now. 20 years ago, if you had asked any of these numb nuts whether they believed transexuals should be competing against women in sports, how many would have said yes? Today, however, it is their gospel.

Idiocracy came to us faster than I could have ever imagined.
How about asking them if they'd be ok with their moms showering with a bald 5 ft 6 inch hairy backed man named Delores at the Y.
It has been an amazing thing to watch over the last few decades. Identity politics has so completely replaced liberalism that we are right back to the most primitive and illiberal form of human society -- the tribe. The true believers just keep going along with it conforming to every dictate without even a scintilla of self-awareness.

I mean, really now. 20 years ago, if you had asked any of these numb nuts whether they believed transexuals should be competing against women in sports, how many would have said yes? Today, however, it is their gospel.

Idiocracy came to us faster than I could have ever imagined.
How about asking them if they'd be ok with their moms showering with a bald 5 ft 6 inch hairy backed man named Delores at the Y.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.

"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
Vermont's health department announced this month that people of color will get first dibs on the coronavirus vaccine as a part of the state's commitment to "health equity."

WOW, a new concept of prioritizing the group that needs it most.

You'll probably call that socialist.
How about asking them if they'd be ok with their moms showering with a bald 5 ft 6 inch hairy backed man named Delores at the Y.

I thought you would be more concerned about real crimes and criminals.

A Philadelphia man is accused of raping and robbing a Macy’s customer after hiding in a women’s restroom and jumping over a stall to attack her over the weekend.

“He went into that store at 11:11… Within three minutes, he was in the bathroom,” Burgmann told reporters

Uqdah then waited in the restroom for about 20 minutes until a 55-year-old customer walked into one of the stalls, according to police.
“While she’s in the stall, he came over the top of the stall… threatened her, dragged her into a stall a little further down and assaulted her,” Burgmann said.
Vermont's health department announced this month that people of color will get first dibs on the coronavirus vaccine as a part of the state's commitment to "health equity."

WOW, a new concept of prioritizing the group that needs it most.

You'll probably call that socialist.

Are you stating that skin color should be the basis of medical care?

Admission that you are a racist?

That is, of course, the Democrat proposal.

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White
The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Quite the progress.......an earlier iteration of Democrats aimed the proposal at Jews.

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

No wonder you're a Wehrmacht....er, Democrat voter.
WOW, a new concept of prioritizing the group that needs it most.

You'll probably call that socialist.
Are you stating that skin color should be the basis of medical care?

Admission that you are a racist?

Tay-Sachs disease occurs with greater frequency among Jewish people of Ashkenazi descent, i.e. those of Eastern or Central European descent. Approximately one in 30 Ashkenazi Jewish people carries the altered gene for Tay-Sachs disease.

Sickle cell disease, an inherited disorder of the red blood cells, is more common in African Americans in the U.S. compared to other ethnicities—occurring in approximately 1 in 365 African Americans.

You would prefer blacks be targeted for Tay Sachs and Jews targeted for sickle cell anemia ?
WOW, a new concept of prioritizing the group that needs it most.

You'll probably call that socialist.
Are you stating that skin color should be the basis of medical care?

Admission that you are a racist?

Tay-Sachs disease occurs with greater frequency among Jewish people of Ashkenazi descent, i.e. those of Eastern or Central European descent. Approximately one in 30 Ashkenazi Jewish people carries the altered gene for Tay-Sachs disease.

Sickle cell disease, an inherited disorder of the red blood cells, is more common in African Americans in the U.S. compared to other ethnicities—occurring in approximately 1 in 365 African Americans.

You would prefer blacks be targeted for Tay Sachs and Jews targeted for sickle cell anemia ?

Are you prepared to understand that you are a racist?
Vermont's health department announced this month that people of color will get first dibs on the coronavirus vaccine as a part of the state's commitment to "health equity."

WOW, a new concept of prioritizing the group that needs it most.

You'll probably call that socialist.

Are you stating that skin color should be the basis of medical care?

Admission that you are a racist?

That is, of course, the Democrat proposal.

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White
The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Quite the progress.......an earlier iteration of Democrats aimed the proposal at Jews.

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

No wonder you're a Wehrmacht....er, Democrat voter.
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