Will the Democrats dump Biden?

Like I said, the NY Times did not do a piece on all the ways Florida was stolen. So all you are telling me is they are corporate media too. ABC, MSNBC, none of them came out and said Bush stole Florida. Told you those media sources aren't as liberal as you think they are.

Remember anyone who wasn't down for the Patriot Act and going to war with Iraq was also mailed Anthrax by Dick Chaney? Oh that's not how you remember the anthrax scare? Of course not.
Gore never said the election was stolen. Gore conceded. You're beating a dead horse.
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
Biden has been magnificent. The most effective president since Roosevelt.
He has played the GOP like a fiddle.

It's entirely up to Biden but if he wants to run he will win the nomination and the general with ease.
yea it would be so much better with a real liberal court....take your head out of your ass bobo....

You act like the liberals on the court were playing politics like the righties are now. Not even close.

The conservative transformation of America’s highest court has led the right-wing drive to erase voting rights protections and remedies for racial injustices, to forbid federal judges from reviewing extreme gerrymanders, and to lift campaign finance regulations.

The Court was already split along political and ideological lines before Trump. And its makeup already had been heavily influenced by the conservative agenda led by the Federalist Society, founded in the early 1980s. But the Trump presidency and the forceful influence of his three Supreme Court appointees propelled the judiciary into a new period of polarization. It is worth noting, for comparison, that Trump appointed three justices in four years, while the three prior Democratic presidents (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama) appointed only a combined total of four justices in their total twenty years in office.18

Side note. I truly believe Trump thought the Supreme Court was going to help him steal the election. And I believe they will just like they did 2000 but it has to be closer than Trump lost. If they would have helped him it would have been obvious.

The Trump effect, especially in terms of the individuals chosen and the resulting shift in the balance of power, has been incomparable.

Not to mention Citizens United.

If you aren't on my side on this, I give up on you.
Wrong. Even the NY Times admitted Bush would have won the recount if the Supreme Court had not intervened. Do your research. You also might ask yourself this...If Gore had won his home state of Tennessee then Florida wouldn't have mattered. Pack it in on this topic.
I know can you believe he lost his home state? I don't. I don't have any evidence but if they could steal FL and OH why not TN too?
yea it would be so much better with a real liberal court....take your head out of your ass bobo....
Like I said, if you don't see the difference and side with liberals when it comes to the way the court leans, then I give up on you.

At least you don't vote Republican. It's like you don't even vote. Good enough for me.
Gore never said the election was stolen. Gore conceded. You're beating a dead horse.
You are right. He said nothing.

Go to 40 seconds in the Senator for IL objects to what happened in 2000. Al Gore says, well, nothing. Go to 1 minute where Gore tells the guy to stop. He thanks the guy from IL for objecting, but, "hey, on the basis previously stated, the objection is not in order, GW Bush is the president."

He basically agreed with the guy, thanked him for trying but said, "nothing we can do about it now" Bush is the President.

Gore got FUCKED!! And you idiots don't even know it. That's how brainwashed Fox has you. Clueless.
I know can you believe he lost his home state? I don't. I don't have any evidence but if they could steal FL and OH why not TN too?
Yes, he lost his his home state. If he won Tennessee, Florida wouldn't have mattered.
You are right. He said nothing.

Go to 40 seconds in the Senator for IL objects to what happened in 2000. Al Gore says, well, nothing. Go to 1 minute where Gore tells the guy to stop. He thanks the guy from IL for objecting, but, "hey, on the basis previously stated, the objection is not in order, GW Bush is the president."

He basically agreed with the guy, thanked him for trying but said, "nothing we can do about it now" Bush is the President.

Gore got FUCKED!! And you idiots don't even know it. That's how brainwashed Fox has you. Clueless.

Gore agreed Bush won. You really should move on.
They're fucking up big time if they stick with Biden.

They consider nominating a candidate who doesn't suck. Is it really so hard?
Biden rules. He told you he could work with the other side and that's all that he has done for 3 years now. The most recent was the Debt Ceiling. He was able to negotiate with those terrorists. McCarthy doesn't seem like such a bad guy. Still don't like him.
They're fucking up big time if they stick with Biden.

They consider nominating a candidate who doesn't suck. Is it really so hard?
The Democrat Party doesn't have any candidates that don't suck. That is why they steal elections.
You fucking moron!

Only an idiot would say something as stupid as that.

This may qualified as the most idotic comment made by a USMB poster in the month of June.
I agree.
That is undoubtedly the most idiotic statement on any message board since 2009

Aren't you embarrassed

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