Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Trump is tweeting to warn his comrades that the Feds have them on tape . He's putting our nat security at risk.
The alt right facists want to jail people based on a tweet: good little nazis.
Only total fools believe ANYTHING out of the mouth of Trump the pathological liar.

Sorry but it is JUST THE FACTS!!! too bad you can't understand how deeply the o-shit-ma rape of America is. They are far beyond the Orwellian theme and into complete control of everything. The only relief is total removal of anyone that ever worked for or with the o-shit-ma team. He is much more dangerous to America that all of our other enemies put together.

What FACTS ?

What wiretaps?

How many wiretaps? What rooms?

Placed there by who? When? How do you know ???

Only total fools believe ANYTHING out of the mouth of Trump the pathological liar.
The alt right facists want to jail people based on a tweet: good little nazis.
There it is....

And the trumpers continue to devour alt facts and fake news. A tweet? Really??
The Democrats are scumbags. The Wikileaks revelations showed us all how they are scumbags. Wiretapping and dirty tricks are what they always do.

Trump and Kellyanne are not pussies and will hold the Democrats accountable.
how will CNN report this? will they use the most common catch phrase of the last 9 years? "The latest Obama Scandal",,when bringing up this story?
How ironic that we have Obama acting like Stalin in an effort to accuse Trump of talking to the Russians
And the trumpers continue to devour alt facts and fake news. A tweet? Really??

America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You'll believe pretty much anything, won't you?

Thought experiment for lefties like the two above:

If Obama accused W of doing this when he first stained the White House, what would the DNC media be telling you?
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Offer some evidence of this wiretapping, evidence other than a Tweet from our petulant PotUS, then we might be able to have a discussion. Until then...

So much for my argument that Obama should respect the long tradition of former Presidents not criticizing sitting Presidents.

All bets are off now.

If Trump doesn't produce some solid evidence soon, Obama may be justified in suing.
Offer some evidence of this wiretapping, evidence other than a Tweet from our petulant PotUS, then we might be able to have a discussion. Until then...
Your fear....refreshing.....

Oh, I get it! You're assuming I'm a Democrat/Liberal! Proving once more what a complete and utter dolt you are...

Run along now...
I'm not assuming....child.....:lol:

Oh but you are. I may not be among the Trump ball licking, boot shining, ass kissing sycophants like you, but I am no lib.
a tweet? really???

Trump finally has to produce evidence for his rants.
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