Will evangelicals choose Giuliani over faith?


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
By Roland S. Martin
CNN Contributor

(CNN) -- "I will never vote for anyone for the president of the United States who supports abortion or gay marriage."

Roland S. Martin: There's a possibility the GOP presidential nominee may back gay and abortion rights.

Those were the words spoken to me three years ago by a prominent pastor in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who has led a number of rallies on those two issues.

But the Rev. Pat Robertson's endorsement of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani puts front and center the day conservative evangelicals have said we would never see: a possible Republican presidential nominee who has been supportive of gays and abortion rights.

more ...http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/08/roland.martin/index.html

This is one reason why Guiliani will not win the Presidency as a GOP candidate. He will alienate a good portion of conservatives.
While they may not like it...I don't believe for a second that a far-right voter would let Hillary Clinton become President because they were mad that the Republicans nominated a moderate.

The "theory" is that the Christians will just stay home...but if the choice is between one pro-choice candidate who is a Republican who believes in keeping taxes low, strong national defense, tough immigration laws, blah blah blah and one pro-choice candidate who is a Democrat who thinks that we should leave Iraq immediately, that we must raise taxes as soon as possible blah blah blah....I don't think that they will...just my opinion.
Compared to the Democratic candidates...almost any Republican candidate looks tougher on immigration.

Please note, I'm not saying that I would like Giuliani as a candidate - only that I don't feel for a second that the Christian Right is going to "stay away" from the polls - allowing the Democrats to win to "punish" the right for nominating someone less than their ideal.
snowman wrote:
I'd prefer Hillary because EVERYONE and their mother will form an alliance for the sole purpose of resisting her.

So you're saying that you would support a candidate for President simply because everyone else is against him/her? In the world of education we call that Oppositional Defiance Disorder. :)
the seriousness of the Religious Right. If it ain't about wealth and power what the hell is it about?

As a result, the RR is so splintered right now I don't think they are capable of having any significant impact on American politics for years to come.
While they may not like it...I don't believe for a second that a far-right voter would let Hillary Clinton become President because they were mad that the Republicans nominated a moderate.

The "theory" is that the Christians will just stay home...but if the choice is between one pro-choice candidate who is a Republican who believes in keeping taxes low, strong national defense, tough immigration laws, blah blah blah and one pro-choice candidate who is a Democrat who thinks that we should leave Iraq immediately, that we must raise taxes as soon as possible blah blah blah....I don't think that they will...just my opinion.

Nope, once again personal attacks against a candidate that he knows could beat his.

Giuliani just got some major religious endorsements this week, he has no idea what he is talking about.
Nope, once again personal attacks against a candidate that he knows could beat his.

Giuliani just got some major religious endorsements this week, he has no idea what he is talking about.

Did Pat Robertson Just Defend China's One-Child Policy ...Pat Robertson in deep trouble after defending China's one-child policy ... why he supports improved trade relations with China when the country's one-child ...
www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/aprilweb-only/4-16-32.0.html - 53k -

ya a religious leader that supports abortion
Hard core Evangelicals are becoming a small minority, religious people may not like abortion or gay marriage, but they are also supposed to be Christians. And to be a genuine Christian is to practice tolerance, after all they ain't God.

Hilliary will have a hard go regardless of anything she believes because she is a woman. America is technologically advanced but when it comes to women backward. Equal rights didn't even pass in this male dominated theocratic social darwinist country. When she worked on health-care for everyone, something all Christians, all people should support, she was quickly put in her place by the chauvinistic American public.

I will vote for her if she gets the nomination, it is about time we moved out of the 15th century republican universe.
Hillary will have a tough time because she is a pro-war socialist, and neither is a good sell to the american public at this time. If only there was an anti-war, anti-abortion republican candidate...someone who wants to secure the borders, someone who was credible on health care issues, maybe a former doctor or something...
Hillary will have a tough time because she is a pro-war socialist, and neither is a good sell to the american public at this time. If only there was an anti-war, anti-abortion republican candidate...someone who wants to secure the borders, someone who was credible on health care issues, maybe a former doctor or something...

:hellno: :hellno: :hellno: :hellno: :hellno: :hellno: :hellno: :hellno:
RTT News reported 1 October 2007:
Christian conservatives, concerned that pro-choice Rudy Giuliani may become the Republican presidential nominee, have signaled that they may support a third-party candidate who is more in line with their views. Members of the Council for National Policy, a secretive conservative group, met recently in Salt Lake City to discuss the possibility. The group, which includes such conservative powerhouses as James Dobson of Focus on the Family and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, is considering a resolution that says, “If the Republican Party nominates a pro-abortion candidate we will consider running a third-party candidate,” participants told the New York Times.

I don't know why the evangelicals don't start their own evangelical party, and run one of their high profile televangelists as president of the united states.

"I'll be glad when the Rapture comes, then we can have the world to ourselves again."

Hillary will have a tough time because she is a pro-war socialist, and neither is a good sell to the american public at this time. If only there was an anti-war, anti-abortion republican candidate...someone who wants to secure the borders, someone who was credible on health care issues, maybe a former doctor or something...

Please, Clinton is not a socialist. She's just another capitalist.
Hillary will have a tough time because she is a pro-war socialist, and neither is a good sell to the american public at this time. If only there was an anti-war, anti-abortion republican candidate...someone who wants to secure the borders, someone who was credible on health care issues, maybe a former doctor or something...

I'm going to have to go with Diuretic here. Clinton's not a libertarian by any means, but she's no socialist.
While they may not like it...I don't believe for a second that a far-right voter would let Hillary Clinton become President because they were mad that the Republicans nominated a moderate.

The "theory" is that the Christians will just stay home...but if the choice is between one pro-choice candidate who is a Republican who believes in keeping taxes low, strong national defense, tough immigration laws, blah blah blah and one pro-choice candidate who is a Democrat who thinks that we should leave Iraq immediately, that we must raise taxes as soon as possible blah blah blah....I don't think that they will...just my opinion.

One would think. Then again, look at the 2006 midterms. Republicans/conservatives stayed home and allowed two nutcases to take control of the House and Senate.
RTT News reported 1 October 2007:

I don't know why the evangelicals don't start their own evangelical party, and run one of their high profile televangelists as president of the united states.

"I'll be glad when the Rapture comes, then we can have the world to ourselves again."


hehe.. benny hin for president!

This video is pretty much why Mitt alienates the rest of the christians. He'd be the 08 wonderboy if he were southern baptist instead of mormon.


for the record, the two kids in the video didn't deserve to be treated like assholes by the christian; they are just doing their mission. It's this kind of inter-dogma antagonizing that makes me glad that this is a secular society and that we don't have a president from a Christian Party.
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
By Doris Kearns Goodwin

Please read this book or at least see the reviews. Lincoln was never a front runner until the convention. If you will look at the rivals in the Democratic field, you will be looking at the next administration.

For any one who is not taken in by the comedy of the Republican field as seriouof s will plainly see that there is not any hope of any Republican candidate breaking out of the 30% barrier in the Democratic landslide. That bolt is shot. Hillary would have to eat a live baby live on line to lose 10% of her vote. She is going bring in all her rivals and flush out both houses of congress. I can say this because my first political job was to pass out either a half pint of whiskey or three dollars at my dad's signal from the door way of the polling place. A thumb to the lips indicated a bottle. Three fingers meant $3.00. I was 10.

George Bush has done nothing to mend the sails of the party, nor has he been invited to help trim what sails the party could put up. One does not have to worry about the Republicans turning out to vote. They will be there. It is the swing voters and the independents who will abandon this crop of Republicans. There have been two squeakers of elections that were turned to the Republicans by guile, fraud and the use of political manipulation on the likes of Evangelicals, Pentecostals and traditionalist Catholics. The underpinnings of those here-to-fore sure thing religious voters fronted by the princling entertainevangalist will not turn out for this bunch for a while. I have good contact with those in the pew. They are not happy with the presence of male whores in the White House. These folks are not dense. They gave over to their so called leadership and were rudely dismissed when it came to the initiation of moral administration in the Oval Office. No amount of whining and petulant displays by the herd bosses is going to get that vote. Those who know little of the early history of the "Jesus People" and the Christ Cults" do not understand that real morality looks socialist because the early church was a thinly spread co-op that served those in distress or need. It was the hijacking of the moral high ground of the early church by the Roman State church for the Empire that turned a teaching of simple human morality into a tool of manipulation and dominionism that has practiced criminality in the name of God since the days of Constantine and his myth happy mother, Helena. Raise your hand if you have heard any of this.

It does "Take a Village" not a gated subdivision. We are seeing the results of the abandonment of their fellow humans by a well leveraged elite in pursuit of profit, profit, and good Tee-times.

There is a sucker born every minute. There are at least two thinking people born in that same minute. That gives about 30 to 35% to eventually register Republican and about 65% to 70% to swing, register as independents, or Democrat. I just didn't pull this out of my nether regions. Dewey was a sure thing!? Eisenhower's juice faded from his first election to the next. The last remotely decent Republican to occupy the White House was Ford. His error was to give brood care to Cheney and Rumsfeld. They were pretty good guys. "They are just a little over eager. They will learn the ropes and fit in."

Dig deeper! Read more. Shut of the TV and throw away your paper unless it is the St. Petersburg, FL Times. Question everything!


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