Will democrats remain delusional.

they hate the rich white man in the WHITE house
Rev Wright taught the Obamas/etc to hate whites
Rich white men fit the mold
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
.....yes, they lost their minds when Trump was elected---a ''conservative'' white man ---
...they did not like the legal/fair/American election
Are you really going to judge aPresident Obama by the company he keeps? Is that he road you really want to go down?
it's the same thing people do to Trump
if anyone is racist, it's Obama--not Trump--because Obama went to Wright for YEARS
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
A great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs all across the country will aid Trump.

Its the economy stupid.

It is the economy. It's the economy of the 80% of Americans who don't own stock, and who haven't had a real raise in pay since Reagan was in power. Reagan promised them a raise when they got rid of the unions. The unions are gone but still no raise. Even St. Ronnie admitted that "trickle down" doesn't work, but Republicans keep on doing it.

Trump's 3rd time will NOT be the charm. The economy works on supply and DEMAND. Without both, there is no balance. Republicans have been pandering to the supply side to the detriment of the demand side of the equation. I guess they figured that once the American markets had been bled white, they was still Asia and Europe, but damn, that's not working either.

The world's elite have found a way to siphon off most of the wealth being created by automation and increased productivity and have written the workers right out of the equation. In socialist democracies, that wholesale exploitation of the workers by the elites is prevented by a balanced tax structure which uses social spending to balance opportunities for as many of its citizens as possible.

Such programs produce a better educated work force, with more opportunities for workers to reach their most productive potential, and where huge segments of society are ignored or treated as lazy or useless because of systemic poverty, and a system where the more money you have, the more likely your children are to have a good education and a chance to advance themselves and achieve their goals. If you are poor, your children's chances of escaping poverty are less than 5%. Those kids have to be exceptional, and to have their gifts recognized and nurtured by someone with the ability to advocate on their behalf, be it a parent, a teacher, a family member - someone who can navigate the systems and get them the resources they need to suceed in an economy where computer literacy and communication skills, and access to the internet are essential to being in the top tier of workers.

Nice load of drivel you posted.

The economy is doing great and anyone who wants to work has a job.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to moan, complain and post your drivel.

You can pound sand and go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
They seem delusional to me.
From the day trump was elected they have been crying about this and that.
Like babys who dont like the baby food.
They come up with one delusional hope after the other .
Hillary got screwed comey comey russia russia mueller mueller barr barr and on and on .
They will never be happy.
The economy is doing great trumps tarriff plans are working hes rebuilding the military tax cuts sre working lower unemployment lower ammounts of people on food stamps and welfare instead of the ammount growing .
Foreign policy working.
Isis destroyed and so much more yet democrsts are still crying like delusional wild retards on the run.View attachment 258777
Democrats act like escapees from a lunatic asylum.
Warren: “I’m an Indian princess.”
Booker: “I’m Spartacus.”
Lee: “My parents were slaves.”
Cortez: “I’m a socialist fashion model.”
Blumenthal: “I was a POW in Vietnam and they shot me full of formaldehyde so I would forever look like a corpse.”
The economy is so good, except not really.

The No. 1 reason you’re still broke even if you received a pay raise last year

In fact, when adjusted for cost of living increases, real wages actually declined 1.3% since the end of 2017, PayScale said in a report this month.
Sorry moron but wages are going up and you also got that boost from tax cuts stocks are doing gteat more jobs means more competition for labor means you have to pay more but your anti american

Wage increases are worthless, if cost of living is going up even more.

You're a true dope.
The economy is so good, except not really.

The No. 1 reason you’re still broke even if you received a pay raise last year

In fact, when adjusted for cost of living increases, real wages actually declined 1.3% since the end of 2017, PayScale said in a report this month.
Sorry moron but wages are going up and you also got that boost from tax cuts stocks are doing gteat more jobs means more competition for labor means you have to pay more but your anti american

Wage increases are worthless, if cost of living is going up even more.

You're a true dope.
god your a dumb pollock wages are doing great 48 percent of companys have have to increase wages and will contuine. Many are also offering better benifit packages to attrack employres this is not included in wage increases . also we have millions of new jobs you dumb ass.
I hsve just picked up a new contract for a high rise building ill be paying more to my employees and have 8ncreased my payroll buy 7 to 10 people to start.look at all the people no longrr on welfare or food stamps but working you dumb pollock
Domestic growth at 3.2 percent and next quarter will be better.
You have no clue how it works you dumb pollock

You're really dumb & obnoxious.

Obviously making more doesn't matter with higher costs of living.
hes rebuilding the military]

Because the USA spending about half the entire World's military budget, somehow makes sense.
Well well its the dump pollock again.

Yes we spend a lot mainly because we protect so many other nations from terriost pirates and agression from communist nations.
Only communist and terriost dont want us to do it and Im not sure which one your pin head falls into.

You see our military and economy make us the most powerful nation in the world and people like you dont like that do you suka

Oh please, Russia, and China combined don't even have half the military budget of the US.

Are we trying to protect ourselves, or take over the World at this point?

Communism would actually be better for Multicultural issues.
Moscow was like 99% White under Communism, not a heck of a lot more rich today, but Moscow is like 30% Muslim migrants.

Capitalism requires cheap labor foreigners, to fulfill the mania of the Capitalist elites.

Not that I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, but you dumb dope dupes, are barking up the wrong tree praising Capitalism left, and right.
hes rebuilding the military]

Because the USA spending about half the entire World's military budget, somehow makes sense.
Well well its the dump pollock again.

Yes we spend a lot mainly because we protect so many other nations from terriost pirates and agression from communist nations.
Only communist and terriost dont want us to do it and Im not sure which one your pin head falls into.

You see our military and economy make us the most powerful nation in the world and people like you dont like that do you suka

Oh please, Russia, and China combined don't even have half the military budget of the US.

Are we trying to protect ourselves, or take over the World at this point?

Communism would actually be better for Multicultural issues.
Moscow was like 99% White under Communism, not a heck of a lot more rich today, but Moscow is like 30% Muslim migrants.

Capitalism requires cheap labor foreigners, to fulfill the mania of the Capitalist elites.

Not that I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, but you dumb dope dupes, are barking up the wrong tree praising Capitalism left, and right.
Tell you what pollock what do you think would happen if the usa pulled all its troops back home stopped funding nato and told rissia and china to do as they pleased we wlare only defending American soil.

Poland would soon have russian troops dancing on thier dead bodys iran would go wild and the euro trash would be looking at russia tanks in many of thier capitols you dumb bastard.

Thats why we have 11 heavy aircraft carriers and 8 light carriers so we can project our power anywhere in the world.

Your a idiot if you have a problem with that now trump is asking nations to pay more for thier protection and pay us .

Perhaps in ww2 if we had not entered the war you would of ended up in Treblinka or being a slave for russia.
Think about all that moron you fascist dumb ass .View attachment 258961

I'm not so sure America's more favorable for global dominance as opposed to Russia.

Russia is actually more Conservative.
they hate the rich white man in the WHITE house
Rev Wright taught the Obamas/etc to hate whites
Rich white men fit the mold
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
.....yes, they lost their minds when Trump was elected---a ''conservative'' white man ---
...they did not like the legal/fair/American election
Are you really going to judge aPresident Obama by the company he keeps? Is that he road you really want to go down?
it's the same thing people do to Trump
if anyone is racist, it's Obama--not Trump--because Obama went to Wright for YEARS
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
they hate the rich white man in the WHITE house
Rev Wright taught the Obamas/etc to hate whites
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
.....yes, they lost their minds when Trump was elected---a ''conservative'' white man ---
...they did not like the legal/fair/American election
Are you really going to judge aPresident Obama by the company he keeps? Is that he road you really want to go down?
it's the same thing people do to Trump
s--if anyone is racist, it's Obama--not Trump--because Obama went to Wright for YEARS
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
Are you really going to judge aPresident Obama by the company he keeps? Is that he road you really want to go down?
it's the same thing people do to Trump
s--if anyone is racist, it's Obama--not Trump--because Obama went to Wright for YEARS
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
The first amendment applies to all citizens.
it's the same thing people do to Trump
s--if anyone is racist, it's Obama--not Trump--because Obama went to Wright for YEARS
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
The first amendment applies to all citizens.
so the KKK is ok when they preach hate?
.....BUT all the libs/blacks/etc freaked out when Unite the Right wanted to do a peaceful protest ???!!
you are wrong--whites can't even say the word ''fried chicken'''
Fuzzy Zoeller: My Tiger Woods comment was joke gone awry
A great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs all across the country will aid Trump.

Its the economy stupid.

It’s Obama’s economy and like everything else trump is taking credit for it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So two and half years later it is still Obama's economy and when it tanks, you will blame Trump? Was it Bush's economy in 2001 when we went into a recession a month after he came into office or was that Clinton? At what point does it become the next President's economy? Personally, I don't think the President controls the economy much if at all.
That doesn't portend well for the rest of the country.

Or, maybe it's a good thing. Change seldom happens when the status quo is comfortable. Maybe a few crazies in charge is what it will take to convince regular people that we don't really need those who claim to be our leaders.

The idea that intelligent people need to be led is archaic.
What's the difference? Rev. Jerimiah Wright is not serving time in federal prison.
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
The first amendment applies to all citizens.
so the KKK is ok when they preach hate?
.....BUT all the libs/blacks/etc freaked out when Unite the Right wanted to do a peaceful protest ???!!
you are wrong--whites can't even say the word ''fried chicken'''
Fuzzy Zoeller: My Tiger Woods comment was joke gone awry
First, your heroes in the klan were indicted as a terrorist group not for ‘preaching hate’

Second, Fuzzy was not prosecuted by the government but by the Augusta National Golf Club not the government
hes rebuilding the military]

Because the USA spending about half the entire World's military budget, somehow makes sense.
Well well its the dump pollock again.

Yes we spend a lot mainly because we protect so many other nations from terriost pirates and agression from communist nations.
Only communist and terriost dont want us to do it and Im not sure which one your pin head falls into.

You see our military and economy make us the most powerful nation in the world and people like you dont like that do you suka

Oh please, Russia, and China combined don't even have half the military budget of the US.

Are we trying to protect ourselves, or take over the World at this point?

Communism would actually be better for Multicultural issues.
Moscow was like 99% White under Communism, not a heck of a lot more rich today, but Moscow is like 30% Muslim migrants.

Capitalism requires cheap labor foreigners, to fulfill the mania of the Capitalist elites.

Not that I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, but you dumb dope dupes, are barking up the wrong tree praising Capitalism left, and right.
hes rebuilding the military]

Because the USA spending about half the entire World's military budget, somehow makes sense.
Well well its the dump pollock again.

Yes we spend a lot mainly because we protect so many other nations from terriost pirates and agression from communist nations.
Only communist and terriost dont want us to do it and Im not sure which one your pin head falls into.

You see our military and economy make us the most powerful nation in the world and people like you dont like that do you suka

Oh please, Russia, and China combined don't even have half the military budget of the US.

Are we trying to protect ourselves, or take over the World at this point?

Communism would actually be better for Multicultural issues.
Moscow was like 99% White under Communism, not a heck of a lot more rich today, but Moscow is like 30% Muslim migrants.

Capitalism requires cheap labor foreigners, to fulfill the mania of the Capitalist elites.

Not that I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, but you dumb dope dupes, are barking up the wrong tree praising Capitalism left, and right.
Tell you what pollock what do you think would happen if the usa pulled all its troops back home stopped funding nato and told rissia and china to do as they pleased we wlare only defending American soil.

Poland would soon have russian troops dancing on thier dead bodys iran would go wild and the euro trash would be looking at russia tanks in many of thier capitols you dumb bastard.

Thats why we have 11 heavy aircraft carriers and 8 light carriers so we can project our power anywhere in the world.

Your a idiot if you have a problem with that now trump is asking nations to pay more for thier protection and pay us .

Perhaps in ww2 if we had not entered the war you would of ended up in Treblinka or being a slave for russia.
Think about all that moron you fascist dumb ass .View attachment 258961

I'm not so sure America's more favorable for global dominance as opposed to Russia.

Russia is actually more Conservative.

Then I hope we stop protecting your nation and the russians invade and take over enjoy
It’s a sad state of affairs. I would not have believed it possible. It’s a sobering situation to find this many adults, politicians, media so very unable to accept the outcome of an election AND seek to sweep out the duly elected President
preaching hate is ok?
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
The first amendment applies to all citizens.
so the KKK is ok when they preach hate?
.....BUT all the libs/blacks/etc freaked out when Unite the Right wanted to do a peaceful protest ???!!
you are wrong--whites can't even say the word ''fried chicken'''
Fuzzy Zoeller: My Tiger Woods comment was joke gone awry
First, your heroes in the klan were indicted as a terrorist group not for ‘preaching hate’

Second, Fuzzy was not prosecuted by the government but by the Augusta National Golf Club not the government

.....so you are ok with KKK--YES OR NO?that is the question..this is the final time I will ask you
--wrong ---he was punished by his sponsors for free speech
there is not unlimited free speech and the 2nd Amendment cannot protect you
!!!???? you fked up now
many people are fired for free speech !!!!!
Roseanne Barr fired for free speech
Lawsuit over firing of Florida public employee over social media post allowed to continue
Company fires employee after racially charged post targeting FSU coach Willie Taggart
etc etc

but we see NUMEROUS blacks saying racist/hateful things but they are not fired
here's one just TODAY!!!
Alabama Rep John Rogers defends abortion comments and says Donald Trump Jr should have been aborted | Daily Mail Online
Check your FIRST Amendment.
yes--we know--blacks can be racists/haters--but not whites
The first amendment applies to all citizens.
so the KKK is ok when they preach hate?
.....BUT all the libs/blacks/etc freaked out when Unite the Right wanted to do a peaceful protest ???!!
you are wrong--whites can't even say the word ''fried chicken'''
Fuzzy Zoeller: My Tiger Woods comment was joke gone awry
First, your heroes in the klan were indicted as a terrorist group not for ‘preaching hate’

Second, Fuzzy was not prosecuted by the government but by the Augusta National Golf Club not the government

.....so you are ok with KKK--YES OR NO?that is the question..this is the final time I will ask you
--wrong ---he was punished by his sponsors for free speech
there is not unlimited free speech and the 2nd Amendment cannot protect you
!!!???? you fked up now
many people are fired for free speech !!!!!
Roseanne Barr fired for free speech
Lawsuit over firing of Florida public employee over social media post allowed to continue
Company fires employee after racially charged post targeting FSU coach Willie Taggart
etc etc

but we see NUMEROUS blacks saying racist/hateful things but they are not fired
here's one just TODAY!!!
Alabama Rep John Rogers defends abortion comments and says Donald Trump Jr should have been aborted | Daily Mail Online
Free speech. Yep lots of people have been fired for it.
And many in goverment have said some terrible things and nothing happened.
Free speech has limitations a lot of ways

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