Will Conservatives 'resist' or will they roll over and let Libs trample all over them like usual?

No, looting and rioting is not something real men do. I think most lefties would agree with that. What complicates the issue is what made them want to riot in the first place. This isn’t to say their behavior is at all justified, but it’s easy to identify with their anger. Unfortunately for them, they need to be punished either way.

So, you of course identify completely with the anger of someone who torches an abortion clinic. . . even as you ("UNFORTUNATELY") think they need to be punished for it, too.

No one involved with the Floyd rioting is trying to dictate what other people do with their own bodies.
No, looting and rioting is not something real men do. I think most lefties would agree with that. What complicates the issue is what made them want to riot in the first place. This isn’t to say their behavior is at all justified, but it’s easy to identify with their anger. Unfortunately for them, they need to be punished either way.

So, you of course identify completely with the anger of someone who torches an abortion clinic. . . even as you ("UNFORTUNATELY") think they need to be punished for it, too.

No one involved with the Floyd rioting is trying to dictate what other people do with their own bodies.

No-one has the right to violate the rights of a child with "their body."
Poor white nationalist just wants this country an this world to be ruled by white men, when will you learn that the Most High God never intended this country nor this world to be ruled by you and your narcissistic type?
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

How exactly do you "resist" losing by six million votes? New math?
We aren’t concerned about 6 million “votes” from CA and NY.

Even with all the Dem cheating the margin in battle ground states was razor thin.
306 electoral votes is a landslide, your leader said it
No, looting and rioting is not something real men do. I think most lefties would agree with that. What complicates the issue is what made them want to riot in the first place. This isn’t to say their behavior is at all justified, but it’s easy to identify with their anger. Unfortunately for them, they need to be punished either way.

So, you of course identify completely with the anger of someone who torches an abortion clinic. . . even as you ("UNFORTUNATELY") think they need to be punished for it, too.

No one involved with the Floyd rioting is trying to dictate what other people do with their own bodies.

No-one has the right to violate the rights of a child with "their body."
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.

I am not pro-life any more than I am ANTI-life.

I am Pro-Constitution.

And the Constitution says that "all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws." Doesn't it?

That is pretty fucking INCLUSIVE.

It is INARGUABLE that it would INCLUDE each and every HUMAN BEING, regardless of ANY age, sex, creed, color or STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

Wouldn't it.
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.

I am not pro-life any more than I am ANTI-life.

I am Pro-Constitution.

And the Constitution says that "all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws." Doesn't it?

That is pretty fucking INCLUSIVE.

It is INARGUABLE that it would INCLUDE each and every HUMAN BEING, regardless of ANY age, sex, creed, color or STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

Wouldn't it.
Okay well you didn’t answer the question lol
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.

I am not pro-life any more than I am ANTI-life.

I am Pro-Constitution.

And the Constitution says that "all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws." Doesn't it?

That is pretty fucking INCLUSIVE.

It is INARGUABLE that it would INCLUDE each and every HUMAN BEING, regardless of ANY age, sex, creed, color or STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

Wouldn't it.

A clump of cells isn't a human being.

We've been through this. You make up an imaginary 'scientific definition of life'. It doesn't hold up to scrutity . And then you start insulting people.

Is there anything new?
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.

I am not pro-life any more than I am ANTI-life.

I am Pro-Constitution.

And the Constitution says that "all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws." Doesn't it?

That is pretty fucking INCLUSIVE.

It is INARGUABLE that it would INCLUDE each and every HUMAN BEING, regardless of ANY age, sex, creed, color or STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

Wouldn't it.
Okay well you didn’t answer the question lol

I most certainly did answer your question.

The Constitution COMMANDS that "All persons are entitled to the Equal Protections of our laws" and that is ALL I fucking seek.

That you are so blinded by your bias that you can not afford to recognize the fact that your question was answered is of NO concern to me.
Let me ask you this. When a woman immediately becomes pregnant, is she expected to carry to full term no matter what? I get that women have late term abortions. I’m just interested to know how wild your pro life mentality is.

I am not pro-life any more than I am ANTI-life.

I am Pro-Constitution.

And the Constitution says that "all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws." Doesn't it?

That is pretty fucking INCLUSIVE.

It is INARGUABLE that it would INCLUDE each and every HUMAN BEING, regardless of ANY age, sex, creed, color or STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

Wouldn't it.
My bad you did. I misread that. Okay so are you a man? Do you see how insane it is to tell a woman that immediately after becoming pregnant regardless of whether or not it was consensual or her state of health that she must carry that to term? Talk about fascist man. Where do you get off?
A clump of cells isn't a human being.

We've been through this. You make up an imaginary 'scientific definition of life'. It doesn't hold up to scrutity . And then you start insulting people.

Is there anything new?

Biology Fail.

Furthermore, even our (for now inadequate) fetal HOMICIDE laws already recognize the biological FACT that a child is a "child / Human Being in ANY stage of development."
My bad you did. I misread that. Okay so are you a man? Do you see how insane it is to tell a woman that immediately after becoming pregnant regardless of whether or not it was consensual or her state of health that she must carry that to term? Talk about fascist man. Where do you get off?

I'm Married to and friends and family with COUNTLESS numbers of WOMEN who also oppose Abortions.

But I digress.

It's not about the messenger.

The Constitution / First Amendment does not limit men to talk only about "men's issues" or Women to only talk about women's issues either.

So, where the fuck do YOU get off, trying to limit MY free speech?

And, since when do REAL FUCKING MEN, not have a right to speak in defense of their own children's Constitutional RIGHT to the EQUAL fucking protections of our laws?
A clump of cells isn't a human being.

We've been through this. You make up an imaginary 'scientific definition of life'. It doesn't hold up to scrutity . And then you start insulting people.

Is there anything new?

Biology Fail.

Furthermore, even our (for now inadequate) fetal HOMICIDE laws already recognize the biological FACT that a child is a "child / Human Being in ANY stage of development."

We've been through this. You're not citing biology. You're citing yourself, making up whatever pseudo-scientific gibberish you think fits your beliefs. None of which is actually supported by science. When we use actual standards of biology and apply your absurd standards, you take human life every time you take a blood sample or get a biopsy.

Show me where in the constitution it says that any clump of cells is a human being.

Because you're not citing the constitution either. You're citing yourself.

Notice the pattern yet?
We've been through this. You're not citing biology. You're citing yourself, making up whatever pseudo-scientific gibberish you think fits your beliefs. None of which is actually supported by science. When we use actual standards of biology and apply your absurd standards, you take human life every time you take a blood sample or get a biopsy.

Show me where in the constitution it says that any clump of cells is a human being.

Because you're not citing the constitution either. You're citing yourself.

Notice the pattern yet?

You are a fucking liar and a fucktarded dumbass.

If you seriously want to debate the biological FACTS, challenge me in the Bull Ring, one on one.
We've been through this. You're not citing biology. You're citing yourself, making up whatever pseudo-scientific gibberish you think fits your beliefs. None of which is actually supported by science. When we use actual standards of biology and apply your absurd standards, you take human life every time you take a blood sample or get a biopsy.

Show me where in the constitution it says that any clump of cells is a human being.

Because you're not citing the constitution either. You're citing yourself.

Notice the pattern yet?

You are a fucking liar and a fucktarded dumbass.

If you seriously want to debate the biological FACTS, challenge me in the Bull Ring, one on one.

Nope. I've just chatted with you before. And you don't state 'biological facts'. You make up pseudo-scientific gibberish, citing yourself, and then call it 'facts'. That's not how science works.

Just like you imagined the constitution defining a human being as a clump of cells. The constitution doesn't say that either.

And you, making shit up isn't the constitution anymore than it is 'science'.

You've been weighed and measured, Chuz. You've got jack shit.
My bad you did. I misread that. Okay so are you a man? Do you see how insane it is to tell a woman that immediately after becoming pregnant regardless of whether or not it was consensual or her state of health that she must carry that to term? Talk about fascist man. Where do you get off?

I'm Married to and friends and family with COUNTLESS numbers of WOMEN who also oppose Abortions.

But I digress.

It's not about the messenger.

The Constitution / First Amendment does not limit men to talk only about "men's issues" or Women to only talk about women's issues either.

So, where the fuck do YOU get off, trying to limit MY free speech?

And, since when do REAL FUCKING MEN, not have a right to speak in defense of their own children's Constitutional RIGHT to the EQUAL fucking protections of our laws?
Well see the difference is rather stark. I’m not proposing a law to silence your free speech. I’m not even trying to tell you not to say what you said. I’m just pointing out that you come across ridiculous. You on the other hand want to control what women do with their bodies.

You talk a lot about the constitution yet we are talking about a right that has been established and challenged many times since the 70’s lol
My bad you did. I misread that. Okay so are you a man? Do you see how insane it is to tell a woman that immediately after becoming pregnant regardless of whether or not it was consensual or her state of health that she must carry that to term? Talk about fascist man. Where do you get off?

I'm Married to and friends and family with COUNTLESS numbers of WOMEN who also oppose Abortions.

But I digress.

It's not about the messenger.

The Constitution / First Amendment does not limit men to talk only about "men's issues" or Women to only talk about women's issues either.

So, where the fuck do YOU get off, trying to limit MY free speech?

And, since when do REAL FUCKING MEN, not have a right to speak in defense of their own children's Constitutional RIGHT to the EQUAL fucking protections of our laws?
Well see the difference is rather stark. I’m not proposing a law to silence your free speech. I’m not even trying to tell you not to say what you said. I’m just pointing out that you come across ridiculous. You on the other hand want to control what women do with their bodies.

You talk a lot about the constitution yet we are talking about a right that has been established and challenged many times since the 70’s lol

It's clear that NEITHER of you are actually interested in the facts or the Constitution.

So fuck you both.

The GOP made gains in the SCOTUS and in the House Elections.

We will simply have to keep at it until your fucktarded ignorance is defeated politically.
It's clear that NEITHER of you are actually interested in the facts or the Constitution.

So fuck you both.

The GOP made gains in the SCOTUS and in the House Elections.

We will simply have to keep at it until your fucktarded ignorance is defeated politically.

I have an interest in both facts and the constitution. I just don't accept the shit you make up as either.

Nor would any rational person.

Is that it? The same silly song and dance where you pretend your imagination is both 'science' and the 'constitution'?

If so, that was easy.
I'm only glad that I will not likely live to see the worst of it.


The question is, how many (if any) can I take with me when I go.

Not really a question.

More of a thought.
choose life

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