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Clarence Thomas On The Bench Without Scalia Is A Disaster: He Hasn’t Asked A Question In 10 Years
The other justices will have to ask more interrogatories given Thomas has asked one question in 10 years. Will he do the conservative thing and pull-his-own-weight or continue piling-on work on the other Justices given McConnell's (R) vow to obstruct filling the vacancy (as is his job to fill it given there is more than enough time given they haven't done anything since the 2014 elections)
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the epitome of conservative obstructionism. As the court evolved over the years, participation from the justices, specifically in the form of questions for petitioners, became a regular part of the system. Clarence Thomas, however, just sits and listens.
The other justices will have to ask more interrogatories given Thomas has asked one question in 10 years. Will he do the conservative thing and pull-his-own-weight or continue piling-on work on the other Justices given McConnell's (R) vow to obstruct filling the vacancy (as is his job to fill it given there is more than enough time given they haven't done anything since the 2014 elections)