Will Biden/Harris start a new war in the Middle East?

No they won't start a war - And the nuke agreement was working.
PS: Bibi is an asshole.
If the United States were to show weakness by allowing Biden to assume office, this would be seen by the mullahs as an opportunity for Iran to declare outright war on Israel without fear of U.S. retaliation.
What are you talking about? Biden has won the presidency and will assume office. However, it's guaranteed that it will be the most unsuccessful presidency in American history. The misery and poverty will be sure to continue for another 4 years.

And if all goes according to Trump's plan, you can add in a great deal of violence and infighting too.

Wake up time, brought to you from outside your country.
No they won't start a war - And the nuke agreement was working.
PS: Bibi is an asshole.
If the United States were to show weakness by allowing Biden to assume office, this would be seen by the mullahs as an opportunity for Iran to declare outright war on Israel without fear of U.S. retaliation.
/---/ And the US will start sending NK Kim $50 billion a year again to behave.
All bets are off now that NK has nuclear weapons. That will provide China with the breathing space it needs to help the Koreas to reunite under China's control.

The US will have enough on it's plate trying to maintain control over it's own sphere of influence.

Cuba? Venezuela? Already China has favoured nation status in Cuba!
Returning to the Iran Nuclear Agreement and demanding Palestinian approval of any new agreements involving Israel may be feel-good policies in the short term, but they virtually guarantee another war in the Middle East. Does anyone really think that Israel will sit by and allow Iran to gain the means of destroying the Jewish state? Does anyone not realize that the Palestinians are expendable pawns in the game of radical Muslim theocracy, used to inflame the passions of the ignorant masses?

Will you disclaim any responsibility for the resulting conflagration? Do you really believe it won't affect you? Comments?
The apartheid regime has no incentive to strike Iran with nuclear weapons and a lot of incentive to try to maintain the status quo. Iran and it's allies will wage a counterstrike on Israel that makes war prohibitive.
And of course Iran fully understands that if they start a major war they will be quickly wiped out.

Israel's only way forward is in cooperation with America and the slow process of aggression on a small regional scale.
What are you talking about? Biden has won the presidency and will assume office.
Don't give me that shit.
All bets are off now that NK has nuclear weapons.
NK, like China, has heavy industry. Heavy industry is impossible without the nukes. There's a blast furnace or a forge. It's build to contain nuclear blasts. Do you have any idea how much ionizing radiation is emitted by a forge or foundry like that? They mine the slag and residue from molten steel for radioisotopes, for cancer treatment and other industrial applications.
What are you talking about? Biden has won the presidency and will assume office.
Don't give me that shit.
All bets are off now that NK has nuclear weapons.
NK, like China, has heavy industry. Heavy industry is impossible without the nukes. There's a blast furnace or a forge. It's build to contain nuclear blasts. Do you have any idea how much ionizing radiation is emitted by a forge or foundry like that? They mine the slag and residue from molten steel for radioisotopes, for cancer treatment and other industrial applications.
You sound like you have a forge operating in your head.
Where could they start a new war? ... the whole place is on fire right now ... maybe the bottom of the Black Sea? ...

If you think this saber-rattling with an occasional hit in Tehran is "on fire," you ain't seen on fire yet.

Every prez has a war (except Jimmy Carter --- prob. because he only got one term, same as Trump. Sometimes they wait till their second term, so they can get re-elected.). So presumably there will be a war with Biden in office: Iran, North Korea, and China are the most likely prospects. Probably China allied with NK, and NK with Iran.

We won't start it because between the COVID and the complete disunity, American can no longer fight a foreign war. Probably we can't even fight an invasion war: New York City and the entire West Coast would welcome foreign troops as liberators.
Where could they start a new war? ... the whole place is on fire right now ... maybe the bottom of the Black Sea? ...

If you think this saber-rattling with an occasional hit in Tehran is "on fire," you ain't seen on fire yet.

Every prez has a war (except Jimmy Carter --- prob. because he only got one term, same as Trump. Sometimes they wait till their second term, so they can get re-elected.). So presumably there will be a war with Biden in office: Iran, North Korea, and China are the most likely prospects. Probably China allied with NK, and NK with Iran.

We won't start it because between the COVID and the complete disunity, American can no longer fight a foreign war. Probably we can't even fight an invasion war: New York City and the entire West Coast would welcome foreign troops as liberators.
Resigning in failure is understandable and so the exaggeration too.
In any case it appears there won't be anything changing until the election loss by Trump is forgotten. And now it looks like it's going to be the news for the entire Biden 4 year term.

The money is on Biden not moving on Trump with any charges against him. The situation is too destructive of your country already.

Some other solution must be found to silence Trump or the Biden presidency will be a complete failure and the country will suffer huge additional damage.
The money is on Biden not moving on Trump with any charges against him. The situation is too destructive of your country already.

Some other solution must be found to silence Trump or the Biden presidency will be a complete failure and the country will suffer huge additional damage.

"Your" country? This is my country, such as it is --- what is yours?

Silence Trump or Biden will be a complete failure? Huh --------- sounds great to me. Talk on, Trump!
The money is on Biden not moving on Trump with any charges against him. The situation is too destructive of your country already.

Some other solution must be found to silence Trump or the Biden presidency will be a complete failure and the country will suffer huge additional damage.

"Your" country? This is my country, such as it is --- what is yours?

Silence Trump or Biden will be a complete failure? Huh --------- sounds great to me. Talk on, Trump!
My country isn't the US. Sounds good to me too!

Actually, the truth is that it doesn't sound good to you, but you're still too angry to even begin to think of how Trump will be totally intent on bringing down your country during the Biden regime.

The American people are powerless to stop Trump but the damage he'll do will be so extreme that either the government or some government agency may have to stop him. You've got yourselves an empowered psychopath to deal with now.

I'm still hoping that he'll be able to continue unfettered for the entire 4 years! Although it's more likely that the people will just lose interest in him within 2 years or less without the CIA/FBI/etc. needing to move on him.
My country isn't the US. Sounds good to me too!

Actually, the truth is that it doesn't sound good to you, but you're still too angry to even begin to think of how Trump will be totally intent on bringing down your country during the Biden regime.

The American people are powerless to stop Trump but the damage he'll do will be so extreme that either the government or some government agency will move to stop him.

I'm still hoping that he'll be able to continue unfettered for the entire 4 years! Although it's more likely that the people will just lose interest in him within 2 years or less without the CIA/FBI/etc. needing to move on him.

I see --- you are afraid to tell anyone what country you live in. I cannot admire that: I am a U.S. citizen and I live in the state of Maryland. See how easy that is? I hope you are not one of those damned Russkies! They're like mice: you think they're gone, but there's the droppings among the chewed-up bread wrappers yet again. And they always pretend they are from some other country besides Russia.

What doesn't sound good to me? --- now you're a mind-reader?? I know: you're a gypsy mind-reader, from Rumania. Transylvania? No, that's vampires. You aren't a very good mind-reader --- yeah, au contraire, a failed Biden admin. would suit me down to the ground. Though if commie Harris replaces him, I won't like that.

You seem to be covering all 8 bases at once: there are only 4 in baseball. Trump up, Trump down, Biden up, Trump up, Biden down, people forget Trump, black helicopters of the CIA come after Trump --------- Okay, to summarize, I see you wish us ill and therefore are an obvious enemy of the United States, and are too ashamed to say where you come from, probably for excellent reasons. Iran? France? Somewhere awful, I suppose. Sorry, Frenchies, I shouldn't say that: great cooking.
The American people are powerless to stop Trump but the damage he'll do will be so extreme that either the government or some government agency may have to stop him. You've got yourselves an empowered psychopath to deal with now.
Is this some left-wing prognostication from 2016? And that 'some government agency may have to stop him?" I know this may be hard to swallow, but what you believe about the U.S. is irrelevant.
Is this some left-wing prognostication from 2016? And that 'some government agency may have to stop him?" I know this may be hard to swallow, but what you believe about the U.S. is irrelevant.

At least an America-hater from some carefully unrevealed other country is not quite as sad as all the America-haters who live right here. They're the worst.

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