Will atheists become the new deplorables once the "racism" fad dies off?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
The "racism fad" won't fade away until the Right honestly holds the racists on its side accountable, loud and clear.

Until then, the Left will be able to successfully leverage PC and Identity Politics simply by pointing and saying "see?"

Both ends of this issue continue to feed into the agenda of the other by being intellectually dishonest about race.
I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
The new deplorables wear red MAGA hats
The "racism fad" won't fade away until the Right honestly holds the racists on its side accountable, loud and clear.

Until then, the Left will be able to successfully leverage PC and Identity Politics simply by pointing and saying "see?"

Both ends of this issue continue to feed into the agenda of the other by being intellectually dishonest about race.

Oh please. The left thinks MILK is racist FFS. Their "PC leverage" is a fucking joke.
Awesome, Racism as just a passing fad......it's not an ingrained remnant of when the White Race had to dehumanize the race of slaves whom we, or our brothers in the South, were dedicated holding in bondage in perpetuity, it's just a passing fad that Racism.

I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
Are Trumpism and the White Nationalists going somewhere?
It's sad that you think not being a racist is a fad.
Racism will not cease being the go to excuse until there is a victor in the race war to come.
I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".
Thanks for providing that excellent example of a straw man argument.
The "racism fad" won't fade away until the Right honestly holds the racists on its side accountable, loud and clear.

Until then, the Left will be able to successfully leverage PC and Identity Politics simply by pointing and saying "see?"

Both ends of this issue continue to feed into the agenda of the other by being intellectually dishonest about race.

Oh please. The left thinks MILK is racist FFS. Their "PC leverage" is a fucking joke.
And what about the Right?

I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.

"If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology."

1. so because someone doesn't believe in god you WANT to make them the next DEPLORABLES?

2. why do you NEED to hate some group of people?

3. what the fuk is wrong with YOU that you NEED and WANT to hate people?
I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
The new deplorables wear red MAGA hats

I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
The new deplorables wear red MAGA hats

but those are the same OLD deplorables.....

they just have new hats
It's sad that you think not being a racist is a fad.
For most idiots on social media, it is.

Most people aren't as earnestly invested in ending racism as MLK was, who devoted his whole life to it.

Whether "race" is a factor or not, in practice many of them spend most of their time with their own immediate family or social group (e.x. church, etc), not really having a large a conscience or mission statement as MLK or Rosa Parks did.

Most of them just have a simplistic, stereotyped image of a "black person" in their mind, almost in a patronizing "noble savage" kind of way - haven't really invested the time and energy into working with people of black, Hispanic, and other ethnicities. Most of them are morons, whose only knowledge of the world comes from sitcoms and other trends, even when it's in contradiction with reality. The same applies to "women" in many cases, with most of them being lucky to have any actual consensual contact with one that doesn't involve roofies.

This is one of the reason that while thankfully the "white supremacists" are not popular, the so-called "SJW" crowd has more or less become the new deporables, and the laughing stock of the media, social media included.

If anything, the worst of the "Trump supporters" were probably of the SJW crowd, and just bandwagoned over to the "other team" when it was convient, given their comical gripes and behavior - instead of claiming that Disney's "Snow White" was part of some "white supremacist racist sexist mysognist homophobic Koch Brothers conspiracy theory", they'll just be claiming that a John Wayne film about "WWII" is "anti white male propaganda" for showing Nazis being killed, or it will be overweight, white men, instead of overweight white women taking the "Andrea Dworkin" or "Valerie Solanas" position about all "heterosexual sex" being rape, or something, manbabies and womanbabies alike.

Both are the same variety of dreck, and both deserve each other, like a match made in Hades.
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I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

And no educated or savvy person believes that the average idiot is or has ever been as sincerely vested in ending racism as someone such as Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. The "social justice" fad is more or less the laughing stock of social media now, with little to no presence on social media outside of fringe, clandestine websites.

I believe the racist agenda as a popular fad for media voyeurs began after WWII and the Nazi atrocities; prior to this, McCarthyism was the rage, and people were outed for being Communists; that fad switch over to racists and "Nazis".

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

If anyone set themselves up to be the new deplorables, it was the atheists who really did all the work themselves and saved the rest of us the trouble; not to mention how they've more or less made a mockery of pop evolution and science, given that the average, white male, anime masturbating atheist generally represents the bottom of the cultural evolutionary crop, having far more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of chimpanzees than the majority of well-adjusted normal people do.
In response to the question you posed at the top of your thread, one can only HOPE so.
Racism will not cease being the go to excuse until there is a victor in the race war to come.
"Race Wars" only happen in 3rd world countries.

Some "black people" are illiterate voodoo-practicing dreck who contribute nothing but surplus population, obesity epidemics and rape charges, but not all of them, nor most of them - and I doubt that better black people such as MLK or Waris Dirie want to deal with the worst of their race anyway, anymore than a well-adjusted white person would want to deal with meth-addicted Skinheads who think they're the "master race".

Dreck is dreck, regardless of color or sex. Better women would have nothing to do with the drecks of their own kind either (which is what most identitarian politics is marketed to, race or sex be damned), much as better men wouldn't.
I think that the "racism" fad is nearing its end, except for the racial identitarians or conspiracy theorists who believe that 99.99% of the world they live in is a "racist white nationalist supremacist Nazi misogynist conspiracy".

Yeah, well, who cares what you think?

Given that this fad is bordering on dead, probably to die off completely once the aging white Baby Boomer base - whose whole perspective on reality comes from sitcoms like "All in the Family" rather than actual books or education - dies off, it will be social media which will influence the next generational fad, rather than "dinosaur media" such as TV and Radio - which may die off completely as the Information Age progresses.

Great, then to hell with the next generation if they want to remain ignorant through the cancer of social media. Social media in today's world has an equivalent of human excrement. If you want to swim around in the sewer to shape how you learn things around lies, innuendo and opinions from millions of fellow mouth breathing non experts on social media, that's entirely on you. I say fuck all that noise.

If I were to bet, I'd bet the new deplorables will be "atheists", given the lies, immorality, slovenliness, and quasi-"religious" fervor they've demonstrated on social media, as well as their ties with the dead "social justice" ideology.

Seems to me social justice is still in its heyday right now. Are SJWs all atheists? Doubtful. Either way, sounds like you're full of sh... err, opinions.
Great, then to hell with the next generation if they want to remain ignorant through the cancer of social media. Social media in today's world has an equivalent of human excrement. If you want to swim around in the sewer to shape how you learn things around lies, innuendo and opinions from millions of fellow mouth breathing non experts on social media, that's entirely on you. I say fuck all that noise.

You're an uneducated moron who doesn't know what social media is (this website, is it, a very primitive and archaic one at that), what "experts" are, or that "experts" including entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg do utilize social media, and it will eventually probably eclipse or replase dinosaur media outlets (e.x. TV, radio, etc) altogether from an economic perspective, much as Redbox and Netflix rendered Blockbuster obsolete, and how Wikipedia has rendered traditional encyclopedias more or less obsolete (and is generally regarded well as far as its sourcing is concerned).

I'm sure that much of it will be close to the same-dumbed down level of traditional mass media, somewhere around the 6th grade to the 12 grade-level, and that smarter people will be reading books rather than indulging in it, as they more or less always have - even in that regard, the emergence of online libraries will likely eclipse traditional ones as well.

No one with an IQ higher than 100 at most would consume a heavy diet of mass media to begin with, as opposed to long form media such as books, so on some way the debate is irrelevant - even then, I still love to pick fun at the uneducated idiots who thought mass media was ever a very good source of information to begin with; it was more or less invented by David Ogilvy, primarily as a medium of advertising and product placement.

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