Will anyone ever remember who Hillary was after november?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
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I want to know what is going to happen to her after november. Will she do a book tour? How will she pay off her debts that she has acquired? Will anyone ever ever remember her?
I bet the Stevens family will remember her...
I remember a hang nail I had in 1980, so yeah people will remember her.
She'll be remembered forever when the Hillary presidential dollar comes out. Suck on it, wingnuts. :biggrin:
She'll be remembered forever when the Hillary presidential dollar comes out. Suck on it, wingnuts. :biggrin:
Yes, we have no doubt you will remember her...
I want to know what is going to happen to her after november. Will she do a book tour? How will she pay off her debts that she has acquired? Will anyone ever ever remember her?
She'll probably just go back to secretly running the world through the Clinton Foundation like you rubes are convinced she does.
She'll probably just go back to secretly running the world through the Clinton Foundation like you rubes are convinced she does.

I don't know why. With no power, who will donate to that phony fund? Once she loses, Bills speaking fees will go from $400,000 to about $25,000, and he'll have to speak for about two hours.
She'll probably just go back to secretly running the world through the Clinton Foundation like you rubes are convinced she does.

I don't know why. With no power, who will donate to that phony fund? Once she loses, Bills speaking fees will go from $400,000 to about $25,000, and he'll have to speak for about two hours.
If she loses she'll have Trump, a big supporter of the Clinton Foundation, to do her bidding.
If she loses she'll have Trump, a big supporter of the Clinton Foundation, to do her bidding.
That's true. Like the wingnuts keep reminding us, she knows where all the skeletons are hidden. She'll be Trump's Soros! :cool-45:
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