Will 9th Circuit Ruling Awaken American People


May 23, 2014
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .

search for 8 us code 1182 (f)
It's been posted dozens of times, recited by the President, explained by judges and constitutional scholars.
It is clear on it's face. Yet liberal judges and officials want to risk your safety to get at our President.

You got that right, liberals are threatening our lives.
We have a right to defend ourselves.
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .
“The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty … inherent in the executive power,” the Supreme Court said in 1950. And lest there be doubt, Congress adopted a provision in 1952 saying the president “may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens and any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants” whenever he thinks it “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”
This give the POTUS authority. This is now all political. Liberals have brought up the new Presidents comments on campaign trail about a Muslim ban. So the courts are, as a third branch of government trying to show Donald Trump their authority because, as lawyers and judges, they are narcissistic assholes. They will learn the power of the people. The federal judiciary needs a good ass kicking to put it in its place. You have your degree and those law books...now who's going to enforce your decision? The soldier that agrees with Trump? The U.S. Marshall that agrees with Trump? The State Police officer that agrees with Trump? Time for these judges to answer to the people.
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

You must have been in a coma on January 21. The sleeping giant marched across America. You're toast and you can take your orange clown with you.
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .

search for 8 us code 1182 (f)
It's been posted dozens of times, recited by the President, explained by judges and constitutional scholars.
It is clear on it's face. Yet liberal judges and officials want to risk your safety to get at our President.

You got that right, liberals are threatening our lives.
We have a right to defend ourselves.

Sparky, why don't you wait a couple of hours and read their actual ruling before you get your right wing little itty bitty jockey strap in a wad. You ain't no lawyer much less a federal judge
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .

search for 8 us code 1182 (f)
It's been posted dozens of times, recited by the President, explained by judges and constitutional scholars.
It is clear on it's face. Yet liberal judges and officials want to risk your safety to get at our President.

You got that right, liberals are threatening our lives.
We have a right to defend ourselves.

Sparky, why don't you wait a couple of hours and read their actual ruling before you get your right wing little itty bitty jockey strap in a wad. You ain't no lawyer much less a federal judge
If your a lawyer your one of those fuckheads in the Civil Rights Division of Justice Department.
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

You must have been in a coma on January 21. The sleeping giant marched across America. You're toast and you can take your orange clown with you.
A fraction of a fraction of Hillary voters marched, moron. You barely have half of your own party in lockstep with you.

There are countless Trump supporters itching to protest.
Congress has the power to abolish the Ninth Circuit Court. Thomas Jefferson established the precedent. Replace it with 2-3 small districts.
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

You must have been in a coma on January 21. The sleeping giant marched across America. You're toast and you can take your orange clown with you.
A fraction of a fraction of Hillary voters marched, moron. You barely have half of your own party in lockstep with you.

There are countless Trump supporters itching to protest.

Yeah, a couple hundred showed up last weeekend in front of a Trump Tower. Did you miss that?
This is not over. Trump has numerous ways to circumvent the 9th Circuit decision. Everyone knows the Ninth is the most reversed Circuit court and this will too not likely stand up to scrutiny by the SCOTUS.
Look at this way. The District and Circuit courts are now in the position of hoping NOTHING of a terrorist nature happens. This is across the board. Should an attack happen in Europe, it only shows Trump was right in his assessment of the failure of the current vetting process.
If the Justice Department takes it to Justice Kennedy, he could reverse the Ninth and reinstate the EO since the Ninth falls under his jurisdiction.
Worst case, the EO could be re-written in a form that would pass judicial muster.
Imagine if an Ohio State or San Bernardino would happen in the next couple of weeks by a “refugee”. What would Schumer and the Democrats say then?
the more I hear this order by Trump is just a common sense response that he is easily able to do and all legally . I wish some one would post the law that governs what Trump did with his EO that was just gotten rid of by a gang of 'kid' and liberal 'Socalled' judges B92 .

search for 8 us code 1182 (f)
It's been posted dozens of times, recited by the President, explained by judges and constitutional scholars.
It is clear on it's face. Yet liberal judges and officials want to risk your safety to get at our President.

You got that right, liberals are threatening our lives.
We have a right to defend ourselves.

Sparky, why don't you wait a couple of hours and read their actual ruling before you get your right wing little itty bitty jockey strap in a wad. You ain't no lawyer much less a federal judge
If your a lawyer your one of those fuckheads in the Civil Rights Division of Justice Department.

Lawyers know the difference between "your" and "you're" so we know we you're certainly not one.

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