Widespread Support For Biden Raising Taxes On Corporations And The Rich To Pay For Plans


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
At least eight polls have been conducted and released recently showing strong support for President Biden’s Made in America Tax Plan, which would raise about $2.5 trillion from corporations to pay for the $2.3 trillion cost of the American Jobs Plan. These polls also show strong majorities for Biden’s proposal to raise taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year, which is expected to be the primary way he pays for his forthcoming American Family Plan.

“Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the responsibility on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close tax loopholes and begin to create a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move. Voters clearly like the President’s jobs and infrastructure the more it’s paid for by the rich and corporations.”

The working class of America pay on average 26% of their wages in taxes. Why shouldn't the corporations and the rich pay the same?
"At LEAST eight polls" ...... I guess MORE fake polls makes them MORE believable... to... some idiot that buys these fake ass polls, especially from some commie org like "AMERICANS FOR TAX FAIRNESS."
At least eight polls have been conducted and released recently showing strong support for President Biden’s Made in America Tax Plan, which would raise about $2.5 trillion from corporations to pay for the $2.3 trillion cost of the American Jobs Plan. These polls also show strong majorities for Biden’s proposal to raise taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year, which is expected to be the primary way he pays for his forthcoming American Family Plan.

“Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the responsibility on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close tax loopholes and begin to create a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move. Voters clearly like the President’s jobs and infrastructure the more it’s paid for by the rich and corporations.”

The working class of America pay on average 26% of their wages in taxes. Why shouldn't the corporations and the rich pay the same?
They actually pay at least twice that rate, dumbass.
This just proves the economic ignorance of the average person.

Yes, uncle sam. Crush all our job opportunities and confiscate loads of money from all our employers, so we can be jobless AND never see one red cent of that money you confiscated--so Pakistan can spend it on gender studies.

It is hard to maintain faith in self-government with this level of dumb fuck polluting the earth.
At least eight polls have been conducted and released recently showing strong support for President Biden’s Made in America Tax Plan, which would raise about $2.5 trillion from corporations to pay for the $2.3 trillion cost of the American Jobs Plan. These polls also show strong majorities for Biden’s proposal to raise taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year, which is expected to be the primary way he pays for his forthcoming American Family Plan.

“Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the responsibility on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close tax loopholes and begin to create a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move. Voters clearly like the President’s jobs and infrastructure the more it’s paid for by the rich and corporations.”

The working class of America pay on average 26% of their wages in taxes. Why shouldn't the corporations and the rich pay the same?
Sock the lawyers with double taxes and put it in the general fund.
Since when did fair play become communism ? This is a positive move.
It is an ignoramus move, and it's hard to believe that so called intelligent human beings would view in any other way.

A system built on dependency will eventually collapse (FACT). It beckons back to creating a society based on the ideology of the aristocrat's, and that of the poor. It opens the doors back up to forms of slavery, oppression, abuse, and everything else that comes along with not empowering individuals through merit and character, but rather controlling them for power and greed that will be concentrated amongst the one's whom think that they are chosen in life.
At least eight polls have been conducted and released recently showing strong support for President Biden’s Made in America Tax Plan, which would raise about $2.5 trillion from corporations to pay for the $2.3 trillion cost of the American Jobs Plan. These polls also show strong majorities for Biden’s proposal to raise taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year, which is expected to be the primary way he pays for his forthcoming American Family Plan.

“Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the responsibility on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close tax loopholes and begin to create a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move. Voters clearly like the President’s jobs and infrastructure the more it’s paid for by the rich and corporations.”

The working class of America pay on average 26% of their wages in taxes. Why shouldn't the corporations and the rich pay the same?
polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH-again !!!!!!!!
again, the wealthy pay MORE than their fair share --so, you want to be like the USSR [ failure/unfair ] and the nazis [ failure/unfair ]
Since when did fair play become communism ? This is a positive move.
Since when did confiscation of property become communism?

Isn't that the very definition of it?
Dealing with the total idiocy of leftist has become an excersize in futility. A huge waste of time, but seeings that they have now been lifted to higher levels in society, they can't be ignored any longer. The damage they cause is super corrosive, and so ignoring them is not an option anymore.
Since when did fair play become communism ? This is a positive move.
It is an ignoramus move, and it's hard to believe that so called intelligent human beings would view in any other way.

A system built on dependency will eventually collapse (FACT). It beckons back to creating a society based on the ideology of the aristocrat's, and that of the poor. It opens the doors back up to forms of slavery, oppression, abuse, and everything else that comes along with not empowering individuals through merit and character, but rather controlling them for power and greed that will be concentrated amongst the one's whom think that they are chosen in life.
It is based on fair play for all. Business depends on infrastructure and healthy educated employees. It should pay its share. It isnt complicated.
Every cost and tax increase on the wealthy job MAKERS is passed down in the form of higher costs for products and services.
We cannot tax our way into prosperity. Government doesn't have a revenue problem, government has an out of control SPENDING problem.
The obvious solution to the trickle down trap is to quit playing the game. Since it is clear that giving out wholesale tax cuts to big business has not protected or created American jobs it follows that raising taxes is not going to have a significant effect on employment either.
Most of these big corporations are funding BLM, and are anti-white in ethos.
They are also big into other Cultural Marxist horse-shit like puberty blockers tor lady boys, and mass immigration.

I'm not gonne die on that hill. Tax them as you like.
Since when did fair play become communism ? This is a positive move.
No Fair Play would be to tax everyone in America 10% of their income. Everyone pays from the poor to the very rich No Deductions. Enough of the progressive tax plan where over 40% of the population pays no taxes
So let's get this straight: Polls indicate that most people LOVE all the "free" goodies that Biden is proposing, as long as they are paid for by SOMEONE ELSE!

I am truly shocked.
The gleeful child who posted this is utterly ignorant, of course, as the vast majority of corporations employ fewer than ten people. The act of incorporating a small business is merely the way to separate one's business assets from personal.
Every cost and tax increase on the wealthy job MAKERS is passed down in the form of higher costs for products and services.
We cannot tax our way into prosperity. Government doesn't have a revenue problem, government has an out of control SPENDING problem.
If they fall they will be replaced by micro-companies. Small family owned restaurants, grocery shops, cottage industries. etc.
Might not be a bad thing.
Most of these big corporations are funding BLM, and are anti-white in ethos.
They are also big into other Cultural Marxist horse-shit like puberty blockers tor lady boys, and mass immigration.

I'm not gonne die on that hill. Tax them as you like.
Not to mention that the entire Democrat scheme to shut down small businesses has resulted in the largest transfer of wealth in history away from the middle class and towards the super rich. Democrats enriched Jeff Bezos by something like 70 billion by this scheme, with Bill Gates, Jeff Zuckerberg and countless other Democrats reaping billions and billions.
At least eight polls have been conducted and released recently showing strong support for President Biden’s Made in America Tax Plan, which would raise about $2.5 trillion from corporations to pay for the $2.3 trillion cost of the American Jobs Plan. These polls also show strong majorities for Biden’s proposal to raise taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year, which is expected to be the primary way he pays for his forthcoming American Family Plan.

“Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the responsibility on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close tax loopholes and begin to create a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move. Voters clearly like the President’s jobs and infrastructure the more it’s paid for by the rich and corporations.”

The working class of America pay on average 26% of their wages in taxes. Why shouldn't the corporations and the rich pay the same?
Yeah...but... that is based on the lie that it raises taxes only on the wealthy.
Numerous Biden tax hikes also raise taxes on middle class folks.
Take two of them....
Capital gains tax hike. At first it was anyone earning over $1 mil. Now he says, he won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400k. I pretty much guarantee that number will fall again. It has to. There are nowhere near enough millionaires earning capital gains to pay for anything.
Transactional tax in stock trading. The target is HFTs (High Freq. Trading) but it does not stop there. Even CNN is against this tax, as they correctly point out the people affected the most will be middle class traders, retail traders etc. And this tax will be levied on people...even of they lose money in the transaction.

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