WI Decertify the Election story..


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021

Again, I haven't read through this whole thing... I copy things and read later..

But just thought I would share...

Again, I haven't read through this whole thing... I copy things and read later..

But just thought I would share...
WOW, This is ancient crap.
in other words: Who cares if our country is entirely corrupt and being used by criminals to make big $$ here and in foreign countries
Maybe you should have been a criminology major and took a career in the profession of Law Enforcement. I know he has made big bucks and true, I don't really care, except for the underage girls thing in the dope din. Other than that, I do not know what laws he broke. I just know, there are dumb asses out there that think he is a way to get at his old man. If he was 17, I could understand, but he is 51, so that dog probably won't hunt, except in fevered partisan minds.

Again, I haven't read through this whole thing... I copy things and read later..

But just thought I would share...

I read it for you.

It says you're a loser.

It is correct.
Maybe you should have been a criminology major and took a career in the profession of Law Enforcement. I know he has made big bucks and true, I don't really care, except for the underage girls thing in the dope din. Other than that, I do not know what laws he broke. I just know, there are dumb asses out there that think he is a way to get at his old man. If he was 17, I could understand, but he is 51, so that dog probably won't hunt, except in fevered partisan minds.
no idea whom you refer to... who is 51 and etc...


i just responded to your statement that theship has sailed... as if we are all supposed to forget about thecorrupt 2020 election and "move on"

move on to what? Communist china? please
no idea whom you refer to... who is 51 and etc...


i just responded to your statement that theship has sailed... as if we are all supposed to forget about thecorrupt 2020 election and "move on"

move on to what? Communist china? please
Hunter turned 51 on February 4th, 2021, born in 1970, pretty much responsible for his own actions or irresponsible about his actions as the case may be.

What corrupt election? You got a new court ruling for me?

Oops. Forget Hunter. Must have gotten the threads I was responding to, combined.

Move on, to the next formal presidential election in 2024 as trump legitimately lost 2020.
Hunter turned 51 on February 4th, 2021, born in 1970, pretty much responsible for his own actions or irresponsible about his actions as the case may be.

What corrupt election? You got a new court ruling for me?

Oops. Forget Hunter. Must have gotten the threads I was responding to, combined.

Move on, to the next formal presidential election in 2024 as trump legitimately lost 2020.
well, people are free to believe what they want... all the way to Hell (for lying)

"..and all liars.. will have their part in the Lake of Fire" (of God's wrath)
well, people are free to believe what they want... all the way to Hell (for lying)

"..and all liars.. will have their part in the Lake of Fire" (of God's wrath)
Are you talking about trump or his lawyers or the Judges or the people in the country that say it was a fraudulent election, or who?
Thanks to the election fraud lawsuits, we have been able to identify a big problem with our court system, too many liberal judges.
What, you want to overthrow the courts too?
Seeing the House and Senate Certified the election nothing can be done, Biden is President until either Harris has him killed, he loses in 2024 or he is shown the nice boobs of a young adult female and he strokes out…

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