
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action?


No you would not, you would IMMEDIATELY go to the police and say you had been sexually assaulted, they then would get a Medical Professional to examine you and say if they had or had not been sexually assaulted and if yes they would then recommend that criminal charges were opened.

Might you also be motivated / resolved to take swift action so they could never perpetrate that horrible crime on somebody else?
Such is what we have taught our daughters.

Don't let the fuck get a chance to do it to someone else.

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.

beyond that, common sense would dictate that she would have told SOMEBODY about it at the time.

Here we have a woman who was supposedly raped, but she wasn't even traumatized enough to remember a thing about it and managed to not tell a single soul about it until such a time as she could act as a political operative in doing so.

Exactly and this is all in the #MeToo thing, but the difference is that the INITIAL #MeToo was about Hollyweird types like Harvey Weinstein and that rampant faggot Kevin Spacey etc who were in powerful entertainment positions where they could threaten their victims to STFU or they would NEVER work in the entertainment business ever again.

The Christine Ford woman was what 15 or 16 and she ALLEGES a THEN 17 year old teenage boy sexually assaulted her, YET she NEVER told ANYONE OR went to the police. Why?
Yeah, it may be that she did feel shame, but not about what happened to her.

That is an unkind remark on My part, but at this point, what else can be said?

I would hold her up as a lesson for other women and girls -- providing she was assaulted by someone -- that they should never keep it to themselves. Not even to spare the feelings of their parents, boyfriends or anyone else.

If you are assaulted or feel you have been assaulted, tell someone in authority and get it on record.

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.

beyond that, common sense would dictate that she would have told SOMEBODY about it at the time.

Here we have a woman who was supposedly raped, but she wasn't even traumatized enough to remember a thing about it and managed to not tell a single soul about it until such a time as she could act as a political operative in doing so.

Exactly and this is all in the #MeToo thing, but the difference is that the INITIAL #MeToo was about Hollyweird types like Harvey Feinstein and that rampant faggot Kevin Spacey etc who were in powerful entertainment positions where they could threaten their victims to STFU or they would NEVER work in the entertainment business ever again.

The Christine Ford woman was what 15 or 16 and she ALLEGES a THEN 17 year old teenage boy sexually assaulted her, YET she NEVER told ANYONE OR went to the police. Why?

Maybe the mutual act only became assault 36 years later when it was useful as a weapon?
Exactly and this is all in the #MeToo thing, but the difference is that the INITIAL #MeToo was about Hollyweird types like Harvey Weinstein and that rampant faggot Kevin Spacey etc who were in powerful entertainment positions where they could threaten their victims to STFU or they would NEVER work in the entertainment business ever again.

The Christine Ford woman was what 15 or 16 and she ALLEGES a THEN 17 year old teenage boy sexually assaulted her, YET she NEVER told ANYONE OR went to the police. Why?

The left USED to be liberal and it USED to be about shades of grey. Nowadays, a 17 year old grabbing a 15 year old and planting a wet one on her lips is treated as if it were a 45 year old man knocking a kid over the head and raping her repeatedly.

Th left has given up all pretext of distinguishing degree, acknowledging context or applying any common sense to a situation, and ESPECIALLY so when they can make political hay out of it.
This damn thing was a HOAX to begin with, now it starts to fall apart, IF THE FUCKING REPUBLICANS CAN FIND A SET OF BALLS TO BLAST THE SOCIALISTS WITH FACTS...

Senate: Ford friend says she doesn't recall party where alleged assault occurred

The Hill ^ | 09/22/18 | Jordain Carney
A longtime friend of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, says she does not know the Supreme Court nominee or remember attending a party with him. Leland Keyser, who characterized herself as a friend of Ford's, said through a lawyer that she "does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” Keyser's statement—which was circulated by the White House and given to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday night—comes as Republican Senate staffers have been working to... Read more, if interested!
Exactly and this is all in the #MeToo thing, but the difference is that the INITIAL #MeToo was about Hollyweird types like Harvey Weinstein and that rampant faggot Kevin Spacey etc who were in powerful entertainment positions where they could threaten their victims to STFU or they would NEVER work in the entertainment business ever again.

The Christine Ford woman was what 15 or 16 and she ALLEGES a THEN 17 year old teenage boy sexually assaulted her, YET she NEVER told ANYONE OR went to the police. Why?

The left USED to be liberal and it USED to be about shades of grey. Nowadays, a 17 year old grabbing a 15 year old and planting a wet one on her lips is treated as if it were a 45 year old man knocking a kid over the head and raping her repeatedly.

Th left has given up all pretext of distinguishing degree, acknowledging context or applying any common sense to a situation, and ESPECIALLY so when they can make political hay out of it.
I still have admiration for liberals. I still disagree with them, but I admired their moral stances.

Todays Democrats are NOT liberals. They are radicalized progressives and a real threat to our society.
Todays Democrats are NOT liberals. They are radicalized progressives and a real threat to our society.


I see it in terms of the left/right axis combined with the Authoritarian/libertarian axis. The left USED to be left-libertarian aka liberal. Now it is left authoritarian and is more akin to Stalinism than it is liberalism.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Why would she want to do that?

Because she is of course obsessed with him, she is or exhibits symptoms of being mentally unstable. She is delusional, she THINKS Brett Kavanaugh who a TON of women who have known him since school ALL state that he is a decent man and that they have always known him to be a decent man and yet this crazed SJW Christine Ford is the ONLY one who insists he's NOT a decent man and has NEVER been a decent man. She cannot find ONE person to corroborate her vicious and delusional accusations against him, she has ATTEMPTED NOT to give evidence to that Senate Committee, to the point her and her SJW Radical Feminist lawyer Debra Katz have for DAYS been holding off and asking for more time so Christine Ford can THINK about giving evidence. WTF?! I say FORCE her to give evidence, I guarantee that when she DOES the Republicans are going to slice and dice her and she will probably be lucky IF at the end when Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed a Justice that HE does not sue her for the unhinged and vicious crap she has thrown at him.

It should be readily obvious that he can't do that. He'd have to prove a negative, which is impossible.

And you don't know it's "unhinged and vicious crap", which brings back this:

it's not innocent until proven guilty it's guilty until proven innocent :uhoh3:

That works both ways, does it not?
When you make an uncorroborated accusation, decades after the event was supposed to have taken place, just when it would do the most damage to those with whom you disagree politically ... you should expect a bit of skepticism.
Sure, skepticism is fine but I am seeing a wholesale trashing of her character much like the trashing of Kavanaugh character from the left.

I'll improve on fncceo's remark…

When you make an uncorroborated accusation, decades after the event was supposed to have taken place, just when it would do the most damage to those with whom you disagree politically, and it is very obvious to all that you are making this accusation falsely and maliciously ... then you ought to expect a well-deserved wholesale trashing of your character. You have only yourself to blame.
Todays Democrats are NOT liberals. They are radicalized progressives and a real threat to our society.


I see it in terms of the left/right axis combined with the Authoritarian/libertarian axis. The left USED to be left-libertarian aka liberal. Now it is left authoritarian and is more akin to Stalinism than it is liberalism.
Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Why would she want to do that?

Because she is of course obsessed with him, she is or exhibits symptoms of being mentally unstable. She is delusional, she THINKS Brett Kavanaugh who a TON of women who have known him since school ALL state that he is a decent man and that they have always known him to be a decent man and yet this crazed SJW Christine Ford is the ONLY one who insists he's NOT a decent man and has NEVER been a decent man. She cannot find ONE person to corroborate her vicious and delusional accusations against him, she has ATTEMPTED NOT to give evidence to that Senate Committee, to the point her and her SJW Radical Feminist lawyer Debra Katz have for DAYS been holding off and asking for more time so Christine Ford can THINK about giving evidence. WTF?! I say FORCE her to give evidence, I guarantee that when she DOES the Republicans are going to slice and dice her and she will probably be lucky IF at the end when Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed a Justice that HE does not sue her for the unhinged and vicious crap she has thrown at him.

It should be readily obvious that he can't do that. He'd have to prove a negative, which is impossible.

And you don't know it's "unhinged and vicious crap", which brings back this:

it's not innocent until proven guilty it's guilty until proven innocent :uhoh3:

That works both ways, does it not?

Well yes you cannot prove a negative, so what is the point of all of this?

Yes it works both ways.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.

Hopefully, after this is all over,. Ms. Ford will find herself on the losing end of a very nasty and devastating libel lawsuit, with Dianne Feinswine also held liable as an accessory.

I left the left as well.

I miss the days when the left tried to foster a color-blind society instead of making everything about color, supported egalitarianism instead of a bizarre form of privilege based upon manufacturing a sense of victimization and sought a society where everybody was treated the same rather than according to hypocritical standards driven by political correctness.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.

Hopefully, after this is all over,. Ms. Ford will find herself on the losing end of a very nasty and devastating libel lawsuit, with Dianne Feinswine also held liable as an accessory.
Well, the Chinese Senator from California will be protected by non-tariffed monies...so don't get your hopes up.

As for Dr. Ford? I won't wish ill upon her, but neither will I feel pity for her when her 'chickens' come home to roost.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?

That test asked if her assertion was true not the act. I can Assert that I am a lamp and if asked under the polygraph test that yes I asseted that. Doesn’t make me a lamp....
It means she believes what she is saying is true.

Yes and there are TONS who are in Mental Institutions who INSIST they are Abraham Lincoln or Queen Victoria or Jesus Christ or a Space Alien and those unfortunate and deranged souls literally believe they ARE Abraham Lincoln or Queen Victoria or Jesus Christ or a Space Alien but that does NOT mean that they ARE does it?

I left the left as well.

I miss the days when the left tried to foster a color-blind society instead of making everything about color, supported egalitarianism instead of a bizarre form of privilege based upon manufacturing a sense of victimization and sought a society where everybody was treated the same rather than according to hypocritical standards driven by political correctness.

I do too. In those days, we talked about the best way to solve a problem and often disagreed at that, but both sides understood we were looking to solve the problem for all of us. Now, its a matter of assigning false motivations and character assassinations.

And I'm as guilty of that as they are.
What kills me is these idiotic actresses. They have her back but not Juanita Broadericks. Hypocrisy of the Left strikes again.
Hypocrisy exists on both sides. After all they give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt but not Clinton.

I think she and Kavanaugh both deserve to be assumed truthful and innocent until proven otherwise. Too much public opining.

I can agree with that, but the thing is, after all these years, I see no way it can be proven or dis-proven.
That’s precisely why it’s being done.
It can’t be either proven or disproven like you say, BUT his reputation is tarnished by the accusation anyway.
People who know they have absolutley no proof to substantiate their claims about an event from the very distant past should not make the allegation in the first place, imho.
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When you make an uncorroborated accusation, decades after the event was supposed to have taken place, just when it would do the most damage to those with whom you disagree politically ... you should expect a bit of skepticism.
Sure, skepticism is fine but I am seeing a wholesale trashing of her character much like the trashing of Kavanaugh character from the left.

I'll improve on fncceo's remark…

When you make an uncorroborated accusation, decades after the event was supposed to have taken place, just when it would do the most damage to those with whom you disagree politically, and it is very obvious to all that you are making this accusation falsely and maliciously ... then you ought to expect a well-deserved wholesale trashing of your character. You have only yourself to blame.

FNCCEO's post was just fine. You fucked it up with "it is very obvious to all that you are making this accusation falsely and maliciously". Because you're using it as an excuse to slur what you think is a political opponent. But the original post simply said "you should expect a bit of skepticism".
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.

Hopefully, after this is all over,. Ms. Ford will find herself on the losing end of a very nasty and devastating libel lawsuit, with Dianne Feinswine also held liable as an accessory.
Well, the Chinese Senator from California will be protected by non-tariffed monies...so don't get your hopes up.

As for Dr. Ford? I won't wish ill upon her, but neither will I feel pity for her when her 'chickens' come home to roost.


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