
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?

That test asked if her assertion was true not the act. I can Assert that I am a lamp and if asked under the polygraph test that yes I asseted that. Doesn’t make me a lamp....
It means she believes what she is saying is true.

No it means that she stated that he did it. Could be a lie. No one asked if that assertion was true. I could assert that you Coyote are a Muslim warlord. The police could ask me. Did you on a message board state that Coyote is a Muslim warlord under a poly. I would state 100%.

Would that make you a Muslim Warlord?
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Mattered not if his former appointment's would have been in the news, because if her experience was so bad, then she would have followed him to every appointment trying to destroy him from way back. It's all bullcrap.
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Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Mattered not if his former appointment's would have been in the news, because if her experience was so bad, then she would have followed him to every appointment trying to destroy him from way back. It's all bullcrap.
Not necessarily.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.

Oh indeed....let's hope so. But from reports today, sounds like college kids were literally ripping her a new asshole 36 years ago and all indications are, she enjoyed it! Sometimes, it takes that many years to come to grips with the fact that you just couldnt keep your legs closed when you were young.....so the knee jerk is to blame somebody else. Well....tough shit on her.:2up:
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?

Who cares if she did? There are you know certain drugs that can assist in someone passing a Polygraph Test, Muscle Relaxing drugs especially, there are also certain drugs that can work the opposite and I do not mean drugs as in Crack or Meth or whatever, I mean general drugs such as Anti-Hypertension drugs and Anti-Anxiety drugs and also a persons mental health condition can affect how a Polygraph reads eg if the person is paranoid or delusional, a Polygraph is not measuring what your ANSWERS to questions are a Polygraph is measuring your blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity AS you answer the questions and Polygraph Tests have ALWAYS been VERY controversial and have NEVER been considered in any criminal cases as being 100% Fool Proof and this is essentially why the results of a Polygraph Test CANNOT be used as evidence in ANY Court of Law.
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.

beyond that, common sense would dictate that she would have told SOMEBODY about it at the time.

Here we have a woman who was supposedly raped, but she wasn't even traumatized enough to remember a thing about it and managed to not tell a single soul about it until such a time as she could act as a political operative in doing so.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action?

You did the same thing in the Israel thread. And you just did it again. Unbelievable and rude!
Dude...I was talking to Lucy when you jumped right in. I was responding to HER not YOU. Learn the difference please.

My bad. Would you still answer me please. Do you think she is being truthful in your gut?
I simply don’t know. My feeling is that it could well have occurred, Holton Arms has a reputation. Lots of partying. Lots of underage drinking. All were teens. But they were minors, and there is no evidence that anything like this occurred in his adult life. They should investigate, here her, hear witnesses under oath, then go forward. But they are trying to rush this nomination through and won’t even give her the same they give Anita Hill.
Idk either. If you had to guess which way would you lean? The Hill case was more current and both were adults. Not quite the same thing.
If I had to lean? I think it did...but who knows?

From what I have read about Brett Kavanaugh he is a Moderate Conservative, he's not a Right-Winger, this entire thing is purely POLITICAL it has ZERO to do with anything else, the situation is that The Unhinged Left do NOT want ANY Conservative, just the same with the Keyboard Army of Unhinged Leftist Fascists DEMANDING that ALL Conservatives and Conservative opinion is PURGED from Facebook and Twitter etc
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?
She has access to drugs which can allow a positive test result.. It is also inadmissible in court... That test means exactly squat. My big red flag went up when she took that test before sending the letter to Finestien. It was an attempt to gain credibility without cross examination.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?

That test asked if her assertion was true not the act. I can Assert that I am a lamp and if asked under the polygraph test that yes I asseted that. Doesn’t make me a lamp....
It means she believes what she is saying is true.
not true... The test is pure conjecture...
Mean while most mental case doctors are leftist liberals who also dream up this bs age of " lets report when i'nm 50". when it is a proven fact there are most often false memories or they can't rememver at all.

It is also proven that liberasl want to use the age 50 giving a huge gap to destory men fifty years later .....

They don't report because they are full of fn crap.........

Anyone whose been raped WILL REPORT IT RIGHT AFTER or even up to a year later not no dam forty or fifty years. the only ones who believe the right to do that bs are man ating feminazis.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action?


No you would not, you would IMMEDIATELY go to the police and say you had been sexually assaulted, they then would get a Medical Professional to examine you and say if they had or had not been sexually assaulted and if yes they would then recommend that criminal charges were opened.

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.

beyond that, common sense would dictate that she would have told SOMEBODY about it at the time.

Here we have a woman who was supposedly raped, but she wasn't even traumatized enough to remember a thing about it and managed to not tell a single soul about it until such a time as she could act as a political operative in doing so.
Well, to be fair and honest, she never claimed to be raped. That is an embellishment of the rabid left in an attempt to brand Kavanaugh as a rapist. Make no mistake, from his first to his last ruling as a SC justice, they'll refer to him as the rapist.

Which gives you an indication of the level of hatred we are dealing with.

She has claimed to be groped, which IS a sexual assault. The problem is, she claims this happened at a party in which she, and everyone else, were drunk off their asses. So, she can't remember who, can't remember when, and can't remember where.

On top of all that, she claimed that she was pulled down on a bed with a bunch of bodies. The inference is that it was a bunch of boys and that may actually be the case. However, it was never alleged that she was raped.

The question is this. If she can't remember when or where, why would anyone believe she can remember who.

Now, I've said in another thread where some images and other information have come to light about her character, that she was young and young people do stupid shit.

I know I have. Though I've never fondled a girl that wasn't already rubbing or stroking Me. Be that as it may...

She isn't credible and I think that the Democrats are using her in a way that is more profoundly immoral than what her story claims, though in truth, she is a rabid anti-republican and is likely a willing accomplice.
Crock of shit, like all paid DemonzRAT whores only the truly mind numb believe her story....And talk about COLLUSION with you fucking DemonRATS...

Kavanaugh’s Accuser Just Hired Andy McCabe’s Lawyer!

Daily Caller ^ | 09/22/2018 | Kevin Daley
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford added Michael Bromwich, a former federal prosecutor and Department of Justice inspector general, to her legal team Saturday, as she prepares to give information to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her alleged hostile encounter with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.... He represents former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a James Comey confidant and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s ire.

But I have to say, I, for one, am getting real tired of the feckless Republicans FOLDING every time the socialist/DemonRATS take out the RACIST CARD THE WOMAN CARD. THE MUSLIM CARD. THE QUEER CARD, and any other of the minorities in this country card and they play it so it appears that Republicans HATE all these groups, and having the MSM act as an arm of the subversives doesnt help. The best thing to do is for the Republicans to press forward with whatever they are currently involved in and FUCK THE LEFT n this country. The PEOPLE gave them the right to lead...USE IT!
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action?


No you would not, you would IMMEDIATELY go to the police and say you had been sexually assaulted, they then would get a Medical Professional to examine you and say if they had or had not been sexually assaulted and if yes they would then recommend that criminal charges were opened.
Every woman in My life, and all of the women acquaintances I have, will all tell you that they'll not feel shame for someone else's crime and they'd first call the cops -- this covers them legally -- and then they'd tell their husband/boyfriend/lover. At which point the assailant would likely not survive the week.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action?


No you would not, you would IMMEDIATELY go to the police and say you had been sexually assaulted, they then would get a Medical Professional to examine you and say if they had or had not been sexually assaulted and if yes they would then recommend that criminal charges were opened.

Might you also be motivated / resolved to take swift action so they could never perpetrate that horrible crime on somebody else?

She and the left are trying to destroy the nominee's life.

She also destroyed her own life by buying into the notion that the Democrats would shield her from her own unsubstantiated accusations.

When they say, "She deserves to be listened to" what they are really saying is that "She deserves to be believed". Because she HAS been listened to and her story has been found to lack credibility.

beyond that, common sense would dictate that she would have told SOMEBODY about it at the time.

Here we have a woman who was supposedly raped, but she wasn't even traumatized enough to remember a thing about it and managed to not tell a single soul about it until such a time as she could act as a political operative in doing so.

Exactly and this is all in the #MeToo thing, but the difference is that the INITIAL #MeToo was about Hollyweird types like Harvey Weinstein and that rampant faggot Kevin Spacey etc who were in powerful entertainment positions where they could threaten their victims to STFU or they would NEVER work in the entertainment business ever again.

The Christine Ford woman was what 15 or 16 and she ALLEGES a THEN 17 year old teenage boy sexually assaulted her, YET she NEVER told ANYONE OR went to the police. Why?

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