Why you should never ever ever ever vote democrat


They want to control what you listen to, what you read and what you watch

The following quote is from the article that posted the video.

"Plus the Fairness Doctrine, which essentially bans conservatives from radio, has been a sweetheart of the left for decades."

If you believe the above quote then someone is already controlling what you listen to.

Do you also believe your(well your family) is going to pay the Feds a Death Tax when you die?

Did you enjoy "Barack the Majic Negro"?

Major Failure.

They want to control what you listen to, what you read and what you watch

The following quote is from the article that posted the video.

"Plus the Fairness Doctrine, which essentially bans conservatives from radio, has been a sweetheart of the left for decades."

If you believe the above quote then someone is already controlling what you listen to.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NezaaWshHik]YouTube - ‪"Government Control" FCC Regulating the Internet‬‏[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgcbIoIRi5s]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Reasonable questions for unreasonable times‬‏[/ame]

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Because they're authoritarian whack jobs that redundantly violate the Bill of Rights.

They're one step below dictatorship and authoritarian rule... Hell they even have crazy shit in some states because they've brainwashed the public.

Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Interesting how you don't understand language.

The Nazi's are only "right" because they're a progressive liberal much like you.

They are "right" of classical liberal (which I am)..... They're actually national socialists.

Authoritarian ideas are "right" - much like your gun control and happy meal toy bans are "right" as well.

How about banning shit isn't "classical liberal" at all?? yet you support these super ***** that do it....

So you're petty fucking ignorant...

Anyone with a half decent education could have told you what I just did.......

Speaking of ignorant.

Nazi had Socialist in their name so of course they were progressive liberals....:cuckoo:.... and not athoritarian fascist with a superiority complex.....:lol:

Could you make a few more stupid statements like that, I need some laughs today.
Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Interesting how you don't understand language.

The Nazi's are only "right" because they're a progressive liberal much like you.

They are "right" of classical liberal (which I am)..... They're actually national socialists.

Authoritarian ideas are "right" - much like your gun control and happy meal toy bans are "right" as well.

How about banning shit isn't "classical liberal" at all?? yet you support these super ***** that do it....

So you're petty fucking ignorant...

Anyone with a half decent education could have told you what I just did.......

Speaking of ignorant.

Nazi had Socialist in their name so of course they were progressive liberals....:cuckoo:.... and not athoritarian fascist with a superiority complex.....:lol:

Could you make a few more stupid statements like that, I need some laughs today.

You are correct Mr. Nick and blindboo can svck Mr. Dick

They want to control what you listen to, what you read and what you watch

The following quote is from the article that posted the video.

"Plus the Fairness Doctrine, which essentially bans conservatives from radio, has been a sweetheart of the left for decades."

If you believe the above quote then someone is already controlling what you listen to.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NezaaWshHik]YouTube - ‪"Government Control" FCC Regulating the Internet‬‏[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgcbIoIRi5s]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Reasonable questions for unreasonable times‬‏[/ame]

Democrats Consider Reviving 'Fairness Doctrine' - FoxNews.com

The Fairness Doctrine only regulated Broadcasts over public airwaves on controversial matters.

It never regulated content and stations were given wide latitude in airing opposing points of view. What it did not allow was for a station to broadcast on public airwaves a single political perspective 24 hours a day 7 day a week.

Not one conservative radio show was ever pulled from the air because of the Fairness Doctrine.
Interesting how you don't understand language.

The Nazi's are only "right" because they're a progressive liberal much like you.

They are "right" of classical liberal (which I am)..... They're actually national socialists.

Authoritarian ideas are "right" - much like your gun control and happy meal toy bans are "right" as well.

How about banning shit isn't "classical liberal" at all?? yet you support these super ***** that do it....

So you're petty fucking ignorant...

Anyone with a half decent education could have told you what I just did.......

Speaking of ignorant.

Nazi had Socialist in their name so of course they were progressive liberals....:cuckoo:.... and not athoritarian fascist with a superiority complex.....:lol:

Could you make a few more stupid statements like that, I need some laughs today.

You are correct Mr. Nick and blindboo can svck Mr. Dick

Are you one of them Brokeback Cowpokes?
Speaking of ignorant.

Nazi had Socialist in their name so of course they were progressive liberals....:cuckoo:.... and not athoritarian fascist with a superiority complex.....:lol:

Could you make a few more stupid statements like that, I need some laughs today.

You are correct Mr. Nick and blindboo can svck Mr. Dick

Are you one of them Brokeback Cowpokes?

Nope... fags are liberals...You guys are the butt pounders.
Man oh man that was so much Bull Shit that I do not know where to begin so I will not.

The sheep says Baaaaaaaahhh

I'll go out on a limb here and assume you're a Republican. If you think Republicans support more freedom than Democrats, you are the deluded sheep that you yourself condemn.

Who was it that created the Patriot Act again? Oh that's right. The REPUBLICANS.

Man oh man that was so much Bull Shit that I do not know where to begin so I will not.

The sheep says Baaaaaaaahhh

I'll go out on a limb here and assume you're a Republican. If you think Republicans support more freedom than Democrats, you are the deluded sheep that you yourself condemn.

Who was it that created the Patriot Act again? Oh that's right. The REPUBLICANS.


Nope. I am not a Repub. I am a Libertarian

As far as the Patriot Act goes...well read the rest of the thread.

It is nothing compared to what the Dems are doing to us on a daily basis. How has the Patriot Act directly effected your life?

The Nanny State is a much bigger problem.

I WANT FREEDOM NOW!!!! Stop voting Democrat.
Do you value freedom? Freedom of Choice? Personal Freedom? Freedom of Speech? Freedom of thought? Freedom of personal responsibility?
Democrats are 100% against Freedom. I will prove this.
Let’s start at the local level. Do you think Harley riders voted for helmets? According to Democrats Harley riders are not smart enough to decide whether they should wear a helmet or not. This kind of law takes the personal decision away from the user because they think they know better. This is the mindset of the Democrat. They will tell you what is right for you.
It was the insurance companies who decided bikers are not smart enough to wear a helmet. The Insurance companies own the GOP.
Try again, sucker.
Do you value freedom? Freedom of Choice? Personal Freedom? Freedom of Speech? Freedom of thought? Freedom of personal responsibility?
Democrats are 100% against Freedom. I will prove this.
Let’s start at the local level. Do you think Harley riders voted for helmets? According to Democrats Harley riders are not smart enough to decide whether they should wear a helmet or not. This kind of law takes the personal decision away from the user because they think they know better. This is the mindset of the Democrat. They will tell you what is right for you.
It was the insurance companies who decided bikers are not smart enough to wear a helmet. The Insurance companies own the GOP.
Try again, sucker.

Sorry stupid...these laws were drafted by Dems.


Repubs believe in personal freedom and responsibility.

Dems believe in Dictatorships
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Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Another dyslexic Socialist MFer

There is a reason the Nazis were the National Socialist Party.

What a moron! LOL
The same reason the Teabaggers are the Republican Party.

Teabaggers hate Republicans just as Nazis hated Socialists, they both wanted to take over the Parties because the Parties were vulnerable.
Another dyslexic Socialist MFer

There is a reason the Nazis were the National Socialist Party.

What a moron! LOL

Are you saying that Nazi Germany was a socialist run country? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

All hard tyrannies by dictators are left wing Communists, Socialists, Marxists and/or Fascists.

When you have to control every expect of peoples lives you are a left winger.


That is one big tent. :eek: Look over there you can see the communist and the Fascist singing the Marxists praises.......:eusa_liar:

This Cowboy has Cowpies for Brains.
Are you one of them Brokeback Cowpokes?

Nope... fags are liberals...You guys are the butt pounders.

Oh well it's just I've found that most people who use gay insults towards people they don't know are latent homosexuals themselves, plus every libertarian I ever met was either gay or so libertine that it didn't matter.

You do realize that the Libertarian party supports for "fag" rights than both the Republicans and Democrats right? If anything the Libertarian party would be the butt pounders.

Because I beleive in freedom. I support the fags right to do all their gay crap. I just don't want to be around those sickos. I say legalize drugs too, but I am no user.

Again, it is personal freedom and personal responsabilty.

I oppose the ban by Repubs on gay marriage. It is suppose to be a free country. But what the Repubs try and control and what the Dems try and control do not even compare. The Dems want to control everything. Repubs are the lessor of two evils.
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