Why would Obama approve a LIE that he knew was a lie???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I can only speculate. I have an idea but that is NOT the POINT!

IT IS A FACT that Obama APPROVED an OUT RIGHT LIE used to further his own gain.
Further his OWN financial gain!

Obama approved the following statement.
"Born in Kenya"
He HAD to approve the picture, the text the distribution.
The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Now I really don't understand how the majority of "INDEPENDENT" voters people that voted for Obama at first because they were afraid if they didn't they would be in their own minds a "racist" now admit.. THEY voted for a known LIAR!

You independents... do you understand?
Fool you once shame on Obama.
BUT NOW any of you that insist OBAMA should be re-elected YOU ARE A FOOL!
BECAUSE HE knowingly LIED when he approved the above "BORN IN KENYA"!
And you independents... YOU are FOOLS if you don't admit that he LIED!
Well, yea he lied. It was necessary at the time to sell the book, no worry it meant nothing. He always does what he needs to in order to promote himself. :D
There is a smaller die-hard kool aid corp of people that don't care he's their man!
What I hope is that the growing number of people that DID vote for Obama will realize that just because Obama was black is NOT reason enough for him to be re-elected.
And that NOW with knowledge that Obama is a DOCUMENTED LIAR proven by his acceptance of the statement "Born in Kenya" those that did vote for him will realize this is A VERY serious matter.

Obama TELLS KNOWN documented LIES and voters have a responsibility to all of us to understand by voting for Obama again... we truly are at risk!
"Bush Lied People died"

How many times did we hear that?

While Bush "may" have lied it certainly wasn't a LIE that would personally benefit Bush.

Unlike Obama who ALLOWED this publication to tout his Kenyan birth to sell books.. a gross venial money grubbing tactic Bush's lie was in the nation's interest and ONLY the extremist Bush bashers could find some linkage of personal gain from the "possibility" of any lies Bush may have told.

But OBAMA??? Very clear tactic of deceit.
And those die hard kook aid Obama fools don't see any thing wrong with Obama lying!

But it is those independents that voted for Obama primarily BECAUSE he was black.. they should be the ones that will make a difference!
If they now UNDERSTAND just because Obama is black IS not a good enough reason to be President!

Obama lied about health care.. and now people health care costs are going up dramatically.
Obama said you'd be able to keep your plan, your doctor... tell that to the 30% of businesses that are dropping their health plans!

Obama lied about energy costs. Everytime he uses that cliched, worn out comment.. "the USA has just 2% of proven reserves but uses 20% of world's production"... OUT AND OUT LIE!
There are enough discovered reserves alone on Federal lands that Obama has drastically reduced leasing to equal Saudia Arabia's reserves!

And that you independent voters has hit you in the pocketbook everytime you pump gas!

You are feeling the AFFECT of Obama's lies!

And our country is being destroyed by Obama's lies!
So, you're saying that Obama's former literary agency is lying when it says it was a mistake and Obama had nothing to do with it?

'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

GEEZ.... You are TELLING me that the "smartest" President/ lawyer/ professor.. didn't ONCE approve the promo material?
In the famous words of Hillary..Sep 11, 2007 – Clinton: "Believing Petraeus and Crocker requires 'willing suspension of disbelief'.!!!

Unbelievable how totally gullible you are! And then admit it in this post?

Wow no wonder people like you are sold bridges frequently!

The smartest president didn't KNOW?
This is like Billy who on the stand says "well that depends on what 'is' is"?

Suspension of disbelief?????
ONe further point about your comment...
Tell me aren't at least a little concerned that both of these possibilities both of which are BAD reflect on Obama?
I.e. if he did know the PR piece said he was born in Kenya.. HE participated in a fraud!
OR.. if he "didn't know" my god... this is the epitome of stupidity! What a frigging idiot!
Either way it is NOT a good situation when voters have to ask themselves..
hmmm... Obama approved a PR puff piece KNOWING it was a lie OR Obama was too damn stupid
not to know much less NOT approve the puff piece?

either way any smart voter is going to come to the same conclusion...
Either he is a habitual liar or he is stupid. Either one characteristics NOT desirable in a leader!

But for YOU to defend Obama... puts you in an even LOWER substrata of intelligence!
There is a smaller die-hard kool aid corp of people that don't care he's their man!
What I hope is that the growing number of people that DID vote for Obama will realize that just because Obama was black is NOT reason enough for him to be re-elected.
And that NOW with knowledge that Obama is a DOCUMENTED LIAR proven by his acceptance of the statement "Born in Kenya" those that did vote for him will realize this is A VERY serious matter.

Obama TELLS KNOWN documented LIES and voters have a responsibility to all of us to understand by voting for Obama again... we truly are at risk!
If you oppose Obama it shouldn't be because he's Black or because you've been led by right-wing propagandists to believe he was born in Kenya. Those are stupid reasons. If he is in fact not a citizen you may rest assured someone of rank in government (e.g., Boehner, McConnell, et. al.) would by now have obtained irrefutable evidence of that and had him impeached. As far as his being Black is concerned, George W. Bush is as White as it gets and he was by far one of the worst presidents in our history. His eight years in Office nearly collapsed our economy and effectively ruined our reputation in the world. Obama has done nothing to compare with Bush's sabotage.

I am White. I voted for Obama and probably will vote for him again. Not because I think he's a good President, because I don't, but simply because I believe he does not represent the kind of menace to our democracy the existing right-wing does. I don't expect much from him in the way of constructive change but neither do I expect him to move in the same direction as did Reagan and Bush, which was toward replacing the middle class as the central power base with a monied aristocracy.

Choosing between Obama and Romney is comparable to choosing between an ulcer and colon cancer. Take your pick.
So, you're saying that Obama's former literary agency is lying when it says it was a mistake and Obama had nothing to do with it?

'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

GEEZ.... You are TELLING me that the "smartest" President/ lawyer/ professor.. didn't ONCE approve the promo material?
In the famous words of Hillary..Sep 11, 2007 – Clinton: "Believing Petraeus and Crocker requires 'willing suspension of disbelief'.!!!

Unbelievable how totally gullible you are! And then admit it in this post?

Wow no wonder people like you are sold bridges frequently!

The smartest president didn't KNOW?
This is like Billy who on the stand says "well that depends on what 'is' is"?

Suspension of disbelief?????

Given the choice between believing Obama's literary agency or Breitbart - I choose the literary agency.
There is a smaller die-hard kool aid corp of people that don't care he's their man!
What I hope is that the growing number of people that DID vote for Obama will realize that just because Obama was black is NOT reason enough for him to be re-elected.
And that NOW with knowledge that Obama is a DOCUMENTED LIAR proven by his acceptance of the statement "Born in Kenya" those that did vote for him will realize this is A VERY serious matter.

Obama TELLS KNOWN documented LIES and voters have a responsibility to all of us to understand by voting for Obama again... we truly are at risk!
If you oppose Obama it shouldn't be because he's Black or because you've been led by right-wing propagandists to believe he was born in Kenya. Those are stupid reasons. If he is in fact not a citizen you may rest assured someone of rank in government (e.g., Boehner, McConnell, et. al.) would by now have obtained irrefutable evidence of that and had him impeached. As far as his being Black is concerned, George W. Bush is as White as it gets and he was by far one of the worst presidents in our history. His eight years in Office nearly collapsed our economy and effectively ruined our reputation in the world. Obama has done nothing to compare with Bush's sabotage.

I am White. I voted for Obama and probably will vote for him again. Not because I think he's a good President, because I don't, but simply because I believe he does not represent the kind of menace to our democracy the existing right-wing does. I don't expect much from him in the way of constructive change but neither do I expect him to move in the same direction as did Reagan and Bush, which was toward replacing the middle class as the central power base with a monied aristocracy.

Choosing between Obama and Romney is comparable to choosing between an ulcer and colon cancer. Take your pick.
1) Obama wants to destroy an entire industry that PAYS 500,000 people's salaries and in turn pays payroll taxes as well as Medicare. This industry also PAYS over $100 billion a year in Federal, probably your state's income tax and sales taxes.. remember these 1,400 companies Obama wants to destroy buy computers,etc. and HE has clearly stated he wants to destroy these companies!
2) Obama has SAID he wants higher gas prices... THESE ARE HIS exact words:
"Obama: I’d like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
Obama: I’d like higher gas prices, just not so quickly « Hot Air


3) Obama the MENACE in his OWN words..
So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

So PLEASE tell me where in those 3 instances Obama's intent is POSITIVE?
It is DESTRUCTIVE which makes HIM a menace!
He wants to throw 500,000 people out of work, reduce TAX revenues to Federal,state/local and possibly your local property taxes by destroying those 1,400 companies!
AND you don't consider that a MENACE????
I am less concerned about this lie, even if he is irrefutably proven to be an alien and impeached then what? Joe Biden as President?! Yikes! I think the looming gargantuan tax hikes together with the impact of the Obamacare juggernaut (Taxageddeon) will crush our private sector and cast the entire country into a depression so severe it will take generations to recover. Of course the leftist will be overjoyed, America will be driven into the stone age. Poverty, desease and chaos will run rampant, and Obama will be "Forced" to declare Marshall Law, so much for the Land of the free!
There is a smaller die-hard kool aid corp of people that don't care he's their man!
What I hope is that the growing number of people that DID vote for Obama will realize that just because Obama was black is NOT reason enough for him to be re-elected.
And that NOW with knowledge that Obama is a DOCUMENTED LIAR proven by his acceptance of the statement "Born in Kenya" those that did vote for him will realize this is A VERY serious matter.

Obama TELLS KNOWN documented LIES and voters have a responsibility to all of us to understand by voting for Obama again... we truly are at risk!
If you oppose Obama it shouldn't be because he's Black or because you've been led by right-wing propagandists to believe he was born in Kenya. Those are stupid reasons. If he is in fact not a citizen you may rest assured someone of rank in government (e.g., Boehner, McConnell, et. al.) would by now have obtained irrefutable evidence of that and had him impeached. As far as his being Black is concerned, George W. Bush is as White as it gets and he was by far one of the worst presidents in our history. His eight years in Office nearly collapsed our economy and effectively ruined our reputation in the world. Obama has done nothing to compare with Bush's sabotage.

I am White. I voted for Obama and probably will vote for him again. Not because I think he's a good President, because I don't, but simply because I believe he does not represent the kind of menace to our democracy the existing right-wing does. I don't expect much from him in the way of constructive change but neither do I expect him to move in the same direction as did Reagan and Bush, which was toward replacing the middle class as the central power base with a monied aristocracy.

Choosing between Obama and Romney is comparable to choosing between an ulcer and colon cancer. Take your pick.

OH and you idiotic totally STUPID UNINFORMED statement:
His eight years in Office nearly collapsed our economy and effectively ruined our reputation in the world. Obama has done nothing to compare with Bush's sabotage.

A) Where were you when the 2000 dot com bust occurred? The Clinton party broke up and Bush was left to clean up the mess! YOU obviously have NO idea how much that cost..
$5 trillion! Almost $266 billion a year in lost tax revenue!

B) And were you on some other planet when 9/11 occurred???
GEEZ the airlines didn't fly for 3 days and wall st shut down for 10 AND you don't think THAT had any affect? Well tell that to the 18,000 businesses that closed directly because of 9/11 and the $2 trillion in additional losses another $30 billion a year in lost taxes!
C) OH and when has then been any other SEASONS of Worst Hurricanes then under Bush!
I suppose you are one of those really stupid WHITE idiots that blamed Bush for the hurricanes that added $1 trillion and 500,000 lost jobs from 2003 to 2008!

I am so pissed at IDIOTS like yOU for evidently NOT even realizing those events occurred!
DO YOU really NOT know that they occurred?

MY god... people like you truly NEED idiots like Obama to tell them when to crap, when to eat when to die! YOU obviously are such a tit sucker still juvenile sophomoric idiot!

Where in God's creation were you from 2000 to 2008??? Dumb shit!
how did i know that kink was to breitbart? lol

GEEZ what difference does that MAKE???

Unbelievable how totally ignorant of MSM bias that you THINK the Breitbart's make this up!

This was done before the internet!

What YOU seemingly and with obvious great senility forget is
A) Either Obama was totally AWARE of this BIG fat lie.. "Born in Kenya" and approved
B) He is NOT the smartest /lawyer/professor and totally an idiot for NOT being aware of
such publication!
Really are you that naive to think Obama worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.

NOT ONCE looked at that booklet??? YOU naively believe the pompous arrogant ass that he is wouldn't have seen and shown this booklet to others...KNOWING IT WAS A LIE???

A 1991 promotional booklet from Barack Obama's literary agent claims that the President was born in Kenya .

AND you want this idiot who is EITHER a HUGE liar as President making decisions based on lies that will affect YOUR life or a totally INCOMPETENT IDIOT who is NOT the smartest president???

Either way i.e. he knew it was a false statement but approved i.e. a LIAR OR
He didn't know which shows how incompetent he IS!

EITHER way it IS NOT a positive event!

Breitbart is NOT THE ISSUE!!

WHY just because HE found this booklet that shows Obama is
A) a complete idiopathetic LIAR or B) a total incompetent that DIDN'T proof read !

EITHER WAY HAS NOTHING to do with Breitbart and if THAT is all you can bring up to
somewhat deflect... UNbelievable!

YOU people are truly like those in Hans Christen Andersons "The Emperor's New Clothes,..
The Emperor's New Clothes

A reference that DEFINITELY goes over YOUR head but totally appropriate!
Obama is naked! And YET you defend him as in the Emperor's New clothes!
Are yOU REALLY that afraid of Obama?????
That you can't even admit it shows Obama as either compulsive liar or incompetent IDIOT?
So, you're saying that Obama's former literary agency is lying when it says it was a mistake and Obama had nothing to do with it?

'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

of course you people don't find it funny just HOW MANY of these so called Mistakes have been made about this man...Now where would she get Kenya from in the first place?
pulled a country out her ass just for the hell of it..
you people crack me up

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