Why would anyone continue to claim the iraqi war was a failure?


Am missing something here?

we would explain it to you but your just a hypocrite troll who only sees what he wants to see and whines when when you insult someone first and they insult you back afterwards.
The one in four Iraqis who have died, been maimed or displaced from their homes or incarcerated since March 2003.

How do you justify killing thousands of innocent human beings for money?

The fact that so many people agree with George on this proves what a hypocrite whiner and troll you are as well.Damn I thought this troll thread starter left this site a long time ago.
to start with the war was Saddam's fault
he was given 18 months to do the right thing

The Bush administration had just as long to do the right thing, which was to stop lying to the American people and the world about Hussein having WMD and being involved in the 9-11 attacks. But they did not do so.

Saddam was a mad man

This is so often said, and is always a pile of bile. "He was a mad man, he was dangerous." It's easy to use fearmongering blather to support one's position, but it tends to indicate that one has no real support for their position.

exactly,you get nowhere though when you try and explain this stuff to the troll.He always ignores facts that there were not any WMD'S and that Hussein had nothing to do with it.
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Am missing something here?

we would explain it to you but your just a hypocrite troll who only sees what he wants to see and whines when when you insult someone first and they insult you back afterwards.

I have never insulted one person on this message board and you know that to be true
If you think as such, ignore me
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Wow, I oppose the US military presence in the Middle East and I don't think the US government should be giving aid to Israel (or anyone else). I'd prefer you're not on my side, thank you very much.

BTW, the tin foil on your head is slipping off a tad, I think Bush might be able to read your thoughts right now, better tighten it up before he locates you and sends his evil army of flying kangaroos to assassinate you for knowing what he's up to in his secret bunker.

So what do you think we should have done with Al Qaeda?
And what is it exactly drives you people to defend Saddam and Al Qaeda?
You attack GWB who has killed no-one (without terrorist, no-one loses)

There where 6 million violent crimes in the US in 2010. Saddam has said to have killed 1 million of his own people as well as paid terrorist 25,000 to have killed 1000s of other innocent people.
Speaking of tin hats, why is it you attack W and not mention BHO?
His drone attacks makes the rest of those who had use of them to look "weak"
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Muslims are killing Muslims
If not we would have 0 issues
Al Qaeda went to Iraq to set up base prior to invasion
Saddam invaded Kuwait 1991, he got his ass kicked, he surrendered, he agreed to terms that he later ignored

And killed millions of Muslims

The coalition that went into Iraq went there to clean up a mess that began in the 70s
Hmm, Jerkoffski, you don't insult anything, but other peoples' intelligence, with your bullshit, which ignores all the facts, issues, and circumstances worth noting.

Your wingpunks insult, you started this punk thread, and you keep coming back, with rants, which suggest you are some kind of sock. So eat shit and die, my friend.

Muslims have been killing Muslims, a lot, since the death of the Prophet Muhammed, in our year 632 C.E. The Shiites went off with Muhammed's relative, Ali, while the Turks came down, to impose Sunni Islam, which has been gaining on the Shiites, ever since.

The US is an ally of Turkey, so it would support Sunnis, except Al Queda is Sunni, and so was Saddam, who like Usama bin Laden was a former CIA client. This is where you and your wingpunks start having real trouble, Jerkoff, while the Russians support Shiites, and they have a base in Syria, controlled by the Shiite Assad, who rules a Sunni majority. The US supported the Sunni tyrant Saddam and the King of Bahrain, over Shiite majorities. So the US and Russia are always trying shit.

The US is always getting Muslims to kill, since the US supports the UK, Israel, and Turkey. Turkey sometimes gets tough, but it keeps down because the days of Attaturk supplanted the Ottoman regimes. Because of all the intrigue, stupid people are needed, to support all the clowning and killing, which the US starts, the Russians also help, and which will continue, now.

YOU and your wingpunks selectively support killing, in Iraq, which I find idiotic. Without retards and mad-dogs wanting to go kill, the killing wouldn't continue. But fucktard idiots like you and your mad-dogs are always around, since fucktards and mad-dogs make kids, and the dirt-doing continues. But I am sorry you are stupid, and your dogs are rabid. Fuck you, with sugar on it, bitch. :Boom2: :eusa_pray:
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Wow, I oppose the US military presence in the Middle East and I don't think the US government should be giving aid to Israel (or anyone else). I'd prefer you're not on my side, thank you very much.

BTW, the tin foil on your head is slipping off a tad, I think Bush might be able to read your thoughts right now, better tighten it up before he locates you and sends his evil army of flying kangaroos to assassinate you for knowing what he's up to in his secret bunker.

So what do you think we should have done with Al Qaeda?
And what is it exactly drives you people to defend Saddam and Al Qaeda?
You attack GWB who has killed no-one (without terrorist, no-one loses)

There where 6 million violent crimes in the US in 2010. Saddam has said to have killed 1 million of his own people as well as paid terrorist 25,000 to have killed 1000s of other innocent people.
Speaking of tin hats, why is it you attack W and not mention BHO?
His drone attacks makes the rest of those who had use of them to look "weak"

Al Queda should have been hunted down like dogs no matter what country gives them refuge.

To say we should not have invaded and occupied Iraq is not defending Saddam. Why do you think it is?

The Bush administration launched a coordinated campaign to deceive the US Congress and Citizen into beleiving that Saddam not only was a threat to the worlds remaining superpower by reconsititution and producing WMD, but also was connected in someway to al Queda and the 9-11 attacks. Furthermore by destablizing Iraq and not providing enough security forces to ensure the saftey of Iraq citizens the Bush administration should be held responsible for the ensuing chaos.

US crime stats have nothing to do with Iraq.

Iraqis support for a particular faction in a regional conflict did not threaten the US. Nor is such support uncommon in the Arab world. For example Saudi Arabia sends more money into Palestine that Iraq.

I have two problems with drone attacks. First blind attacks on unknown targets is reprehensible. Second, attacking the first responders to an initial attack is also reprehensible.

But to be honest I don't think Jr. will repsond with anything other than his usual, if at all.
Wow, I oppose the US military presence in the Middle East and I don't think the US government should be giving aid to Israel (or anyone else). I'd prefer you're not on my side, thank you very much.

BTW, the tin foil on your head is slipping off a tad, I think Bush might be able to read your thoughts right now, better tighten it up before he locates you and sends his evil army of flying kangaroos to assassinate you for knowing what he's up to in his secret bunker.

So what do you think we should have done with Al Qaeda?
And what is it exactly drives you people to defend Saddam and Al Qaeda?
You attack GWB who has killed no-one (without terrorist, no-one loses)

There where 6 million violent crimes in the US in 2010. Saddam has said to have killed 1 million of his own people as well as paid terrorist 25,000 to have killed 1000s of other innocent people.
Speaking of tin hats, why is it you attack W and not mention BHO?
His drone attacks makes the rest of those who had use of them to look "weak"

Al Queda should have been hunted down like dogs no matter what country gives them refuge.

To say we should not have invaded and occupied Iraq is not defending Saddam. Why do you think it is?

The Bush administration launched a coordinated campaign to deceive the US Congress and Citizen into beleiving that Saddam not only was a threat to the worlds remaining superpower by reconsititution and producing WMD, but also was connected in someway to al Queda and the 9-11 attacks. Furthermore by destablizing Iraq and not providing enough security forces to ensure the saftey of Iraq citizens the Bush administration should be held responsible for the ensuing chaos.

US crime stats have nothing to do with Iraq.

Iraqis support for a particular faction in a regional conflict did not threaten the US. Nor is such support uncommon in the Arab world. For example Saudi Arabia sends more money into Palestine that Iraq.

I have two problems with drone attacks. First blind attacks on unknown targets is reprehensible. Second, attacking the first responders to an initial attack is also reprehensible.

But to be honest I don't think Jr. will repsond with anything other than his usual, if at all.

The Iraq war was the greatest terrorist attack ever created by any country since Hitler and the Nazi regime.

Iraq war: Mission failed - Iraq war - Salon.com

Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs - CNN
The West should stay out of Syria. The Middle East countries should be handling the Syrian problem. The West just looks at this as another way to step in and put a puppet regime in place that will turn on them like all the puppets do.
So what do you think we should have done with Al Qaeda?
And what is it exactly drives you people to defend Saddam and Al Qaeda?
You attack GWB who has killed no-one (without terrorist, no-one loses)

There where 6 million violent crimes in the US in 2010. Saddam has said to have killed 1 million of his own people as well as paid terrorist 25,000 to have killed 1000s of other innocent people.
Speaking of tin hats, why is it you attack W and not mention BHO?
His drone attacks makes the rest of those who had use of them to look "weak"

Al Queda should have been hunted down like dogs no matter what country gives them refuge.

To say we should not have invaded and occupied Iraq is not defending Saddam. Why do you think it is?

The Bush administration launched a coordinated campaign to deceive the US Congress and Citizen into beleiving that Saddam not only was a threat to the worlds remaining superpower by reconsititution and producing WMD, but also was connected in someway to al Queda and the 9-11 attacks. Furthermore by destablizing Iraq and not providing enough security forces to ensure the saftey of Iraq citizens the Bush administration should be held responsible for the ensuing chaos.

US crime stats have nothing to do with Iraq.

Iraqis support for a particular faction in a regional conflict did not threaten the US. Nor is such support uncommon in the Arab world. For example Saudi Arabia sends more money into Palestine that Iraq.

I have two problems with drone attacks. First blind attacks on unknown targets is reprehensible. Second, attacking the first responders to an initial attack is also reprehensible.

But to be honest I don't think Jr. will repsond with anything other than his usual, if at all.

The Iraq war was the greatest terrorist attack ever created by any country since Hitler and the Nazi regime.

Iraq war: Mission failed - Iraq war - Salon.com

Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs - CNN

WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.
"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990

I guess CNN missed this

Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Employing brinksmanship to a degree hitherto unknown,
and doing so by means of its US, EU, UN GCC proxies,
Israel continues to press the West.

especially the US,

to continue to seek to destabilize Syria,
and thus weaken Syria vis a vis Israel,
just as Israel has succeeded in destabilizing other MENA nations.

SCO, especially as represented by China and Russia,
has long opposed Israel's efforts to so employ NATO
as a means of weakening SCO's own position in MENA

Readers of any consequence
who have no knowledge of SCO
should research SCO and note its strength
standing alone,
and also as SCO is supported by its allies---that now may include Turkey as well as Afghanistan,

and consider in their own minds how long SCO might believe itcan afford to permit its own position,

especially in MENA's oil rich regions,
to be further weakened.
Al Queda should have been hunted down like dogs no matter what country gives them refuge.

To say we should not have invaded and occupied Iraq is not defending Saddam. Why do you think it is?

The Bush administration launched a coordinated campaign to deceive the US Congress and Citizen into beleiving that Saddam not only was a threat to the worlds remaining superpower by reconsititution and producing WMD, but also was connected in someway to al Queda and the 9-11 attacks. Furthermore by destablizing Iraq and not providing enough security forces to ensure the saftey of Iraq citizens the Bush administration should be held responsible for the ensuing chaos.

US crime stats have nothing to do with Iraq.

Iraqis support for a particular faction in a regional conflict did not threaten the US. Nor is such support uncommon in the Arab world. For example Saudi Arabia sends more money into Palestine that Iraq.

I have two problems with drone attacks. First blind attacks on unknown targets is reprehensible. Second, attacking the first responders to an initial attack is also reprehensible.

But to be honest I don't think Jr. will repsond with anything other than his usual, if at all.

The Iraq war was the greatest terrorist attack ever created by any country since Hitler and the Nazi regime.

Iraq war: Mission failed - Iraq war - Salon.com

Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs - CNN

WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.
"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990

I guess CNN missed this

Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Since the Joint Resolution required a continuing threat, the unusable munition found still do not rise to the level of national threat against the world remaining superpower no matter how many time this guy bring them up.
JRK: Snip

The facts: JRK's false narrative been torn apart.

The American neo-cons will never have power in government again, and eventually their trials will happen.

Hey Fakey Jake, how's that recall of Walker that all you brain dead leftists declared a done deal going?

Lost another one, . . . :

Hey, ComradeUncensoredFascist, go back and see what I said: that if he retained his office, he would be kissing ass to all constituents. You are not a conservative, just a reactionary fake GOP. So have a good one.

Oh, JRK has been getting ass kicked all over this thread.
The real question is why would anyone claim the Iraq War period?

My intent was to put closure to this un fortunate event
This is not to make this event to be glorified, yet to help those who care understand why it was we had to go there with 33 other countries and rid the world of Saddam as well as Al Qaeda setting up base there in 02
This was not a claim, it was respect for those who went and sacrificed as well as though as those who have been lied to by the press and the left who used this to try and win political points with those 1/4 truths and out right pure lies

Our troops and this countries leadership that included 29 Dem senators and many in the house as well
Mostly our troops, that is why
Glory isn't what happened, though. The CIA happened. Lies happened. Treachery happened. Despoliation happened. Death happened! Hypocrisy persists.

Shit is what happened. While we wait, shit is about to happen, again, since assholes are in charge, of the USA, where we, live. We never get problems defined and worked out. See why not? People who celebrate shit that is going to happen again have the wrong agenda.
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Wow, I oppose the US military presence in the Middle East and I don't think the US government should be giving aid to Israel (or anyone else). I'd prefer you're not on my side, thank you very much.

BTW, the tin foil on your head is slipping off a tad, I think Bush might be able to read your thoughts right now, better tighten it up before he locates you and sends his evil army of flying kangaroos to assassinate you for knowing what he's up to in his secret bunker.
Ask Bush if he can manage this math:

"By 1948, there were approximately 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, more Arabs than had ever lived in Palestine before, and more Jews than had lived there since Roman times."

You should worry more about ostriches and less about tin-foil hats.
The Jewish State would not exist without war whores like Bush and their useful idiots like you.
Do your flying kangaroos have any thoughts on ethnic cleansing?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War that preceded it..."

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Muslims are killing Muslims
If not we would have 0 issues
Al Qaeda went to Iraq to set up base prior to invasion
Saddam invaded Kuwait 1991, he got his ass kicked, he surrendered, he agreed to terms that he later ignored

And killed millions of Muslims

The coalition that went into Iraq went there to clean up a mess that began in the 70s
The one issue you continually dodge is that there are exactly 0 Muslims killing Christian children for money in your hometown.

Saddam's crimes in Iraq are dwarfed by an illegal US invasion and occupation that has murdered, maimed, incarcerated or displaced one in four Iraqis since March of 2003.

As to your neo-con crocodile tears for "a mess that began in the 70s" tell us why Ronald Reagan, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld made the mess worse in the 80s:

"An eight-year-old Senate report confirms that disease-producing and poisonous materials were exported, under U.S. government license, to Iraq from 1985 to 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. Furthermore, the report adds, the American-exported materials were identical to microorganisms destroyed by United Nations inspectors after the Gulf War.

"The shipments were approved despite allegations that Saddam used biological weapons against Kurdish rebels and (according to the current official U.S. position) initiated war with Iran."

Reagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein by Jacob Hornberger
In 1948 one third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their countrymen and women. 700,000 Arabs and others were purged from land their families had lived on for generations; there would have been no need for Saddam to pay "martyrs benefits" if the Jewish occupation of Palestine hadn't been supported by the same interests who supported the US occupation of Iraq. Your government sends its hired killers half way around the world to maim, murder and displace millions of innocent Muslims. Clean your own house before you worry about Saddam's.

Muslims are killing Muslims
If not we would have 0 issues
Al Qaeda went to Iraq to set up base prior to invasion
Saddam invaded Kuwait 1991, he got his ass kicked, he surrendered, he agreed to terms that he later ignored

And killed millions of Muslims

The coalition that went into Iraq went there to clean up a mess that began in the 70s
The one issue you continually dodge is that there are exactly 0 Muslims killing Christian children for money in your hometown.

Saddam's crimes in Iraq are dwarfed by an illegal US invasion and occupation that has murdered, maimed, incarcerated or displaced one in four Iraqis since March of 2003.

As to your neo-con crocodile tears for "a mess that began in the 70s" tell us why Ronald Reagan, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld made the mess worse in the 80s:

"An eight-year-old Senate report confirms that disease-producing and poisonous materials were exported, under U.S. government license, to Iraq from 1985 to 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. Furthermore, the report adds, the American-exported materials were identical to microorganisms destroyed by United Nations inspectors after the Gulf War.

"The shipments were approved despite allegations that Saddam used biological weapons against Kurdish rebels and (according to the current official U.S. position) initiated war with Iran."

Reagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein by Jacob Hornberger

The US never provided anything to Saddam for the use to kill millions of his own people
To terrorize by paying families to sacrifice one of there own by blowing up them selves to kill and maim others
Iraqis dis placed after the 34 countries went into Iraq to remove Saddam were done by Saddam loyalist, Al Qaeda as well as other radicals
Without terrorist, no war
without Saddam, no war

root cause, not blame those who went there to clean the mess up