Why Would a Caucasian Person Vote for Obama?

I'm betting I'm not the only white person in the USA who is up to here with four years of the race baiting either.. The stats will tell us tomorrow won't they?
I'm betting I'm not the only white person in the USA who is up to here with four years of the race baiting either.. The stats will tell us tomorrow won't they?

I think that a lot of whites voted for Obama out of guilt, or a sense that "this will fix everything."

Only to find that they DID NOT hold a big Congratulate White People Rally the next day.

As if Sharpton and Jackson decided to retire... "White America elected a black man. What more for us could there possibly be to do?"

But it didn't happen.

Whites only took more gale-force winds of racism accusation.

And the economy is still in the shitter.

So WHAT is the fucking point of Obama?

If you're black, OK. He's going to give you more cookies. Appoint the freakin' Black Panthers to the cabinet. Whatever.

But again, if you're white, WHY? Are whites in America SO riddled with white guilt that they're willing to sacrifice their children's future just so they can say "I'm not racist"? Is that where we are as a race?
The point I'd like to persuade whites of is this:

You think that the more you concede to minorities, the more you give them, the more you denigrate yourself, the more you hand over power to blacks, Hispanics, the more you toss out white dolls and replace them with "Dora", etc......

THE BETTER it will be for you...

But it's just the opposite.

The more you give them, the more they want. The MORE they hate you.
You admitted you were racist dumbass

when are you going to admit that both you and Obama are racists?

When are you going to admit the right it always comes down to race? HYPOCRISY AT ITS FINEST! :D:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dumb ass

"white man's greed runs a world in need"

"just like the typical white person"

"that's just how white foilks will do ya"

" did I happen to mention I'm black?"

" the police acted stupdly"

" for the first time in my life I'm proud of my country"

" god damn america"
But again, if you're white, WHY? Are whites in America SO riddled with white guilt that they're willing to sacrifice their children's future just so they can say "I'm not racist"? Is that where we are as a race?

Who's "we," you pathetic fucking coward? Do you really imagine you speak for anyone but your own miserable, cowardly self?

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