Why women want to be ugly.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.
I believe your perception puts the cart before the horse.

While it might appear that way to some the fact is an overweight woman is less sexually attractive, which eventually results in sexual frustration, and sexually frustrated women often are harpies -- cranky, bossy, and generally bitchy.

In the extreme example of a woman who wants sex but can't attract a man to accommodate her the ancient wisdom is, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

With some women the problem is cyclical. They gain a little weight, men stop paying attention to them, they don't have enough sex, they eat to compensate, and the more they compensate the less attractive they become.
I always wanted a waist. I had one, once. But not like I wanted. I wanted raquel welch's waist. She had hips, boobs and small waist that was not too small. Hourglass. TRUE hourglass. I never wanted to be a stick, either. Straight up and down. I was blessed with a nice butt though. And boobs. Small dent where a waist is supposed to be.
Alas, all that kinda goes away when ya get older or have kids. I like my bod just fine with the way it is. I got cusion, I have some muslce still where it counts, I just don't and didn't have the waist I wanted when I was younger. Sniff.


Meanwhile...the OP seems butthurt about women that must be bigger than his scrawny frame. :lol:
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.
Don't fat women have more waistline than skinny women?
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.

You must live on the Teletubby set.

I always wanted a waist. I had one, once. But not like I wanted. I wanted raquel welch's waist. She had hips, boobs and small waist that was not too small. Hourglass. TRUE hourglass. I never wanted to be a stick, either. Straight up and down. I was blessed with a nice butt though. And boobs. Small dent where a waist is supposed to be.


As a certified ass-man I can assure you that as long as you have a prominent rear-end you'll never have a problem attracting men.
So many young women these days are disgusting. It's almost like there has been a genetic change in their figures. Nothing wrong with a woman carrying a few extra pounds, provided the pounds go where they should (upper and lower, not middle). I see so many girls these days with guts like 55 year old male beer guzzlers, and they still wear tight clothes. It's truly repulsive.

I am beginning to wonder if it is the high sugar diet that brings on diabetes and heart disease that come with midrif weight. It's not normal female weight gain. I think it's a very serious health issue, physical revulsion nothwithstanding.
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Mike, I was indeed blessed with a round butt. My sister got a flat one. She looks awful in skirts. No butt at all. Flat as a pancake. Mine, on the other hand....well, I used to come home crying cuz I was called Bubble Butt in grammar school. One day Daddy said "honey, don't cry. Mean people just say mean things and when you get older, trust me. Boy will love your bubble butt". :lol:

Daddy was a smart man.
I don't know of any woman who wants to be fat.

The ones I know who carry too much weight, work in the hospital and they are always laughing and having fun. I think their self-esteem lies in having a job they love. Their hubby's are usually very skinny. Ever noticed how many thin men you see with heavy set wives? Thin men don't seem to have a problem with it, unless there is something going on behind the scenes I know nothing about....:eusa_whistle: I tend to think though, that these men are happy with their wives because their wives are happy with themselves.
The modern 'getting fatter' trend is more about less healthy foods, and good-tasting, but very unhealthy foods being much more convenient than healthier choices. If you only have to rip open a bag, or microwave something a few minutes to eat, that's what most will do. By comparison, baking, or frying something on the stovetop requires more time and effort.

Also, overall stress has turned eating into a recreational activity. Whereas in times past, people at regular healthier meals at fixed times, now people are eating at irregular times, and out of the desire tof eel good moreso than simply replenishing the body's energy source.

Also, our sedentary lifestyle isn't giving us the exercise we used to have. Most jobs now don't involve much in the way of physical exertion. If getting exercise involves joining a healthclub or gym, there's a massive deficit of physical activity in the person's life. Rather than walking to and from work, then doing physical labor there, we drive, then sit most of the time. And even those that do walk and exert themselves on the job, are then eating high sugar/salt/fat foods instead of healthier foods prepared in the kitchen.

Lastly, modern processed foods are deliberately formulated with 'sweet spots' of fat, sugar, and salt to be more delicious. But these scientifically formulated treats are producing a narcotic-like effect in our brains making the consumption of more and more of them likely to occur. And rather than triggering in the brain the 'I'm full' reaction with less consumed, they're producing the exact opposite so we only feel full when our stomachs are literally filled to capacity. And instead of having anything in the way of nutritional value, most all of it either becomes fat, or is expelled from the body.

Good rule of thumb I abide by is 'if it comes in a bag it's not food, it's chemistry.'
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.

Nice segway.. Thanks


Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.

That is an interesting theory. I have seen very little evidence that connects body shape or size in women to their level of aggression or abrasiveness.

One of the most awful women that I was ever involved with was by popular definition a physical "10". That attribute aside, she was a narcissistic sociopath.

I have also known some that were slim or petite and were also very nice, and also some who carried a few more pounds than average that were also nice.
Did you notice how fewer and fewer women want a waist line?

Now the answer's just hit me. The less waist line they have the more dominant they are.

The fatter women are, the more aggressive they can afford to be in their relationships. With being fat, they eliminate the sexual aspects of their lives and they can dominate their men without needing to answer for anything.

You don't really have a lot of happy relationships with women in your life, do you, lad?

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