Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Good Lord, what a discussion.

Bottom line: When it comes to assessing large numbers of people - their successes and failures - IQ is king. American Blacks have an average IQ that is full standard deviation below the mean.

If blacks people are IQ are so low then why for the past 400 yrs has there been an on going need from whites for systematic depravation towards blks ?

If blks are so dumb then why do you have system to take from dumb ppl ? If we are so dumb you should be able to give blk ppl the best of everything and we'd still fk up ?

If blks are so dumb then why do whites make sure that predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

If we are so dumb you dont create a system of Jim Crow were blk ppl cant get the proper schooling. A system were you have to house them in prison and beat on them

Why are you beating on a person who is mentally retarded ? What does that say about white ppl if that's the real narrative ?

And if white are so smart then why do many Universities in America give out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?
And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ? And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ? And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

And if whites are so smart then why are there tons of scandals were affluent whites including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribe and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
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The biggest lies one hears in the English language start with the expression, "Studies have shown..."

IQ is everything. There are two main groups of people who deny this undeniable fact: People in groups with low IQ's and people who personally have an IQ that they think doesn't reflect their own elevated belief about their intelligence (e.g., K-12 public school teachers). NO PSYCHOLOGIST will assert that IQ's aren't important, or are unreliable. That assertion would be poppycock.
The biggest lies one hears in the English language start with the expression, "Studies have shown..."

When you look at the different rates of educational success between different European subgroups, you see a wide variety of accomplishment.

The reason that I want to point this out is that it goes to the heart of this argument that white IQ or that white intelligence is somehow hard-wired.

So for example, if you look at Census data, the completion rates, college completion rates, for various white groups, range from a low end of 21.3% of Irish-Americans with college degrees up to 51% of Russian Americans with college degrees. In between that you’ve got Swedes at 27.5, English at 28.6, Scottish at 33.4, Germans at 22.1.

In other words you have a pretty broad spread of difference. The reason I bring that out is that, why is it that people who claim that race is some biologically hard-wired thing and that success is related to IQ which is related to biology and race: if that’s true, then I guess one would have to conclude that based on the rank ordering of Europeans that

  1. Russian-Americans are the most intelligent and biologically superior
  2. Followed by Scots
  3. Followed by English
  4. Followed by Swedes
  5. Followed by Poles
  6. Followed by Germans
  7. Followed by the Irish
But of course guys like you NEVER make this argument. You do like to compare the educational success rates of whites, with blacks, with Latinos, with Asians.

But you never want to compare the white totals because that would demonstrate a wide variety

IQ is everything.

If you are saying that "IQ is everything" then why aren't you saying that "IQ should be used for everything" ?

Why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Just give to the leader with the highest IQ

Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ?

There are two main groups of people who deny this undeniable fact: People in groups with low IQ's and people who personally have an IQ that they think doesn't reflect their own elevated belief about their intelligence (e.g., K-12 public school teachers). NO PSYCHOLOGIST will assert that IQ's aren't important, or are unreliable. That assertion would be poppycock.

And that's the issue....that is the word you said "psychologist"

That's why most of the people running around trying to prove how stupid black people are, or running around trying to make genetic. biological and anthropological statements are rarely geneticists. biologists or anthropologists themselves.
  • Steve Sailer, journalist/computer salesman.
  • J. Philippe Rushton, psychologist.
  • Francis Fukuyama, political economist.
  • Richard Herrnstein, (Bell Curve Author) psychologist.
  • Charles Murray, (Bell Curve Author) politics.
  • Arthur Jensen, psychology professor.
  • Jared Taylor. philsophy major
  • Matt Hemibach, History major
  • Richard Spencer, English Lit and Music major
No biologists or anthropologists, much less geneticists. Biologists and anthropologists, the very people who study these things for a living Yet these same people

But if what you say is true then why in neurology does no one takes IQ seriously ?.

Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

Why is that the case ?

Not that people in the hard sciences can't be white supremacists. After all as I have said b4 some of the Nazi's were doctors and you guys tend hang your hat on James Watson.
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It matters not what the blk person does, Even in countries where there practically are no black ppl, like Russia they have the same anti blk sentiments as white people all over the world
If they happen to run into an uncultured Negro - off course they will.
Germans have a lot of sentiments towards uncultured Americans - totally regardless of their Skin pigmentation

You deliberately keep on confusing someones dislike for a low cultured person - and the dislike of a racist towards someone, simply due to his skin pigmentation.
Just get the point
I gave you the "point"
Just get to your point.
I made my "point"
it is pretty widely acknowledged that virtually no basic technologies were strictly speaking invented in Europe or the United States. Instead, European societies aggregated technologies. Metalwork, the plow, hydrocarbon fuels, higher mathematics, paper, wind-powered sea navigation, the compass, gun powder, and steam engines all came from elsewhere. In terms of the crucial agricultural products that feed everyone in the modern world, too, none originated in Europe.

Black Africans were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the modern age.

Black people are :

  • The Fathers of Mathematics.\
  • The Fathers of Physics.
  • The Fathers of Chemistry
  • The Fathers of Astronomy.
  • The Fathers of civilisation.
  • The Fathers of building in stone and bricks.
  • The fathers of Writing Languages like Edo Script, Nsibidi are three African writing systems that pre-date the arrival of Europeans on the continent.
Nsibidi does not correspond to any one spoken language. It is an ideographic script, and Edo script is a chromatographic system
None of them are written Languages
- and no one else used them in Africa or anywhere else in the world.
Your post is pathetic all the way - to say the least.

You bring up the hygienic issue of Europe of the 15th century - and ignore the 1800's onward, that I was referring to.

And gunpowder in Europe was solely discovered (via an alchemist coincidence) and did Not come from e.g. China to Europe.
And Moors aka Moor is a term for people of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Berber origins - and not some Negro.

And so on and so on.
I gave you the "point"

I made my "point"







Nsibidi does not correspond to any one spoken language. It is an ideographic script, and Edo script is a chromatographic system
None of them are written Languages
- and no one else used them in Africa or anywhere else in the world.

Your post is pathetic all the way - to say the least.

You bring up the hygienic issue of Europe of the 15th century - and ignore the 1800's onward, that I was referring to.

And gunpowder in Europe was solely discovered (via an alchemist coincidence) and did Not come from e.g. China to Europe.
And Moors aka Moor is a term for people of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Berber origins - and not some Negro.

And so on and so on.

Picked an argument with the wrong blk dude - Didn't ya ?

You points and "opinions" sound good on stormfront. They sound good on those racist websites you white boys congregate on to talk sh*t about blk ppl. They sound good when you are around family and friends. They sound good when no one is there to counter them

And as to your "who" question.

I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike, which demonstrates both the racism and absurdity of your arguments.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself, seeing as how it will be far more adequately presented by me than I could do here.

You can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

Not that me posting this will make a jot of difference.

You choose which facts you wish to believe in. It's part of how your racist delusion works. You will overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
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And Moors aka Moor is a term for people of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Berber origins - and not some Negro.

Moor the word literally means "black"



But here is the bigger point ? Why does a history of blk ppl were we was not slaves or getting our asses kicked by white people pain you so much ?

I have no probably admitting that white people have made some wonderful inventions

But I also realize that what you think of as European Civilization is limited and it's composed of the achievements of only a handful of nations, and even then, involving only a small fraction of the persons of those states, most of whose citizens have been little more than peasants for the bulk of recorded history.

If you suggest that “technological achievements” or contributions are what mark a people as having history worth knowing about, then we would have to teach almost nothing about Finland and many othet Euro countries
Picked an argument with the wrong blk dude - Didn't ya ?
Not really - I am fully aware that you know very little to nothing
And as to your "who" question.
Person name and date - if you don't know, you claim what?

Name me a single Negro that was born before Aristotle, (born around 380 B.C.), and got any fame via science
or Archimedes, (born around 290 B.C,) or Pythagoras, (born around 570 B.C.), in regards to math or scientific inventions

Hell. I don't even need to read up a book or article to come up with these persons - so how about your Scientific Negros?

And Moor does not derive from some Greek "Black" but dark.

The term Moor, can be found throughout literature, art, and history books, it does not actually describe a specific ethnicity or race. Instead, the concept of Moors has been used to describe alternatively the reign of Muslims in Spain, Europeans of African descent, and others for centuries.

Derived from the Latin word “Maurus,” "dark", the term was originally used to describe Berbers and e.g. Carthage and Phoenician people settling in the later ancient Roman conquered provinces of Libya down to Mauretania. Over time, it was increasingly applied to Muslims living in Europe and not to describe Negros - the latter got their name from Niger.

Beginning in the Renaissance, “Moor” and “blackamoor” were also used to describe any person with dark skin. And the Western European Renaissance only got on the way - UPON and AFTER the Moors had been driven out of Portugal and Spain - due to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 ushering into the High Renaissance.

The Moors you are referring to in regards to Spain had NOTHING to do with Negros. But as I had already stated, for people of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Berber origins - that there were Negro slaves and Negro traders amongst the Moors is obvious. After the defeat of the Moors, the idea of Moors had spread across Western Europe. “Moor” came to mean anyone who was Muslim or had dark skin; occasionally, Europeans would distinguish between “blackamoors” and “white Moors.”

Which one of those mentioned below was a Negro?

Negros NEVER had any culture or civilization standard worth mentioning. And NO those Northern Sudan, Ethiopian and Egyptian cultures were never Negro cultures. Keep dreaming your racist fantasies.
Not really - I am fully aware that you know very little to nothing

Just get to your point.

Person name and date - if you don't know, you claim what?

I just did give evidence.

The entire ancient world was Black.

Black men threaten white men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization. Once you understand the White man’s ancient fear you began to understand why the economic, legal and political systems oppress Black men.
  • Is it because the Blackman built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Blackman has surpassed White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the Whiteman’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Name me a single Negro that was born before Aristotle, (born around 380 B.C.), and got any fame via science
or Archimedes, (born around 290 B.C,) or Pythagoras, (born around 570 B.C.), in regards to math or scientific inventions

I just did and let's look at the Roman and Greek Empire, since you brought it up.

You have the idea that Greece was the 1st European/White civilization. You probably also claim that Egypt contributed absolutely nothing to the creation of the Greek Civilization. And if that isn’t enough, guys like you turn around and claim Egypt as their creation as well !

Now Egypt is thousands and thousands of years older than Greece. Therefore, if Greece was the 1st European/White Civilization, to claim Egypt as a European/White Civilization one would have to be stupid enough to believe that the child (Greece) gave birth to the parent (Egypt).

Also, by documenting ancient recorded dates of the Egyptian GREAT YR, which is just under 26,000 yrs in length, it has been established that the Egyptian Civilization is at least 50,000yrs old. That would make Egypt older than the White race. Furthermore, no one has explained how Europeans/Whites could have created advanced civilizations like Egypt when they had no known

2-trail and error period,
3-evidence of a written language or culture,
4-recorded history,
5-architectural achievement,
6-mathmatical system, including the zero,
7-organized government or society
8-agricultural achievement
9-religious awareness or concept of God
10-awareness of anything associated with being civilized,
11-educational system
12-evidence of having knowledge or use on anything other than stone impliments,

At the time these civilizations were created. We’re supposed to accept the EUROCENTRIC BS that has them miraculously walking out of their caves in Europe and creating an advanced civilization.

Then we’re supposed to be even dumber by believing they then migrated into Africa and created an even more advanced Egyptian Civilization that’s older than they, or before their so called 1st civilization ever existed.


Greek and Roman civilization comes from Egypt.

Funny thing is :

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

The term Moor, can be found throughout literature, art, and history books, it does not actually describe a specific ethnicity or race. Instead, the concept of Moors has been used to describe alternatively the reign of Muslims in Spain, Europeans of African descent, and others for centuries.

Eurocentrists have tried their best to delete this fact from history. The "Dark" ages in Europe, was a time when Europe was ruled by Black people (moors). The Dark Ages happened after the fall of Rome and Europe was in chaos. The Moors from North Africa had ancient knowledge and began to civilize Europeans.

The evidence is right here in black and white (excuse the pun)



Description: Detail of a miniature of Agolant and his Moors defending the castle of Agen, and Charlemagne wearing the royal arms of France combined with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire leading his knights, at the beginning of chapter 3 of 'Charlemagne' book 4.
Origin: France, Central (Paris)

Whites whitewashed European and world history. Black kings and queens ruled all over Europe for centuries until the Renaissance era.

Blacks ruled the Roman empire for centuries as well. CAC historians renamed it the Byzantine empire to cover it up

Russia was ruled by Blacks as well. Google Russian Icons and you'll see all the icons of black Russian kings, priests, knights and prophet

This is how it was


Derived from the Latin word “Maurus,” "dark", the term was originally used to describe Berbers and e.g. Carthage and Phoenician people settling in the later ancient Roman conquered provinces of Libya down to Mauretania. Over time, it was increasingly applied to Muslims living in Europe and not to describe Negros - the latter got their name from Niger.

The Moorish conquest of Europe was black achievement top to bottom hence black kings (not arabs) being the symbol of the Moors in Europe y..also many the people mislabeled arabs in medieval era art of the Moorish occupation of Europe are black.

-true/native Berbers are black and Moors were/are a subgroup of them...non black Berbers are Berbersized mutts and descendants of European slaves brought to Africa by the Moors

The MOORS Were BLACKER than most blk ppl are today.


Beginning in the Renaissance, “Moor” and “blackamoor” were also used to describe any person with dark skin. And the Western European Renaissance only got on the way - UPON and AFTER the Moors had been driven out of Portugal and Spain - due to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 ushering into the High Renaissance.

White people think they have some sort of ancient secret but little do they know it's a poison pill in the hands of the unrighteous which they are.

White people are destroying themselves with the technology as we speak because they are still in a low level of what is ACTUALLY uncivilized thinking.

Living in nature, only killing what you can eat, and living off the land is much more civilized than what we see today. Little do white people know that they are puppets, slowly leading black people back to the truth.

The reason you can see pyramids all over is because gods people share the same spirit, we share the frequency. We can have different cultures all over the world yet still share similarities. It's not just limited to music and dances like people seem to think. I wouldn't say we are all connected but many of us are.

White people HAVE NO CULTURE

Whiteness has no intrinsic meaning culturally: can you even articulate what “white culture” means?

Not your various European cultures mind you, which do have meaning but have been largely lost to white people in the mad dash to accept whiteness and the perks that come with it, but white culture itself.

I watched a programme a few years back were they asked white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black people the answers always have to do with the pride we feel, coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

In other words, to be black has internal meaning

But for whites ? If you ppl can come up with anything, it was something about how nice it is not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it is not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a job, or looking for a home.

So for you white people, your self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who u aren’t. What it means to be white is merely to not be black.

The Moors you are referring to in regards to Spain had NOTHING to do with Negros. But as I had already stated, for people of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Berber origins - that there were Negro slaves and Negro traders amongst the Moors is obvious. After the defeat of the Moors, the idea of Moors had spread across Western Europe. “Moor” came to mean anyone who was Muslim or had dark skin; occasionally, Europeans would distinguish between “blackamoors” and “white Moors.”

Which one of those mentioned below was a Negro?


You have to deal with the racial inferiority you have towards black men because that racial inferiority you have is shown in your need to for blk ppl to be completely invisible. Not even a tiny glory in world history.

I've heard it all from white supremacist scholars and I expect to see a billion more "King Tuts German DNA revealed!" Clickbait, Hollywood films starting British actors, And phony racist outrage cus someone dared to say the logical truth about an Ancient African society.

It's recorded in all the annuls of world history that the ancient Egyptians and moors were blk skinned sons of ham and their cousins the ancient Hebrews are dark skinned sons of shem

Negros NEVER had any culture or civilization standard worth mentioning.

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” meme is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I dunno… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course, as well as many other high Egyptian officials.

Egypt was first settled by blacks. They built the first civilization. Black people were the first to have government, street, talk, soap, study Maths, Physics, Chemistry.

With time other people came in from other areas of the world because they heard of its glory and grandeur. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

White supremacists and others have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

And NO those Northern Sudan, Ethiopian and Egyptian cultures were never Negro cultures. Keep dreaming your racist fantasies.

If the pyramids were built by white ppl they'd have built them back home in Europe.

Then show me the wonderful pyramids in Russia ? England ? Ireland ? Scotland ? Norway ? Sweden ? Germany ? Holland ? Artefacts ?

Show us. You can end this debate in a second if you can do that

Na. I think I'll be waiting on that one

The native people of Egypt called that area Kemet. That word meant "land of the Blacks". And the Greek scholars described the original Egyptians as Black, in very detailed terms


White History: “nah they weren’t black, there is nothing to support that idea”

Literally each and every single account of the Ancient Egyptians from the Greeks themselves describes them as nothing more and nothing less than men, from Africa, of dark skin.

Am I to believe some white "professor" and his little kiss ass camel breath lackeys know more about the Egyptians than the their own ancestors who were actually there or the Egyptians themselves?

The Egyptians depicted themselves with dark-brown skin in their own art. And even distinguished themselves in some of their work from the white Mediterranean and middle Eastern people.

Their religion, language, culture, and architecture of Ancient Egypt--including the concept of resurrecting as pyramids as grandiose tombs and tributes--are all African in origin.

Nearly every statue of a common Egyptian man and woman shows someone with black African braids, afros, and other afrocentric hairstyles.

I've never seen a Egyptian artifact or work of art that celebrated flowing blonde or Caucasian hair.




The great Sphinx of Giza, even without his nose, is CLEARLY the face of an African man.

There is nothing resembling an existing Israelian, Russian, Turkish, Swedish Jordanian, Lebanon, Syrian (or any euro country) culture recovered from Ancient Egypt.

They were black people. Case closed over and over.
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Just get to your point.

I just did give evidence.

The entire ancient world was Black.

Black men threaten white men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization. Once you understand the White man’s ancient fear you began to understand why the economic, legal and political systems oppress Black men.
  • Is it because the Blackman built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Blackman has surpassed White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the Whiteman’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?

I just did and let's look at the Roman and Greek Empire, since you brought it up.

You have the idea that Greece was the 1st European/White civilization. You probably also claim that Egypt contributed absolutely nothing to the creation of the Greek Civilization. And if that isn’t enough, guys like you turn around and claim Egypt as their creation as well !

Now Egypt is thousands and thousands of years older than Greece. Therefore, if Greece was the 1st European/White Civilization, to claim Egypt as a European/White Civilization one would have to be stupid enough to believe that the child (Greece) gave birth to the parent (Egypt).

Also, by documenting ancient recorded dates of the Egyptian GREAT YR, which is just under 26,000 yrs in length, it has been established that the Egyptian Civilization is at least 50,000yrs old. That would make Egypt older than the White race. Furthermore, no one has explained how Europeans/Whites could have created advanced civilizations like Egypt when they had no known

2-trail and error period,
3-evidence of a written language or culture,
4-recorded history,
5-architectural achievement,
6-mathmatical system, including the zero,
7-organized government or society
8-agricultural achievement
9-religious awareness or concept of God
10-awareness of anything associated with being civilized,
11-educational system
12-evidence of having knowledge or use on anything other than stone impliments,

At the time these civilizations were created. We’re supposed to accept the EUROCENTRIC BS that has them miraculously walking out of their caves in Europe and creating an advanced civilization.

Then we’re supposed to be even dumber by believing they then migrated into Africa and created an even more advanced Egyptian Civilization that’s older than they, or before their so called 1st civilization ever existed.


Greek and Roman civilization comes from Egypt.

Funny thing is :

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

Eurocentrists have tried their best to delete this fact from history. The "Dark" ages in Europe, was a time when Europe was ruled by Black people (moors). The Dark Ages happened after the fall of Rome and Europe was in chaos. The Moors from North Africa had ancient knowledge and began to civilize Europeans.

The evidence is right here in black and white (excuse the pun)



Description: Detail of a miniature of Agolant and his Moors defending the castle of Agen, and Charlemagne wearing the royal arms of France combined with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire leading his knights, at the beginning of chapter 3 of 'Charlemagne' book 4.
Origin: France, Central (Paris)

Whites whitewashed European and world history. Black kings and queens ruled all over Europe for centuries until the Renaissance era.

Blacks ruled the Roman empire for centuries as well. CAC historians renamed it the Byzantine empire to cover it up

Russia was ruled by Blacks as well. Google Russian Icons and you'll see all the icons of black Russian kings, priests, knights and prophet

This is how it was

View attachment 865111

The Moorish conquest of Europe was black achievement top to bottom hence black kings (not arabs) being the symbol of the Moors in Europe y..also many the people mislabeled arabs in medieval era art of the Moorish occupation of Europe are black.

-true/native Berbers are black and Moors were/are a subgroup of them...non black Berbers are Berbersized mutts and descendants of European slaves brought to Africa by the Moors

The MOORS Were BLACKER than most blk ppl are today.


White people think they have some sort of ancient secret but little do they know it's a poison pill in the hands of the unrighteous which they are.

White people are destroying themselves with the technology as we speak because they are still in a low level of what is ACTUALLY uncivilized thinking.

Living in nature, only killing what you can eat, and living off the land is much more civilized than what we see today. Little do white people know that they are puppets, slowly leading black people back to the truth.

The reason you can see pyramids all over is because gods people share the same spirit, we share the frequency. We can have different cultures all over the world yet still share similarities. It's not just limited to music and dances like people seem to think. I wouldn't say we are all connected but many of us are.

White people HAVE NO CULTURE

Whiteness has no intrinsic meaning culturally: can you even articulate what “white culture” means?

Not your various European cultures mind you, which do have meaning but have been largely lost to white people in the mad dash to accept whiteness and the perks that come with it, but white culture itself.

I watched a programme a few years back were they asked white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black people the answers always have to do with the pride we feel, coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

In other words, to be black has internal meaning

But for whites ? If you ppl can come up with anything, it was something about how nice it is not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it is not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a job, or looking for a home.

So for you white people, your self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who u aren’t. What it means to be white is merely to not be black.

View attachment 865113

You have to deal with the racial inferiority you have towards black men because that racial inferiority you have is shown in your need to for blk ppl to be completely invisible. Not even a tiny glory in world history.

I've heard it all from white supremacist scholars and I expect to see a billion more "King Tuts German DNA revealed!" Clickbait, Hollywood films starting British actors, And phony racist outrage cus someone dared to say the logical truth about an Ancient African society.

It's recorded in all the annuls of world history that the ancient Egyptians and moors were blk skinned sons of ham and their cousins the ancient Hebrews are dark skinned sons of shem

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” meme is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I dunno… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course, as well as many other high Egyptian officials.

Egypt was first settled by blacks. They built the first civilization. Black people were the first to have government, street, talk, soap, study Maths, Physics, Chemistry.

With time other people came in from other areas of the world because they heard of its glory and grandeur. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

White supremacists and others have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

If the pyramids were built by white ppl they'd have built them back home in Europe.

Then show me the wonderful pyramids in Russia ? England ? Ireland ? Scotland ? Norway ? Sweden ? Germany ? Holland ? Artefacts ?

Show us. You can end this debate in a second if you can do that

Na. I think I'll be waiting on that one

The native people of Egypt called that area Kemet. That word meant "land of the Blacks". And the Greek scholars described the original Egyptians as Black, in very detailed terms


White History: “nah they weren’t black, there is nothing to support that idea”

Literally each and every single account of the Ancient Egyptians from the Greeks themselves describes them as nothing more and nothing less than men, from Africa, of dark skin.

Am I to believe some white "professor" and his little kiss ass camel breath lackeys know more about the Egyptians than the their own ancestors who were actually there or the Egyptians themselves?

The Egyptians depicted themselves with dark-brown skin in their own art. And even distinguished themselves in some of their work from the white Mediterranean and middle Eastern people.

Their religion, language, culture, and architecture of Ancient Egypt--including the concept of resurrecting as pyramids as grandiose tombs and tributes--are all African in origin.

Nearly every statue of a common Egyptian man and woman shows someone with black African braids, afros, and other afrocentric hairstyles.

I've never seen a Egyptian artifact or work of art that celebrated flowing blonde or Caucasian hair.




The great Sphinx of Giza, even without his nose, is CLEARLY the face of an African man.

There is nothing resembling an existing Israelian, Russian, Turkish, Swedish Jordanian, Lebanon, Syrian (or any euro country) culture recovered from Ancient Egypt.

They were black people. Case closed over and over.

So you’re saying blacks are more accomplished and superior to whites? That was an awful lot of stuff to read through.
Just get to your point.

I just did give evidence.

The entire ancient world was Black.

Black men threaten white men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization. Once you understand the White man’s ancient fear you began to understand why the economic, legal and political systems oppress Black men.
  • Is it because the Blackman built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Blackman has surpassed White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the Whiteman’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
No need to read upon your drivel any further - or to engage into a discussion with you.

As I had stated, it's obvious you don't know what you talk about. You live in a pure self-constructed world vision.

But do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians.
Just get to your point.

I just did give evidence.

The entire ancient world was Black.

Black men threaten white men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization. Once you understand the White man’s ancient fear you began to understand why the economic, legal and political systems oppress Black men.
  • Is it because the Blackman built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Blackman has surpassed White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the Whiteman’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
No need to read upon your drivel any further - or to engage into a discussion with you.

As I had stated, it's obvious you don't know what you talk about. You live in a pure self-constructed world vision.
It's interesting to note that every time people like you are asked to provide evidence of an advanced Negro culture and civilization - you start up claiming the Egyptian civilization to having been Negros. But can't show up for anything else in the rest of the African continent - especially those regions were Negros have factually been living for thousands of years.

But do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians.

Which one of those mentioned below was a Negro?

And where did those 15 maths guys get there knowledge from ? And were did the ppl they get their knowledge from get it ? The deeper you look the blacker it gets.

Of course if you focus white written history then it's to be expected that they are going to exclude blk ppl this is also compounded by the fact blk ppl were not even allowed to walk on the same street as whites for many parts of the last 400 years.

Good luck to the blk man in 1912 America at the height of KKK and Jim Crow trying to persuade his class teacher that he wanted to be an inventor or mathematician

So for you to brag about white and non blk mathematicians is like me having a 100m race and giving myself 50m start and winning then saying I'm the best

And you know what's even funnier

It's never the inventor or mathematician who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority;

It's only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
By trying to prove that black ppl are the inferior ones, you can protect yourself from the insecurity that truly gnaws away at you.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this:

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. People like you who, look to the brilliance of others to try to prove how great they are, are almost always trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.
And where did those 15 maths guys get there knowledge from ? And were did the ppl they get their knowledge from get it ? The deeper you look the blacker it gets.
Do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians. (That YOU claimed). No one is interested in your diversions and continued, absurd, self-constructed racist history drivel.
No need to read upon your drivel any further - or to engage into a discussion with you.

As I had stated, it's obvious you don't know what you talk about. You live in a pure self-constructed world vision.

But do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians.
The more he posts, the more sure that he’s Paul Essien posting under a new account. This is his kind of rhetoric and ppl was always his trademark abbreviation for people.
Do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians. (That YOU claimed). No one is interested in your diversions and continued, absurd, self-constructed racist history drivel.

Not a claim it is the truth and another point I want to add.

Can you please reveal to me and everyone in what you have invented that is beneficial to mankind ?

You....@kruska ....You

Not some inventor whose accomplishments you are imputing to a whole group.

In fact tell us what each and every white person has invented as this is one of the special gifts white people possess. Right ?

Did you design this plane ?
Have you created a vaccine that has saved lives ?
If not, why are you taking credit for it albeit indirectly ?

You appropriate the accomplishments of a few and by implication state that it is because they are white.

I think part of what underlies the emotion of your argument is the experience of seeing white people in day-to-day life claim credit and get rewarded for something that a black people did or thought of first.
So you’re saying blacks are more accomplished and superior to whites?

By Gods own ordination YES.

But white people have gone into lands of black ppl, robbed them, raped them, killed them and put the chokehold

So white people are in a superior no matter what the social or political order is because of the wickedness and evilness of white people the world over

But white people teach that they are fathers of science, the fathers of music, the father of maths, the father of chemistry. I feel that is very racist ethnocentric view the world

  • They teach that Angel food cake is white and devils food cake is black.
  • You wear white to weddings and black to funerals
  • "it's not good lie buddy but if you do lie, then tell a white lie"
  • Black sheep, black ball, black Wednesday, black mail.
  • You play a game a pool and the white ball is knocking the hell out of all the coloured balls and the worst ball is the black ball, You are the white people who teach white superiority yet you dare question me a black about black superiority.
  • You go to church and you see this

Even though the bible described him as a black man

By Gods own ordination YES.

But white people have gone into lands of black ppl, robbed them, raped them, killed them and put the chokehold

So white people are in a superior no matter what the social or political order is because of the wickedness and evilness of white people the world over

But white people teach that they are fathers of science, the fathers of music, the father of maths, the father of chemistry. I feel that is very racist ethnocentric view the world

  • They teach that Angel food cake is white and devils food cake is black.
  • You wear white to weddings and black to funerals
  • "it's not good lie buddy but if you do lie, then tell a white lie"
  • Black sheep, black ball, black Wednesday, black mail.
  • You play a game a pool and the white ball is knocking the hell out of all the coloured balls and the worst ball is the black ball, You are the white people who teach white superiority yet you dare question me a black about black superiority.
  • You go to church and you see this
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Even though the bible described him as a black man
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View attachment 865415
All I had to do was read your first sentence in which you said blacks are superior to whites…..and didn’t want to bother reading any more from a racist.
Not a claim it is the truth and another point I want to add.
Do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians. (That YOU claimed). No one is interested in your diversions and continued, absurd, self-constructed racist history drivel.
Not a claim it is the truth and another point I want to add.

The advertising clip "invention" that SEAT car aired in the 90'ies on TV- is from me, initially forwarded by me to BMW.
I invented a "Romanic" roof-tile - sculptured out of Granite
I invented the method (together with someone else) for a standard oil fired tunnel-oven operating at 1100 Celsius to produce grey color tones for clay tiles.
I invented a mouse operated production planing system together with IBM in 1987 - that enabled a company to increase it's production output by around 25% whilst reducing the order departments staff from 26 people to 14 - without adding a single production machinery investment - therefore the PLC could show a revenue of US$ 100 million to it's previous 80 million within one year.
I invented the method to fire a single shot from a MG3 in Angola, to blow off a Negro terrorists head at 800m+ (without scope)
I invented the method and device (together with someone else) to measure a fighter aircraft RCS and Antenna measurement in a 360 degree configuration, and it is still in use by NATO and other countries.

Stop your idiotic diversions (since you got no idea as to who you are dealing with)

But do feel free to add names and dates to these ingenious Negro scientists and mathematicians. (That YOU claimed). No one is interested in your diversions and continued, absurd, self-constructed racist history drivel.
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