Why White People Will Always Be Racists

1st post
White people will always be racist? Okay, I'll stipulate to that just for the hell of it.

So, considering all the whites who are dimocrats it makes me wonder why blacks continually give 90+% of their votes to a party comprised of so many white devil racists?

Okay, soon some liberal dimwit will show up to convince the class all racist whites are Republicans or conservatives or independents or anything other than dimocrats.
From the OP --

Since the civil-rights movement, which community organizers and Democratic elites capitalized on to increase their power, “whites, and particularly, institutions, have lived under threat of stigmatization,” says Steele. He explains that through this manipulation of white guilt, whites are continually put into the position of forever having to prove the negative, that they’re not racist. This is an impossible task, which is why we’ll never really be free of it. “If they don’t prove the negative, then the stigma sticks,” he writes.

The Left Incites Racial Controversy to Secure More Power
The Confederate flag controversy has never been about being sensitive to minorities in the aftermath of the dreadful mass murder in South Carolina. It has been about stigma and the Democratic Party using it to delegitimize anyone who doesn’t bend to its will. Steele explains that if an individual or institution in America is stigmatized as racist, then they are delegitimized. They lose all power and authority and influence. They are marginalized and ostracized. When that happens, they can be easily defeated or manipulated.

There's a certain authority to having a Black Conservative defend white folks -- isn't there?? :beer:

But that's a pretty reasonable explanation.. Can't prove I'm not a racist unless I'm recorded pulling a black baby out of a burning car.. Not enough OPPORTUNITIES to "prove" I'm not a racist..

UNLESS -- I start voting Democrat.. :bsflag: :up_yours:
5th post
White people will always be racist? Okay, I'll stipulate to that just for the hell of it.

So, considering all the whites who are dimocrats it makes me wonder why blacks continually give 90+% of their votes to a party comprised of so many white devil racists?

Okay, soon some liberal dimwit will show up to convince the class all racist whites are Republicans or conservatives or independents or anything other than dimocrats.

There is no black party to give money too so you have to go with the lesser of two evils. BTW, no one but the OP said all whites are racist and thats so he can play the victim on a sunny Monday morning
From the OP --

Since the civil-rights movement, which community organizers and Democratic elites capitalized on to increase their power, “whites, and particularly, institutions, have lived under threat of stigmatization,” says Steele. He explains that through this manipulation of white guilt, whites are continually put into the position of forever having to prove the negative, that they’re not racist. This is an impossible task, which is why we’ll never really be free of it. “If they don’t prove the negative, then the stigma sticks,” he writes.

The Left Incites Racial Controversy to Secure More Power
The Confederate flag controversy has never been about being sensitive to minorities in the aftermath of the dreadful mass murder in South Carolina. It has been about stigma and the Democratic Party using it to delegitimize anyone who doesn’t bend to its will. Steele explains that if an individual or institution in America is stigmatized as racist, then they are delegitimized. They lose all power and authority and influence. They are marginalized and ostracized. When that happens, they can be easily defeated or manipulated.

There's a certain authority to having a Black Conservative defend white folks -- isn't there?? :beer:

But that's a pretty reasonable explanation.. Can't prove I'm not a racist unless I'm recorded pulling a black baby out of a burning car.. Not enough OPPORTUNITIES to "prove" I'm not a racist..

UNLESS -- I start voting Democrat.. :bsflag: :up_yours:
that would be keen, yet for many years the whites have stigmatized minorities and held them back from equality...
Rasmussen Poll Says Blacks Are More Racist Than Whites

The right-leaning polling firm Rasmussen Reports dove into America's views of race on Wednesday with a bizarre survey that concluded most of the nation thinks blacks are more likely to be racist than whites.

Going deeper into the poll's crosstabs shows that 49 percent of Republicans believe "most black Americans (are) racist," roughly the same percentage of Democrats (47 percent) who said the opposite. A third of Republicans said most black Americans are not racist, while only 11 percent of the GOP said that most white people are racist. Fifty-eight percent of respondents identified as "very conservative" said most blacks are racist, while a plurality of 44 percent "somewhat conservative" respondents said the same.

Rasmussen's eye-popping top line was spelled out explicitly in the opening sentence of the poll's write-up: "Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country." According to the survey, 37 percent of Americans overall believe most blacks in the country are racist compared with 42 percent who said otherwise.

Far fewer Americans believe that most whites and Hispanics are racist, the poll found. A mere 15 percent said most white Americans are racist, a shade below the 18 percent who said most Hispanic Americans are racist. Seventy percent overall said most whites are not racist, while 54 percent rejected the notion that most Hispanic Americans are racist.

Fewer than a quarter of black Americans -- 24 percent -- said most white people are racist, a smaller share than the 31 percent of blacks who said most members of their own race are racist.
10th post
Going deeper into the poll's crosstabs shows that 49 percent of Republicans believe "most black Americans (are) racist,"

Thats like taking a poll of flies and asking "Are Turds delicious?" :rofl:
You make it sound like taking a poll of Democrats and asking if Obama has his head out of his ass...

So, you dont disagree then. Good...it was stupid to bring up that poll in the first place.

Poor poor white people...blacks are so racist that they....ughh, like.....make white people uncomfortable. OH THE HORROR!
15th post
Because the racist Democrat/Left say so, that's why.

Why White People Will Always Be Racists

Hey billy you claimed to be native american, did that change on this board?
I am enjoying watching the white folks squirm with being treated like they treated others in the USA...

MINUS the actions that they took against blacks.....and they are still crying about it.
When you are a spoiled brat, the crying only gets louder when your toys are taken away.....What is not amazing is my brothers in my tribe and others..They don't give a damn about the white devil's problems, only their own....Unlike the whites who wanted to control everyone's life and let their opinion be made to follow...

Sounds like YOU are confessing to being a racist....

Not surprising, since the most segregated cities in the nation are run by Democrats !!!!

America s 10 Most Segregated Cities
In this GOP fortress where I live, there is no segregation, they just don't want you living there.....Missouri stats show that a black person is 6 times more likely to be pulled over while driving....I see folks at the McD's in Jane, Mo(on the border with Arkanass) and the black visitors eyes are wide open looking for cops and red necks, cause they read the stats also...Oh and there is a fine population in the entire Southern , Mo and Northern , Ar that are white power members and KKK debutantes...
Poverty, yep, people living in shotgun shacks and black mold factories with front yards that look like salvage yards.. Them white folks sure know how to live high on da hog......

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