Why Wendy Davis is finished in politics

Good to see that the press exposed this creature for the witch she is. Of course, it was local press. The national press never challenges any liberal.
Republican logic: "I hate how the lamestream national press never challenges any liberals. Here's an opinion article from Rupert Murdoch's lamestream NY Post that challenges liberals."

Keep up the great work, GOP.

Ms. Davis' past was exposed by the Dallas Morning News, a news site local to um, Texas. I'm sure you knew that already. The NY Post is a national reaction to the news that the LOCAL state paper exposed.

It's nuanced, I know, but please try to keep up.

(all snark aside, I personally have no problem with the process by which Wendy's lies were exposed. I would *expect* the local media to have more at their disposal when it comes to local journalistic investigating; ie, sources, history, etc. I just wish more local 'journalists' were interested in the truth vs party lines)
I guarantee her application to Haaaaavard Law oversold her "trailer trash life" and raising a little kid all by herself. She is a quota like Obama, both got into Haaaavard on sympathy and were dragged through with extra help from others.

They both slithered back to where they came from to end up as democraps hiding and lying about their past....typical.
....and yet you voted for Bammy twice....

What was wrong with Obama's bio?

Anyone who looks at the Obama story without being a partisan hack can spot holes Faun.

Rev Wright
Bill and Bernadine
Tony Rezko

Completely sealed School records....
He called his grandpa a "House ******"....

It goes on and on....and despite your coming protestations NONE of it has been satisfactory basis.
Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Tony Rezko - Obama was stupid to do business with Rezko. That, I'll agree, is a blemish on Obama's bio.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.
you can get people to suicide themselves if you threaten to kill everyone they love

Your threads have been reported for not staying on topic. If you want to discuss the D.C. Madame which you are obsessed with, I suggest you start your own thread about her. Otherwise stay on topic of Wendy Davis's campaign being over with.
Please don't feed the idiots that derail threads because they can't carry on an honest discussion.

This is about a woman who threw away her family because she tired of them. What makes you think she won't treat the state of Texas the same way?
I guarantee her application to Haaaaavard Law oversold her "trailer trash life" and raising a little kid all by herself. She is a quota like Obama, both got into Haaaavard on sympathy and were dragged through with extra help from others.

They both slithered back to where they came from to end up as democraps hiding and lying about their past....typical.

Yup - affirmative action is everywhere. If you're black or female, everything is handed to you.
What was wrong with Obama's bio?

Anyone who looks at the Obama story without being a partisan hack can spot holes Faun.

Rev Wright
Bill and Bernadine
Tony Rezko

Completely sealed School records....
He called his grandpa a "House ******"....

It goes on and on....and despite your coming protestations NONE of it has been satisfactory basis.
Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Tony Rezko - Obama was stupid to do business with Rezko. That, I'll agree, is a blemish on Obama's bio.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.

Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Sorry kid, you are who you hang with. All you are doing is repeating the bullshit talking points that have already been tried and found wanting.

You lose.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He is hiding shit he doesn't want the people to see, you like that Bammy jizz eh?

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit Obama is a racist piece of shit and YOU have no info to prove otherwise...I have to laugh at your willingness to simply spout the non-sense that his camp used to try and gloss over the shit in this man's past.

I didn't expect much from you and I wasn't let down, Obama is the least qualified man to EVER hold the office of President and it shows at his every move.
Anyone who looks at the Obama story without being a partisan hack can spot holes Faun.

Rev Wright
Bill and Bernadine
Tony Rezko

Completely sealed School records....
He called his grandpa a "House ******"....

It goes on and on....and despite your coming protestations NONE of it has been satisfactory basis.
Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Tony Rezko - Obama was stupid to do business with Rezko. That, I'll agree, is a blemish on Obama's bio.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.

Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Sorry kid, you are who you hang with. All you are doing is repeating the bullshit talking points that have already been tried and found wanting.

You lose.
I lose nothing as I am not subject to your delusions that Obamahung with Wright. Just as in the example I gave with my own experience in my temple, I am not guilty of believing everything my rabbi professes. I understand why the loony right tries to establish such a ridiculous notion, but unless you have Obama making those claims himself, and you don't, you have nothing at all.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He is hiding shit he doesn't want the people to see, you like that Bammy jizz eh?
Your homoerotic fantasies aside, again, it is not unusual for presidents to keep their school records private. This is nothing new or special about Obama. Did you think Bush was hiding something when he refused to release his college records?

Bush has not given permission to either Andover or Yale to release his grades.

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.

Bullshit Obama is a racist piece of shit and YOU have no info to prove otherwise...I have to laugh at your willingness to simply spout the non-sense that his camp used to try and gloss over the shit in this man's past.
There is nothing I have to prove when you're incapable of proving your ridiculous claims. He formed an opinion of his grandfather based on family stories. That doesn't make him a racist. And a racist against whom? Blacks?? :eusa_doh:

I didn't expect much from you and I wasn't let down, Obama is the least qualified man to EVER hold the office of President and it shows at his every move.
More bullshit from you. Lincoln was even less qualified and he didn't do so bad.

On the flip side, few were more qualified than Buchanan, and he sucked worse than Bush.
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Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Tony Rezko - Obama was stupid to do business with Rezko. That, I'll agree, is a blemish on Obama's bio.

Completely sealed School records - Meaningless tripe from the right. First and foremost, his school records are not sealed. Not completely, not even partially. Sealing records would require a court order and that never happened. His records are private and not available to the public and like many presidents before him, he is choosing not to release them. At any rate, what we do know about Obama is that he graduated from Harvard Law school with honors. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.

Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Sorry kid, you are who you hang with. All you are doing is repeating the bullshit talking points that have already been tried and found wanting.

You lose.
I lose nothing as I am not subject to your delusions that Obamahung with Wright. Just as in the example I gave with my own experience in my temple, I am not guilty of believing everything my rabbi professes. I understand why the loony right tries to establish such a ridiculous notion, but unless you have Obama making those claims himself, and you don't, you have nothing at all.

Your homoerotic fantasies aside, again, it is not unusual for presidents to keep their school records private. This is nothing new or special about Obama. Did you think Bush was hiding something when he refused to release his college records?

Bush has not given permission to either Andover or Yale to release his grades.

He called his grandpa a "House ******" - That was Obama's opinion of his grandfather based on family stories he heard about the man. You have no information to prove otherwise; and regardless, it is nothing more than Obama's opinion. That is a fail on your part for claiming it was a blemish on Obama's bio.

Bullshit Obama is a racist piece of shit and YOU have no info to prove otherwise...I have to laugh at your willingness to simply spout the non-sense that his camp used to try and gloss over the shit in this man's past.
There is nothing I have to prove when you're incapable of proving your ridiculous claims. He formed an opinion of his grandfather based on family stories. That doesn't make him a racist. And a racist against whom? Blacks?? :eusa_doh:

I didn't expect much from you and I wasn't let down, Obama is the least qualified man to EVER hold the office of President and it shows at his every move.
More bullshit from you. Lincoln was even less qualified and he didn't do so bad.

On the flip side, few were more qualified than Buchanan, and he sucked worse than Bush.

I lose nothing as I am not subject to your delusions that Obamahung with Wright. Just as in the example I gave with my own experience in my temple, I am not guilty of believing everything my rabbi professes. I understand why the loony right tries to establish such a ridiculous notion, but unless you have Obama making those claims himself, and you don't, you have nothing at all.

20 years, he married them, he baptized their children, he KNEW Wright had said ALL of that shit, sorry you fawning little lemming, those are HIS people and he is just like them. You cannot prove otherwise lil guy....sorry.

There is nothing I have to prove when you're incapable of proving your ridiculous claims. He formed an opinion of his grandfather based on family stories. That doesn't make him a racist. And a racist against whom? Blacks??

One doesn't even THINK "House ******" unless one is racist....what could make one a "House ******"?

What a maroon :)
Rev Wright - While I don't agree with some of the things I heard Wright say, that has no bearing on Obama. The rabbi at my temple has voiced some pretty horrible opinions with which I vehemently disagree -- Because I like the temple and choose to remain a member does not mean I believe or agree with everything the rabbi says. Same with Obama. You can't hold him responsible for the words that come out of someone else's mouth. That's a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Bill and Bernadine - Obama's connection to Ayers (and Dohrn) was minimal at best. They sat on a board together and a panel together and Ayers threw a brunch for Obama to introduce him as a candidate for the state's Senate. There's little else connection, if any, making that a fail on your part for claiming that was a blemish on Obama's bio

Sorry kid, you are who you hang with. All you are doing is repeating the bullshit talking points that have already been tried and found wanting.

You lose.
I lose nothing as I am not subject to your delusions that Obamahung with Wright. Just as in the example I gave with my own experience in my temple, I am not guilty of believing everything my rabbi professes. I understand why the loony right tries to establish such a ridiculous notion, but unless you have Obama making those claims himself, and you don't, you have nothing at all.

Your homoerotic fantasies aside, again, it is not unusual for presidents to keep their school records private. This is nothing new or special about Obama. Did you think Bush was hiding something when he refused to release his college records?

Bush has not given permission to either Andover or Yale to release his grades.

There is nothing I have to prove when you're incapable of proving your ridiculous claims. He formed an opinion of his grandfather based on family stories. That doesn't make him a racist. And a racist against whom? Blacks?? :eusa_doh:

I didn't expect much from you and I wasn't let down, Obama is the least qualified man to EVER hold the office of President and it shows at his every move.
More bullshit from you. Lincoln was even less qualified and he didn't do so bad.

On the flip side, few were more qualified than Buchanan, and he sucked worse than Bush.

I lose nothing as I am not subject to your delusions that Obamahung with Wright. Just as in the example I gave with my own experience in my temple, I am not guilty of believing everything my rabbi professes. I understand why the loony right tries to establish such a ridiculous notion, but unless you have Obama making those claims himself, and you don't, you have nothing at all.

20 years, he married them, he baptized their children, he KNEW Wright had said ALL of that shit, sorry you fawning little lemming, those are HIS people and he is just like them. You cannot prove otherwise lil guy....sorry.

No matter how you try to portray their relationship, you have to be completely brain-dead to claim they "hung out" together. Obama was nothing more than a member of the congregation where Wright was the reverend.

There's simply nothing there and Obama is not responsible for what Wright said.

There is nothing I have to prove when you're incapable of proving your ridiculous claims. He formed an opinion of his grandfather based on family stories. That doesn't make him a racist. And a racist against whom? Blacks??

One doesn't even THINK "House ******" unless one is racist....what could make one a "House ******"?

What a maroon :)
"House ******" is a derogatory term for a black person who bends over to please white people. In the days of slavery, those were the slaves who would do favors for their masters in order to get to work inside the house. While it's unnerving that he would use such a harsh term to describe his own grandfather, that in no way makes him racist.

I didn't expect much from you and I wasn't let down, Obama is the least qualified man to EVER hold the office of President and it shows at his every move.

More bullshit from you. Lincoln was even less qualified and he didn't do so bad.


Lincoln was a monster but to say he was unqualified to be president shows how ignorant you are. Abe was one of the top corporate lawyers of his day.

Obozo was a schoolteacher for awhile and that's it. Without affirmative action he would have never even gotten that job.
"House ******" is a derogatory term for a black person who bends over to please white people. In the days of slavery, those were the slaves who would do favors for their masters in order to get to work inside the house. While it's unnerving that he would use such a harsh term to describe his own grandfather, that in no way makes him racist.

Obozo is a racist because he supports affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
"House ******" is a derogatory term for a black person who bends over to please white people. In the days of slavery, those were the slaves who would do favors for their masters in order to get to work inside the house. While it's unnerving that he would use such a harsh term to describe his own grandfather, that in no way makes him racist.

Obozo is a racist because he supports affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

You are a racist because... everyone knows you are a racist.

EDIT: Your newer avatar is cute though. :)

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