Why we need guns? Oregon democrat party Governor released violent gun offender serving life in prison for murdering girl.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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One of the reasons we need guns in America? The democrat party just simply refuses to keep violent, dangerous criminals in prison.......why do they continue to work to release the most violent monsters back to kill more people?

Oregon’s left-wing Sen. Ron Wyden called Gov. Kate Brown’s release of convicted murderer Kyle Hedquist “grossly irresponsible.”

Wyden said Brown’s decision to show mercy to Kyle Hedquist, now 45, “is wrong on every level, starting with its callousness toward the crime victim’s family and extending to all Oregonians counting on public officials to make decisions with public safety in mind.”
Brown released Hedquist without bothering to inform the family of Nikki Thrasher, a 19-year-old who may or may not have known that Hedquist committed several burglaries. Hedquist lured Thrasher into the woods and shot her in the back of the head to keep her quiet.

Hedquist was convicted of murder in 1995 and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. But Brown released Thrasher’s executioner because he was such a good boy while in prison.

Holly Thrasher, Nikki’s still-grieving mother, wasn’t informed of her daughter’s murderer’s release until a TV station called her for comment.

“He took the life of my daughter in cold blood. It was a cold-blooded murder. He planned it,” Thrasher said.

Can any of the anti-gun fanatics here on U.S.messageboard explain to us why you guys keep releasing the most dangerous gun criminals?

An explanation would be nice.....
There is no evidence he is still dangerous. Now that is a separate discussion of whether or not he should have been released. He should not have been.
By KIMBERLEE KRUESI, Associated Press
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on Thursday granted clemency for the first time since taking office to 17 people, among them a man who was freed in 2019 after spending 12 years in prison for a killing he has long argued he didn't commit.
Lee exonerated Adam Braseel, who was charged in the 2006 bludgeoning of Malcolm Burrows despite no physical evidence tying him to the scene. He was sentenced to life in prison.
Braseel eventually left prison after entering an Alford plea to aggravated assault. The plea allowed him to maintain his innocence but left him with a felony on his record. Only the Tennessee governor has the power to change that.
“After reviewing the unique merits of each case, I have made the decision to grant these individuals executive clemency,” Lee said in a statement. “These men and women have shown they are ready for productive lives beyond their sentences, and I appreciate the Board of Parole’s consideration in this process.”

Were the jurors wrong.
Why is Oregon's Kate Brown so different, oh it's because she is a democrat.
There is no evidence he is still dangerous.
he killed once and he’s capable of killing again

he should have been executed 20 years ago

but the same leftwing that released him also does not approve of capital punishment
he killed once and he’s capable of killing again

As is anyone.

he should have been executed 20 years ago

but the same leftwing that released him also does not approve of capital punishment

Which doesn't address anything I've said. Nothing here shows he is still violent.
As is anyone.

we are all innocent till proven guilty

and he is a proven murder

as usual libs care nothing about the victim

But bleed all over the internet for the murderer

we are all innocent till proven guilty

and he is a proven murder

as usual libs care nothing about the victim

But bleed all over the internet for the murderer

One of the reasons we need guns in America? The democrat party just simply refuses to keep violent, dangerous criminals in prison.......why do they continue to work to release the most violent monsters back to kill more people?

Oregon’s left-wing Sen. Ron Wyden called Gov. Kate Brown’s release of convicted murderer Kyle Hedquist “grossly irresponsible.”

Wyden said Brown’s decision to show mercy to Kyle Hedquist, now 45, “is wrong on every level, starting with its callousness toward the crime victim’s family and extending to all Oregonians counting on public officials to make decisions with public safety in mind.”
Brown released Hedquist without bothering to inform the family of Nikki Thrasher, a 19-year-old who may or may not have known that Hedquist committed several burglaries. Hedquist lured Thrasher into the woods and shot her in the back of the head to keep her quiet.

Hedquist was convicted of murder in 1995 and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. But Brown released Thrasher’s executioner because he was such a good boy while in prison.

Holly Thrasher, Nikki’s still-grieving mother, wasn’t informed of her daughter’s murderer’s release until a TV station called her for comment.

“He took the life of my daughter in cold blood. It was a cold-blooded murder. He planned it,” Thrasher said.

Can any of the anti-gun fanatics here on U.S.messageboard explain to us why you guys keep releasing the most dangerous gun criminals?

An explanation would be nice.....

Hedquist was sentenced at age 18 to a much harsher sentence than he would be today. He's served 28 years and in that time: “Over the next 28 years, he worked to rehabilitate himself, and exemplifies the type of personal transformation we should all hope to see from people incarcerated in our criminal justice system,” she wrote in an email. “Granting clemency is an extraordinary act that the Governor generally reserves for individuals who have made incredible changes to rehabilitate themselves, take accountability for their crimes, and dedicate themselves to making their communities a better place.” (SOURCE)

Now I'm not a fan of murder and I'm always amazed that ANY murder conviction doesn't get mandatory life but since they don't it requires us to treat people fairly and rationally. If the goal is ETERNAL PUNISHMENT then so be it, get everyone to vote for the death penalty (won't pass). Otherwise this is what happens...people actually work to better themselves in prison from time to time. Should they be punished forever or should there be some benefit to being kept alive in prison?
Why is Oregon's Kate Brown so different, oh it's because she is a democrat.

Because it isn't just releasing this violent criminal.......democrats like her are releasing violent criminals at all levels of the justice system......this is just one of the thousands they are releasing every day, after attacking the police to the point the police can't do their jobs...big difference....
One of the reasons we need guns in America? The democrat party just simply refuses to keep violent, dangerous criminals in prison.......why do they continue to work to release the most violent monsters back to kill more people?

Oregon’s left-wing Sen. Ron Wyden called Gov. Kate Brown’s release of convicted murderer Kyle Hedquist “grossly irresponsible.”

Wyden said Brown’s decision to show mercy to Kyle Hedquist, now 45, “is wrong on every level, starting with its callousness toward the crime victim’s family and extending to all Oregonians counting on public officials to make decisions with public safety in mind.”
Brown released Hedquist without bothering to inform the family of Nikki Thrasher, a 19-year-old who may or may not have known that Hedquist committed several burglaries. Hedquist lured Thrasher into the woods and shot her in the back of the head to keep her quiet.

Hedquist was convicted of murder in 1995 and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. But Brown released Thrasher’s executioner because he was such a good boy while in prison.

Holly Thrasher, Nikki’s still-grieving mother, wasn’t informed of her daughter’s murderer’s release until a TV station called her for comment.

“He took the life of my daughter in cold blood. It was a cold-blooded murder. He planned it,” Thrasher said.

Can any of the anti-gun fanatics here on U.S.messageboard explain to us why you guys keep releasing the most dangerous gun criminals?

An explanation would be nice.....
criminals are highly prized voters in the democrat party
brown is just trying to grow the democrat party voter base
Because it isn't just releasing this violent criminal.......democrats like her are releasing violent criminals at all levels of the justice system

Would it be possible for someone to find an actual breakdown of how many "democrats" release violent offenders vs "republicans"? Because I doubt very highly there is a measurable difference between the two.

And WHO, exactly, is "releasing" them? Governors? That's rare. In most cases the release is a complex function of a large number of systems including parole boards etc.

So where do you get this stupid "democrats releasing violent criminals" cannard. I'm sure you can find a few cherry-picked examples but for it to actually be meaningful it would have to be a study across the board of a significant sample to see if your "hypothesis" is even remotely acquainted with reality.

......this is just one of the thousands they are releasing every day, after attacking the police to the point the police can't do their jobs...big difference....

So someone is convicted at age 18 and NOT given the death penalty. They work to improve themselves and get released. Should we just have killed him at the start? If there's no hope for reform then why do we even have prisons? Should we just kill all the criminals?
Would it be possible for someone to find an actual breakdown of how many "democrats" release violent offenders vs "republicans"? Because I doubt very highly there is a measurable difference between the two.

And WHO, exactly, is "releasing" them? Governors? That's rare. In most cases the release is a complex function of a large number of systems including parole boards etc.

So where do you get this stupid "democrats releasing violent criminals" cannard. I'm sure you can find a few cherry-picked examples but for it to actually be meaningful it would have to be a study across the board of a significant sample to see if your "hypothesis" is even remotely acquainted with reality.

So someone is convicted at age 18 and NOT given the death penalty. They work to improve themselves and get released. Should we just have killed him at the start? If there's no hope for reform then why do we even have prisons? Should we just kill all the criminals?

Yeah….I gave you a long list of democrats and their policies that release violent criminals and you bitched about it…..in typical leftist behavior……call for links….you are given links….then you bitch about the links
Would it be possible for someone to find an actual breakdown of how many "democrats" release violent offenders vs "republicans"? Because I doubt very highly there is a measurable difference between the two.

And WHO, exactly, is "releasing" them? Governors? That's rare. In most cases the release is a complex function of a large number of systems including parole boards etc.

So where do you get this stupid "democrats releasing violent criminals" cannard. I'm sure you can find a few cherry-picked examples but for it to actually be meaningful it would have to be a study across the board of a significant sample to see if your "hypothesis" is even remotely acquainted with reality.

So someone is convicted at age 18 and NOT given the death penalty. They work to improve themselves and get released. Should we just have killed him at the start? If there's no hope for reform then why do we even have prisons? Should we just kill all the criminals?

No reform for murderers…..if we can’t execute them then they need to stay in prison for life…..their victim doesn’t get to come back to life after 40 years.
No reform for murderers…..if we can’t execute them then they need to stay in prison for life…..their victim doesn’t get to come back to life after 40 years.

I'm actually not averse to that position. But I also realize that not all murderers serve life sentences. And since that has been the case regardless of any political party over the past century or so I assume that is what we do.

Once you accept that the question comes: who deserves early release? As I noted that's not just one politician. That's an entire part of the prison system including parole boards. Surely you don't think all parole boards are raving liberals everywhere.
As is anyone.

Which doesn't address anything I've said. Nothing here shows he is still violent.
It doesn't matter. He committed murder; his life is forfeit. LWOP is a very poor second and this is one of many reasons why.

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