Why was Trump Jr's. willingness to accept info from the Russians


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Because the democrats are masters at controlling the dialogue with a little help from their friends in the Media. Its also interesting how everyone Hillary hires to do something for her has to take the 5th.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Because the democrats are masters at controlling the dialogue with a little help from their friends in the Media. Its also interesting how everyone Hillary hires to do something for her has to take the 5th.

How many Hillary employees have pleaded the 5th?
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

This will explain it.

You're talking about Fusion GPS that was originally hired by Republicans to do opposition research on Trump, and when Jeb Bush dropped out of the race they dropped it, and Democrats picked it up then dropped it, and Christopher Steele the retired M1-6 agent thought the Dossier File was important enough to hand over to John McCain, who then in turn handed it over to Barack Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama ordered all Russian diplomats out of this country & ordered the Russian investigation.
Fusion GPS - Wikipedia

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being watched since 2015, by several Foreign intelligence agencies.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump jr. couldn't pull off a secret meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Trump and his aids have denied any contacts with any Russians during the campaign season 17 TIMES.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Which is why Mueller has convened 2 grand jury's, has loaded up on over 16 criminial prosecutors, and money laundering experts, and just added the criminal division of the IRS, while Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
A Look at Mueller’s Dream Team for the Trump-Russia Probe
Robert Mueller Employs Powerful Weapon In Trump-Russia Investigation: The IRS
Trump is officially under investigation. How did we get here?

You can anticipate that criminal indictments will go out on Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn in the near future.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

It doesn't help to know that Trump was planning on building a massive Trump Tower in MOSCOW while he was running for POTUS.
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

And it didn't help that Trump went on an NBC interview and admit that he fired James Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice.

For older news on the Russian investigation and others involved go to this link, ignore the error message.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For the daily news, you'll have to switch the channel over to your Nemisis MSNBC--Rachel Maddow who is reporting every detail on these Russian investigations, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN.
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast
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...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Who said it was treason? I remember the controversy stemming from Jr trying to cover up point of the meeting at daddies direction
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...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Who said it was treason? I remember the controversy stemming from him lying about it at daddies direction

If there is collusion between anyone within the Trump circle to commit a FELONY (hacking) into DNC databases, you bet your last nickle it will be considered TREASON.

Republicans have two options
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018.

Scroll back up to post # 6 on this thread--and you'll see what they already have on these Russian investigations.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Who said it was treason? I remember the controversy stemming from Jr trying to cover up point of the meeting at daddies direction

Everyone and their mother claimed it was borderline treason.

Here you go. Started a thread on it.All you have to do is google.

Ex-Bush ethics lawyer on Trump Jr: 'This borders on treason'

Bush 43 WH ethics lawyer on NYT story/Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner meeting with Russian lawyer: “This borders on treason” via @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/Ceu5xLYgnB

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 9, 2017
An ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush blasted Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have compromising information on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the campaign, saying it “borders on treason.”

“This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States,” Richard Painter said Sunday on MSNBC.

“We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason.”

Ex-Bush ethics lawyer on Trump Jr: 'This borders on treason'

Donald Trump Jr.’s actions meet a standard for treason
There are 12 words on the record that make the treason case against Donald Trump Jr., and Trump’s voters don’t care

Donald Trump Jr.’s actions meet a standard for treason

CNN Pundit: 'Borderline Treason' For Don Jr. To Meet Veselnitskaya

CNN Pundit: 'Borderline Treason' For Don Jr. To Meet Veselnitskaya
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...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Because the democrats are masters at controlling the dialogue with a little help from their friends in the Media. Its also interesting how everyone Hillary hires to do something for her has to take the 5th.

And this backs you up...

Bias: 1,000 Minutes for Trump/Russia 'Collusion' vs. 20 Seconds for Hillary/Russia Scandal

Bias: 1,000 Minutes for Trump/Russia 'Collusion' vs. 20 Seconds for Hillary/Russia Scandal
No guff. I guess it boils down to "hypocrisy thy name is liberal".

You might want to spend a little time on post # 6 on this thread---:badgrin:

Still no proof of collusion with the Russian government. Collusion is not illegal by the way. DNC was in collusion with the Ukrainian government for the election. They were pro Hillary. Still not illegal.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Who said it was treason? I remember the controversy stemming from Jr trying to cover up point of the meeting at daddies direction

Everyone and their mother claimed it was borderline treason.

Here you go. Started a thread on it.All you have to do is google.

Ex-Bush ethics lawyer on Trump Jr: 'This borders on treason'

Bush 43 WH ethics lawyer on NYT story/Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner meeting with Russian lawyer: “This borders on treason” via @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/Ceu5xLYgnB

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 9, 2017
An ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush blasted Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have compromising information on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the campaign, saying it “borders on treason.”

“This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States,” Richard Painter said Sunday on MSNBC.

“We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason.”

Ex-Bush ethics lawyer on Trump Jr: 'This borders on treason'

Donald Trump Jr.’s actions meet a standard for treason
There are 12 words on the record that make the treason case against Donald Trump Jr., and Trump’s voters don’t care

Donald Trump Jr.’s actions meet a standard for treason

CNN Pundit: 'Borderline Treason' For Don Jr. To Meet Veselnitskaya

CNN Pundit: 'Borderline Treason' For Don Jr. To Meet Veselnitskaya
Thanks for the info. Those guys are drama queens. Taking the meeting wasn’t even close to treason. It wasn’t much different from what the Clinton campaign did with Steele. I can only assume those guys were talking about the big picture of working with Russia to undermine the election. If not then they were wrong
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Wow...."Context" truly isn't, figuratively speaking, "your middle name,"
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.

This is why libs never get ahead. It's looking you right in the face. That the Clintons were in bed with the Russians, and going by blow job Obama gave Medivedeve that was caught on tape it's looking like that scandel will be one more thing ironed on your half black token presidents legacy.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Who said it was treason? I remember the controversy stemming from Jr trying to cover up point of the meeting at daddies direction

A lot of douche bag snowflakes in here said it was treason.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

This will explain it.

You're talking about Fusion GPS that was originally hired by Republicans to do opposition research on Trump, and when Jeb Bush dropped out of the race they dropped it, and Democrats picked it up then dropped it, and Christopher Steele the retired M1-6 agent thought the Dossier File was important enough to hand over to John McCain, who then in turn handed it over to Barack Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama ordered all Russian diplomats out of this country & ordered the Russian investigation.
Fusion GPS - Wikipedia

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being watched since 2015, by several Foreign intelligence agencies.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump jr. couldn't pull off a secret meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Trump and his aids have denied any contacts with any Russians during the campaign season 17 TIMES.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Which is why Mueller has convened 2 grand jury's, has loaded up on over 16 criminial prosecutors, and money laundering experts, and just added the criminal division of the IRS, while Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
A Look at Mueller’s Dream Team for the Trump-Russia Probe
Robert Mueller Employs Powerful Weapon In Trump-Russia Investigation: The IRS
Trump is officially under investigation. How did we get here?

You can anticipate that criminal indictments will go out on Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn in the near future.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

It doesn't help to know that Trump was planning on building a massive Trump Tower in MOSCOW while he was running for POTUS.
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

And it didn't help that Trump went on an NBC interview and admit that he fired James Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice.

For older news on the Russian investigation and others involved go to this link, ignore the error message.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For the daily news, you'll have to switch the channel over to your Nemisis MSNBC--Rachel Maddow who is reporting every detail on these Russian investigations, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN.
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?

Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.

This is why libs never get ahead. It's looking you right in the face. That the Clintons were in bed with the Russians, and going by blow job Obama gave Medivedeve that was caught on tape it's looking like that scandel will be one more thing ironed on your half black token presidents legacy.

Truth is supremely irrelevant to liberals. One can say anything about Trump and liberals are on it like white on rice but, when presented with FACTS about Hillary and Obama's malfeasance, they go into hysterical and delusional denial. Yes, liberalism is mental illness.
...that he believed was dirt on Hillary said to be bordering on "treason" but when the DNC and the Clinton campaign pay Russian operatives connected to the Kremlin for dirt on Trump that's just "old news" and no big deal?
Considering the fact that both of these scandals originated from Fusion GPS and was paid for by Hillary, the DNC, and a Republican (probably John McCain), you can understand the confusion.

Debby Blabbermouth Shits
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
James Comey
Robert Mueller
Susan Rice
Samantha Power

All the above had a hand in this and I think many may do time or have to plea-bargain to stay out of jail.

Finally, the Missing Puzzle Piece
Uranium One: Will Justice be Done?
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