Why was the tea party started?

Why does it always have to be about race?

I do not like what the man is doing to my country. I want fiscal conservatives in Washington.

I want to vote for someone instead of against someone. And right now I would vote for my dog to vote against Obama.

And yes it is almost always the left that brings up race.

I wonder why the ones that hate Obama don't bring it up?

I want a fiscal conservative in washington as well. Why I never voted for Bush.
And after the Iraq war lies I could no way in hell vote for Bush in 2004.

I didn't catch on to the Bush spending until around 05...... But he was still better than Kerry would have been. And I don't know about hating Obama, I don't know him. And I hate so very few people......

he was better than Kerry would have been?





let your hate be your guide.



I guess that is why people are accusing your type of being closeted racists---you refuse to mention the color of his skin.

then there are your friends who carry signs and forward emails about *******, niggars and forward images depicting Obama as a Pimp and the First Lady as a Ho.

Deflection and lies. You bore me.

go fuck yourself you pathetic troll


Another quality post of the ever intelligent and unbiased Dante? You have disproved none of my observations about this president. Try applying yourself there and perhaps my view of you will improve.
I do not think that the Tea Party has anything to do with race, nor does racism have anything to do with it's creation or purpose.

That's not to say that there may be racist people who are teabaggers, but being a teabagger does not make you racist.

This notion is as ridiculous as saying that if you did not cast your vote for Obama you are racist. Anyone who thinks that should have their balls crushed in a vice.
Why does it always have to be about race?

I do not like what the man is doing to my country. I want fiscal conservatives in Washington.

I want to vote for someone instead of against someone. And right now I would vote for my dog to vote against Obama.

And yes it is almost always the left that brings up race.
Still trying to pass America's Hemorrhoid Stuttering LimpTard off as a Leftist. :cuckoo:

Notice the date is well before Obama was elected to have installed any cabinet members or pass any "socialistic" processes.

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.


I guess that is why people are accusing your type of being closeted racists---you refuse to mention the color of his skin.

then there are your friends who carry signs and forward emails about *******, niggars and forward images depicting Obama as a Pimp and the First Lady as a Ho.

Deflection and lies. You bore me.

go fuck yourself you pathetic troll


would you like to define "troll" for us now?
Why does it always have to be about race?

I do not like what the man is doing to my country. I want fiscal conservatives in Washington.

I want to vote for someone instead of against someone. And right now I would vote for my dog to vote against Obama.

And yes it is almost always the left that brings up race.
Still trying to pass America's Hemorrhoid Stuttering LimpTard off as a Leftist. :cuckoo:

Notice the date is well before Obama was elected to have installed any cabinet members or pass any "socialistic" processes.

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.
Racism was a big part of the Fascist Nazi Party as well.

Adolf Hitler's political views - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Hitler's Nazism draw heavily on Italian Fascism: nationalism (including collectivism and populism based on nationalist values); Third Position (including class collaboration, corporatism, economic planning, mixed economy, national syndicalism, protectionism, and the studies of socialism that fit the Nazi party ideologues and agendas); totalitarianism (including dictatorship, holism, major social interventionism, and statism); and militarism."
Racism is not limited to the right. Those I spoke of were dems. Unions also fought blacks in their workplace for years.
Cons actually might like the black better because they work cheaper?
As long as they stay in their place at least....
I thought trolls were the little things in Lord of the Rings and stuff.
Racism is not limited to the right. Those I spoke of were dems. Unions also fought blacks in their workplace for years.
Cons actually might like the black better because they work cheaper?
As long as they stay in their place at least....

unions didn't fight blacks solely because of the color of their skin. job security took issue
Racism is not limited to the right. Those I spoke of were dems. Unions also fought blacks in their workplace for years.
Cons actually might like the black better because they work cheaper?
As long as they stay in their place at least....

unions didn't fight blacks solely because of the color of their skin. job security took issue

Not solely no, but eracism was a factor, I was there I remember. I also recal when the first woman got into the male side of my union shop.
Neither the union nor the company wanted that.

Did not bother me, It took here a while to realize that about me though.
She was convinced that all men hated here for being there. Poor thing had a complex.

Of course I was not a typical union member nor later typical management.
Heck I never was typical at anything.

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