Why was the tea party started?

Racism is not limited to the right. Those I spoke of were dems. Unions also fought blacks in their workplace for years.
Cons actually might like the black better because they work cheaper?
As long as they stay in their place at least....

unions didn't fight blacks solely because of the color of their skin. job security took issue

Not solely no, but eracism was a factor, I was there I remember. I also recal when the first woman got into the male side of my union shop.
Neither the union nor the company wanted that.

Did not bother me, It took here a while to realize that about me though.
She was convinced that all men hated here for being there. Poor thing had a complex.

Of course I was not a typical union member nor later typical management.
Heck I never was typical at anything.

racism? I don't know. most likely on the part of some or many as individuals and that dictates policy to a large extent.

but race was always a factor in American life where blacks as a group are concerned.
grasping at straws, a last ditch effort to make the Tea party movement look bad.

Won't work this time. We know the tactics, the rabid socialists have been outed ;)
It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

That's just it, Obama isn't 'a black man', he's biracial. Why does he never refer to himself as such? Seems to me that Obama is the one who doesn't give a damn about his white half.

I don't give a rat's ass if he is black, green with purple spots or a hazy shade of winter. It isn't his skin color I oppose, it's his policies and what he's doing to this country.

Are there some who don't like him merely because he's black (er, biracial)? Of course. Racists always have and always will exist. But I am not seeing that the majority of people who oppose Obama are opposing his skin color, they're opposing what he's doing.

Why was the Tea Party started? Because people are fed up with government growing bigger and bigger and they want it to stop.
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It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

That's just it, Obama isn't 'a black man', he's biracial. Why does he never refer to himself as such? Seems to me that Obama is the one who doesn't give a damn about his white half.

I don't give a rat's ass if he is black, green with purple spots or a lovely shade of winter. It isn't his skin color I oppose, it's his policies and what he's doing to this country.

Are there some who don't like him merely because he's black? Of course. Racists always have and always will exist. But I am not seeing that the majority of people who oppose Obama are opposing his skin color, they're opposing what he's doing.

Why was the Tea Party started? Because people are fed up with government growing bigger and bigger and they want it to stop.
"Seems to me that Obama is the one who doesn't give a damn about his white half." " I don't give a rat's ass if he is black..."

seems to me two contradictory statements make you an asshole.
It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

That's just it, Obama isn't 'a black man', he's biracial. Why does he never refer to himself as such? Seems to me that Obama is the one who doesn't give a damn about his white half.

I don't give a rat's ass if he is black, green with purple spots or a lovely shade of winter. It isn't his skin color I oppose, it's his policies and what he's doing to this country.

Are there some who don't like him merely because he's black? Of course. Racists always have and always will exist. But I am not seeing that the majority of people who oppose Obama are opposing his skin color, they're opposing what he's doing.

Why was the Tea Party started? Because people are fed up with government growing bigger and bigger and they want it to stop.
"Seems to me that Obama is the one who doesn't give a damn about his white half." " I don't give a rat's ass if he is black..."

seems to me two contradictory statements make you an asshole.

How's that?
It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

Spend less time noticing he's black and more time on his poor choice in cabinet, advisors and policy. The only ones who ever bring up race are folks like you.

To answer your question, even though you weren't really looking for one, is because the nation seems to be moving closer to socialism and limiting our rights.

Then why don't you tell your counterparts to stop painting pictures of him as a clown or Osama Bin Laden and focus on his policies instead b/c clearly they are not interested. I am more concerned about the reaction of his children when they see their father with white and red paint on his face or with a long beard depicting him as a terrorist. You don't have to like Obama it doesn't matter to me but to disrespect him in front of his children is uncalled for. What have they ever done to anybody?
It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

Spend less time noticing he's black and more time on his poor choice in cabinet, advisors and policy. The only ones who ever bring up race are folks like you.

To answer your question, even though you weren't really looking for one, is because the nation seems to be moving closer to socialism and limiting our rights.

Then why don't you tell your counterparts to stop painting pictures of him as a clown or Osama Bin Laden and focus on his policies instead b/c clearly they are not interested. I am more concerned about the reaction of his children when they see their father with white and red paint on his face or with a long beard depicting him as a terrorist. You don't have to like Obama it doesn't matter to me but to disrespect him in front of his children is uncalled for. What have they ever done to anybody?

Now your just whining. Painting him as a clown or other political figure has nothing to do with his color, just his politics. 0bama doesn't seem too concerned about how this affects his kids. You the legal guardian? Mocking the president has been going on since day one pal. WE do focus on his policies, you loons keep bringing it back to a race thing. Can we move on now?
It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

This is not true, those tea baggers where out there during Bush's time as well. Oh wait, never mind.
Have to agree with Savelilberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing about whites being anti-black. Obama is a piss-poor person to be leading this country ... in SO MANY WAYS. None of them have anything to do with him being black.

I am sure you were out there protesting Bush when he was spending insanely, righty?
Have to agree with Savelilberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing about whites being anti-black. Obama is a piss-poor person to be leading this country ... in SO MANY WAYS. None of them have anything to do with him being black.

I am sure you were out there protesting Bush when he was spending insanely, righty?

Uhhhh.. retard... many of us conservatives were very outspoken against Bush's spending, governmental expansion, and non-conservative economic policies

nice try
Have to agree with Savelilberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing about whites being anti-black. Obama is a piss-poor person to be leading this country ... in SO MANY WAYS. None of them have anything to do with him being black.

I am sure you were out there protesting Bush when he was spending insanely, righty?

Uhhhh.. retard... many of us conservatives were very outspoken against Bush's spending, governmental expansion, and non-conservative economic policies

nice try
What a load of crap.

CON$ still to this day try to hide the $1 trillion of Bush's off budget deficit spending. The Bush deficit in 2008 was ~$1.5 trillion but the CON$ claim Obama's ~$1.5 trillion first year deficit tripled Bush's last year's deficit. That's what CON$ try to pass off as being outspoken against Bush's deficit spending. :cuckoo:

Remember during Reagan's deficit spending tripling of the national debt the CON$ervative mantra was "deficits don't matter." When Clinton was elected suddenly the deficit had to be eliminated within 7 years. Then when Bush II was elected deficit spending that doubled the national debt suddenly stopped mattering again and now that Obama was elected deficit spending is suddenly paramount again.

This is why it is so obvious that CON$ have no principles!!! CON$ are on both sides of any issue depending on what suits their political purposes at the time.
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Have to agree with Savelilberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing about whites being anti-black. Obama is a piss-poor person to be leading this country ... in SO MANY WAYS. None of them have anything to do with him being black.

I am sure you were out there protesting Bush when he was spending insanely, righty?

Uhhhh.. retard... many of us conservatives were very outspoken against Bush's spending, governmental expansion, and non-conservative economic policies

nice try

so there were tea bag rally's then? I have never, EVERY heard Hannity EVER say anything bad about Bush, ever. EVER! Do you watch fox or hannity? (If you dont watch fox, dont harp on this as your only response, that is too typical).

You started a tea bag rally back in Bush's day? Remember the Dixie chicks? (By the way, they were 100% correct). Back then, if you said anything negative against that murderer Bush, you were considered a traitor to this country.

It was started b/c a Black President was elected. Let's get real and tell the truth and quit beating around the bush. Obama is a Black man and White people do not give a damn that he had a White mother or White grandparents. The only important thing to them is that he has Black blood. Be it Muslim, African, Haitian does not matter it's BLACK and that's enough to degrade him as a human being. Am I right? Therefore he is being called names such as the Anti-Christ and shown with clown faces and although he has young daughters the people who give him labels such as these could care less about how it affects his children. Afterall, they are BLACK too...if you are White why should you give a damn what you say about their father and how it makes them feel, right?

I think race was less of a factor than the fact that Obama was extremely popular and has built a groundswell of support among the young voter demographic.

Guess what GOP'ers? All those 14-17 year olds that viewed Obama as "hip" are going to be of voting age in the next election.

The GOP recognizes this and desperately needed something to try and divert from his momentum.

Thus, they created the teaparties which have had varying degrees of success.

The teabaggers seem to think they are gaining steam. I disagree. I think they are losing it. People are starting to settle down and go about their routines. If the economy recovers, that will be the end of it.
I am sure you were out there protesting Bush when he was spending insanely, righty?

Uhhhh.. retard... many of us conservatives were very outspoken against Bush's spending, governmental expansion, and non-conservative economic policies

nice try
What a load of crap.

CON$ still to this day try to hide the $1 trillion of Bush's off budget deficit spending. The Bush deficit in 2008 was ~$1.5 trillion but the CON$ claim Obama's ~$1.5 trillion first year deficit tripled Bush's last year's deficit. That's what CON$ try to pass off as being outspoken against Bush's deficit spending. :cuckoo:

Remember during Reagan's deficit spending tripling of the national debt the CON$ervative mantra was "deficits don't matter." When Clinton was elected suddenly the deficit had to be eliminated within 7 years. Then when Bush II was elected deficit spending that doubled the national debt suddenly stopped mattering again and now that Obama was elected deficit spending is suddenly paramount again.

This is why it is so obvious that CON$ have no principles!!! CON$ are on both sides of any issue depending on what suits their political purposes at the time.

Ummm... sorry... wrong answer.. many conservatives, including myself, were very outspoken against Bush's tendencies to not cut government, to expand government when reducing taxes, and that he did not follow conservative principles

Your myths may make you feel good at night with your hyper partisan politics... they don't suddenly become truth because you wish hard enough

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