Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?

Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens? (thegatewaypundit.com)
15 Jan 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

It is illegal, or at least on paper it is, for the CIA to spy on American citizens on American soil. So why was the CIA spying on Mr. Edward Butowsky and/or Matt Couch? If you have read Joe Hoft’s excellent piece (see here) on the latest trials and travails of Ty Clevenger, an intrepid attorney battling the Deep State, who has been fighting for more than three years to secure the release of damning documents exposing the Russia hoax and sedition by the Obama Administration, you know he is forcing the FBI to cough it up.
But the latest response also contained this bombshell–the CIA was spying on his clients as well. Ty’s latest account of this new info dump from the US Department of Justice is posted at LawFlog. Here are some key snippets:
In The Transparency Project v. Department of Justice, et al., my client asked to see records indicating whether the CIA or its Directorate of Digital Innovation, its contractors, etc. inserted Russian “fingerprints” into the metadata of the emails that were released publicly. (You can review the entire request by clicking here and reading Paragraph 11).​
In a joint report filed today, the CIA informed the court that it intends to assert a Glomar response to the request, i.e., that it “cannot confirm or deny” the existence of such records. . . . [In other words], The Central Intelligence Agency will neither confirm nor deny that it fabricated the Russian “fingerprints” in Democratic National Committee emails published in 2016 by Wikileaks and “Guccifer 2.0.”, and the FBI implicitly acknowledged today that it never reviewed the contents of DNC employee Seth Rich’s laptop despite gaining custody of the laptop after his murder.​
Now that Donald Trump has finally released FBI documents on Russiagate (I do not know if there are any CIA documents in the pile), we shall see what the FBI had to say about Mr. Rich. Too bad the President waited so long to do this. If he had forced the issue last year the plot to steal the 2020 election might have been disrupted.

How the Anti-Terrorism Bill Puts CIA Back in the Business of Spying on Americans

All Federal Agencies, especially the "17 Intelligence Agencies" have been infiltrated and corrupted by Progressive Marxist Communist Left. The prime example is John Brennan a self avowed Communist and Muslim.
No real surprise that they have turned their expertise on AMERICA and overthrew the most popular President in the history of our country, is it?
Because far too many in this country are hypocrites and refuse to condemn their guy for things they would condemn the other guy for.

When the courts slapped Obama down for the spying done under his watch the "left" said nothing.

While I support the protests for social justice there should have been huge protests over this.
Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?
Because they can as long as no one is going to do anything about it...our first fight must be to replace the GOP with conservative warriors...and dump the cowards and paid China lackies....
Spying on American citizens was always part of the CFR's agenda when they formed the agency. And now they have the media under control.
Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?

Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens? (thegatewaypundit.com)
15 Jan 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

It is illegal, or at least on paper it is, for the CIA to spy on American citizens on American soil. So why was the CIA spying on Mr. Edward Butowsky and/or Matt Couch? If you have read Joe Hoft’s excellent piece (see here) on the latest trials and travails of Ty Clevenger, an intrepid attorney battling the Deep State, who has been fighting for more than three years to secure the release of damning documents exposing the Russia hoax and sedition by the Obama Administration, you know he is forcing the FBI to cough it up.
But the latest response also contained this bombshell–the CIA was spying on his clients as well. Ty’s latest account of this new info dump from the US Department of Justice is posted at LawFlog. Here are some key snippets:
In The Transparency Project v. Department of Justice, et al., my client asked to see records indicating whether the CIA or its Directorate of Digital Innovation, its contractors, etc. inserted Russian “fingerprints” into the metadata of the emails that were released publicly. (You can review the entire request by clicking here and reading Paragraph 11).​
In a joint report filed today, the CIA informed the court that it intends to assert a Glomar response to the request, i.e., that it “cannot confirm or deny” the existence of such records. . . . [In other words], The Central Intelligence Agency will neither confirm nor deny that it fabricated the Russian “fingerprints” in Democratic National Committee emails published in 2016 by Wikileaks and “Guccifer 2.0.”, and the FBI implicitly acknowledged today that it never reviewed the contents of DNC employee Seth Rich’s laptop despite gaining custody of the laptop after his murder.​
Now that Donald Trump has finally released FBI documents on Russiagate (I do not know if there are any CIA documents in the pile), we shall see what the FBI had to say about Mr. Rich. Too bad the President waited so long to do this. If he had forced the issue last year the plot to steal the 2020 election might have been disrupted.

How the Anti-Terrorism Bill Puts CIA Back in the Business of Spying on Americans

All Federal Agencies, especially the "17 Intelligence Agencies" have been infiltrated and corrupted by Progressive Marxist Communist Left. The prime example is John Brennan a self avowed Communist and Muslim.
No real surprise that they have turned their expertise on AMERICA and overthrew the most popular President in the history of our country, is it?


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