Why vote for Trump?

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
The Commander-in-Chief is responsible, the buck stops there. If Trump was aware of it, and didn't see the appearance of an armed US Military moving on a protest with Bayonets affixed, and didn't object, that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

If he didn't know, that shows he is out of touch with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that is another reason he should not serve a second term.

  • The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets.
  • Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.
  • The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote to two U.S. representatives in a letter that was obtained by the AP.
Trumps call for Law and Order is missing Justice; Law and Order and Justice is the American way.
The Commander-in-Chief is responsible, the buck stops there. If Trump was aware of it, and didn't see the appearance of an armed US Military moving on a protest with Bayonets affixed, and didn't object, that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

If he didn't know, that shows he is out of touch with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that is another reason he should not serve a second term.

  • The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets.
  • Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.
  • The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote to two U.S. representatives in a letter that was obtained by the AP.
Trumps call for Law and Order is missing Justice; Law and Order and Justice is the American way.
If for no other reason, Trump is not Biden who attached himself to the looney left wing of AOC, rioters and rest of that useless crowd.
Because it is people's legal and constitutional right to vote for whever they wish for whatever reason or reasons they wish and we are not required to explain or justify why we vote they way we do. This applies to the supporters of any candidate not just Trump supporters no one owes anyone an expalnation of why they vote the way they do.
The Commander-in-Chief is responsible, the buck stops there. If Trump was aware of it, and didn't see the appearance of an armed US Military moving on a protest with Bayonets affixed, and didn't object, that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

Trump did that?

Why, God Bless his soul.

Bullets might fly around and hit something valuable in DC.

Much better we get to hear a stuck pig squeal. Seewy! Seewy!

The Commander-in-Chief is responsible, the buck stops there. If Trump was aware of it, and didn't see the appearance of an armed US Military moving on a protest with Bayonets affixed, and didn't object, that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

If he didn't know, that shows he is out of touch with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that is another reason he should not serve a second term.

  • The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets.
  • Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.
  • The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote to two U.S. representatives in a letter that was obtained by the AP.
Trumps call for Law and Order is missing Justice; Law and Order and Justice is the American way.

What's your problem here? President Trump decided that bayonets were sufficient to repel the angry liberal mobs, it was his decision. Ideally , the Commander in Chief should have war elephants to manage this kind of ugly insurrection. But, I don't think that America has any, so our Commander in Chief decided on bayonets.
Because it is people's legal and constitutional right to vote for whever they wish for whatever reason or reasons they wish and we are not required to explain or justify why we vote they way we do.

You must mean like:
  • The Democrats caught throwing out Republican literature at the Post Office rather than delivering it.
  • The Democrat calling for all to report Trump supporters so they can be singled out, silenced and vilified.
  • Our right and freedom to choose where we go and whether we wear a mask on our face or not!
  • Our freedom and right to be able to go out without worrying about having bricks and Molotov cocktails thrown at us or our businesses robbed and burned down and our communities destroyed.
The Commander-in-Chief is responsible, the buck stops there. If Trump was aware of it, and didn't see the appearance of an armed US Military moving on a protest with Bayonets affixed, and didn't object, that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

If he didn't know, that shows he is out of touch with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that is another reason he should not serve a second term.

  • The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets.
  • Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.
  • The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote to two U.S. representatives in a letter that was obtained by the AP.
Trumps call for Law and Order is missing Justice; Law and Order and Justice is the American way.
Because Trump is the first pro-America President we've had 20 years and because the alternative is to put Communists in control of the country.
Why vote for a candidate? The easy answer for the first half of the 20th century was "peace and prosperity". During the democrat party political domination we got neither. Under the Trump administration we had peace and the greatest economic prosperity in a hundred years. What does Biden promise? God only knows.
that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.
maybe but that is about as trivial an issue as one can imagine in a million years of trying when the libcommie socialist left is totally opposed to the basic concept of America. Any chance your Mom/friends/ teachers etc can explain it to you??
Why vote for a candidate? The easy answer for the first half of the 20th century was "peace and prosperity". During the democrat party political domination we got neither. Under the Trump administration we had peace and the greatest economic prosperity in a hundred years. What does Biden promise? God only knows.

What we have is a broken country with more hate than love. And don't give me that crap that it happened under Obama. It just started when you white supremiists could not accept a black president. Q'Anon was started then. I believe it was started in 2011 and just blew up from there.
that is one more reason to NOT vote for Trump.
maybe but that is about as trivial an issue as one can imagine in a million years of trying when the libcommie socialist left is totally opposed to the basic concept of America. Any chance your Mom/friends/ teachers etc can explain it to you??

They can but they will explain it as the 3rd Red Scare and Q'Anon.

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