CDZ Why Trump is the 'Teflon Don'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Of course this is just my opinion, and anyone is welcome to theirs too, of course.

In regular campaigns there is a PC minefield that candidates have to avoid, because if they trip over one of these PC flubs, then all hell breaks loose.

Step 1) The PC Nazis go berserk attacking the man at every turn and
Step 2) if the establishment doesn't want to protect him, like ABC wanted to protect Kelly Osborne or the DNC wants to protect Hillary Clinton, then the man watches as his donor money dries up from fear of wasting money on a losing effort, and
Step 3) this becomes what is known as a 'self fulfilling prophecy' as the man cant pay for staffers, advertising, etc, and he withdraws from the race.

Donald Trump has been well aware of this for years, for as long as he has contemplated running for the POTUS anyway. So the question he had to answer was 'How do I neutralize this PC Nazi tactic of hounding a person into defeat?'

The answer is in three parts.
Part 1) He uses tit-for-tat tactics on his rivals. If they criticize him, he NUKES them in return. I do not doubt that he has a dossier on each rival, major media figure, network people and RNC officials and knows how to humiliate them if need be, thus the nukage stockpile he has. His Perry comments were an example of this.

Part 2) Trump knows that this PC attack dog system is reflexive and there is no 'Off' button, so to turn it into his favor he carefully crafted some statements that were relatively innocuous, let them 'slip' and then watched as his rivals dog-piled on the flub like it was an admission of being in the Hitler Youth. When the public discovers that Trump did not state what the media spin suggests, they feel sympathy for the man, and wonder if this is just an attack by the elites on Trump BECAUSE HE TRULY THREATENS THEM? So Trump winds up getting free sympathetic publicity among a large part of the electorate that is independent enough to dig for facts themselves and this part of the electorate influences a lot of the rest of it by word of mouth.

Part 3) And with each 'scandalous' slip afterward the process builds more and more sympathy among pro-active readers to the point that not only is Trump pulling between 23 and 32% of the GOP but also about 18% of Democrats. And even if his rivals came to understand how all this worked, they cant stop it; the system is autonomous and always on 'Attack' mode. Thus Trump also gets free publicity on a recurring basis.

For example, his statement that McCain was not a war hero, which was quickly followed by a retraction and four immediate assertions that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. I don't think this was an accident at all because it worked for Trump. His critics leaped on it and ran with it as 'Trump attacks McCain' when anyone that actually watched the video could see it was nothing more than a slip up or some confusion of what was being meant by the phrase 'war hero'. Was the topic a 'valorous war hero'? or just an admirable man who was in a war and suffered for his country? McCain was obviously the latter, and a person could see the basis for confusion. But a partisan looking to burn Trump could spin it and they did. And they keep referring to the story with the spin, like 'And Trumps attack on McCain only brought him higher in the polls.'

Now the clincher is that Trump does not have to worry about losing donors anyway because he doesn't need them at all and almost all the press he is getting is totally 100% free!

So there is no forcing Trump from the campaign like Perry is getting done to him.

So not only is the "Teflon Don" teflon, but he is getting good advertising every time they run these stupid attack-spin stories.

In a three way race in an electorate that is split 45-35-20 as self identified conservative-moderate-liberals, respectively, Trump only needs to get 35% of the total electorate or 7/9ths of conservatives and can give up everything to the left of that and still win a plurality.

Trump is using the establishments own system of control against them, and they cannot stop it!

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Trump is a ratings gold mine for "cable news" networks and Retard Radio. Like a professional wrestler, the "bad boys" draw crowds and fans. Personally--as a progressive populist--I don't necessarily disagree with most of Trump's points. But he actually sounds more like a leftist than a right wing guy.
Trump is a ratings gold mine for "cable news" networks and Retard Radio. Like a professional wrestler, the "bad boys" draw crowds and fans. Personally--as a progressive populist--I don't necessarily disagree with most of Trump's points. But he actually sounds more like a leftist than a right wing guy.

I think he is a progressive conservative like Hoover was.

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