Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson
He will self destruct.
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson
He will self destruct.
He may not succeed in winning the republican nomination for president; however, his life story is already that of a successful black man. If only more people of all colors could be as self destructive........
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson
May I ask why you point fingers at liberals? Doesn't Dr. Carson have to make it thru the Rightwing Gauntlet of Primaries before liberals even think about voting for or against him?
It's fun to see the frothing hatred directed at Carson from the party that claims to be the champion of blacks.

Malcolm X had it right about Democrats and blacks
The lowlife scum liberals will take their hypocrisy to a whole new level attempting to destroy the multiple minorities and women running for the GOP nomination. Meanwhile Dem's are running some old rich white hag.
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson
He will self destruct.
He may not succeed in winning the republican nomination for president; however, his life story is already that of a successful black man. If only more people of all colors could be as self destructive........
Being successful in one field does not mean that you will always be successful. In Dr. Carson I see an intelligent man who also holds the ability to shoot himself in the foot. We shall see.
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

You're absolutely right. It's the same reason why the left so passionately destroyed Barack Obama. Oh wait...
:lol: After the teapers hear what he said on Hannity about Baltimore last night...he has no chance.
Absolutely! The liberals and their lap dog media outlets simply cannot let welfare blacks see that, with a bit of determination and effort, any black person can get out of the ghetto and take the national stage in a positive manner.

As an insider, he warns about the failures of Obamacare. He talks about America's moral decline led by leftists. He urges blacks to return to family values, children with a father and mother.

Read more of this article and ignore the leftist whining about the source @ Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson

You can make a lot of money being a "slave master". (I'll let you look it up)
Anyone else watch Jon Stewart puppet around Herman Cain to expose this very thing?
Inside the Political Curtain with John Oliver - Herman Cain - The Daily Show - Video Clip Comedy Central

Drop some money on the floor and the uneducated and poor will do anything for it. Not saying all blacks are uneducated and poor. Just slave masters.
Kinda reminds me of Ralph Nadar, Ross Perot, and Jesse Jackson. They figured they would start their political careers with the presidency Too.

Ain't gonna happen. Too many folks are not gonna let someone make their rookie mistakes in the white house.
May I ask why you point fingers at liberals? Doesn't Dr. Carson have to make it thru the Rightwing Gauntlet of Primaries before liberals even think about voting for or against him?

The liberal media is already attacking him. They know they can help shape public opinion and get people knocked out of the race. As always, they choose the weakest candidate and lay off them in hopes they will get the nod. The Republicans have fallen for this ruse the last few elections. The ones the media is more vicious towards are the ones that scare them the most. Hillary needs someone weak to debate and Carson would mop the floor with her.
May I ask why you point fingers at liberals? Doesn't Dr. Carson have to make it thru the Rightwing Gauntlet of Primaries before liberals even think about voting for or against him?

The liberal media is already attacking him. They know they can help shape public opinion and get people knocked out of the race. As always, they choose the weakest candidate and lay off them in hopes they will get the nod. The Republicans have fallen for this ruse the last few elections. The ones the media is more vicious towards are the ones that scare them the most. Hillary needs someone weak to debate and Carson would mop the floor with her.

I don't understand how liberals can keep the GOP from choosing anyone they want. Right wingers are the only ones who can keep Carson from getting the nomination. Are you saying that conservatives don't choose their own candidate?

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