Why the vaccine push is scientifically flawed


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
Follow the money. The big drug companies are salivating at the prospect of annual Covid vaccines. It wouldn't surprise me a bit for Fauci to be getting paid under the table by big Pharma.
An objective and scientific exploration of the money trail would be essential in knowing the absolute truth about vaccines, but it would likely only be a single piece of the puzzle if we are looking for an objective and scientific understanding of vaccines.
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.

Why is this an issue for you? The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.
The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.

Thank you, your post illustrates what my thread is about, since you navigated around any discussion of objectivity and the lack of it in vaccine politics. No mention of how scientific method requires objectivity, as suggested in the opening post, and no mention of how vaccine politics are anti scientific method. Just your subjective response. Vaccine good. All roads lead to vaccine good.
The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.

Thank you, your post illustrates what my thread is about, since you navigated around any discussion of objectivity and the lack of it in vaccine politics. No mention of how scientific method requires objectivity, as suggested in the opening post, and no mention of how vaccine politics are anti scientific method. Just your subjective response. Vaccine good. All roads lead to vaccine good.
No. What I want to know is why you cloak your objection to getting the vaccine in trying to question the scientific methodology in which it was developed? This virus has killed over 600K in this country alone. Development began on it almost as soon as the first cases popped up in China (sorry Warp Speed). So far, from what I've seen, the scientific studies be they hurried along and with minimal peer review..have been right on the money. Yes there have been side effects. To be expected.

I see your posts on these boards almost daily positing the same arguments. But the bottom line is that the vaccine works. This is the United States of America. If you don't want to get the vaccine. Don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us that studies are subjective and the science is junk.
The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.

Thank you, your post illustrates what my thread is about, since you navigated around any discussion of objectivity and the lack of it in vaccine politics. No mention of how scientific method requires objectivity, as suggested in the opening post, and no mention of how vaccine politics are anti scientific method. Just your subjective response. Vaccine good. All roads lead to vaccine good.
No. What I want to know is why you cloak your objection to getting the vaccine in trying to question the scientific methodology in which it was developed? This virus has killed over 600K in this country alone. Development began on it almost as soon as the first cases popped up in China (sorry Warp Speed). So far, from what I've seen, the scientific studies be they hurried along and with minimal peer review..have been right on the money. Yes there have been side effects. To be expected.

I see your posts on these boards almost daily positing the same arguments. But the bottom line is that the vaccine works. This is the United States of America. If you don't want to get the vaccine. Don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us that studies are subjective and the science is junk.
You are unable to demonstrate that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Please do this, and then use superior logic and arguments to dismantle mine. Subjective evasion only makes your vaccine look worse.
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Funny how they were all for it before they were all of a suddenly against it.
The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.

Thank you, your post illustrates what my thread is about, since you navigated around any discussion of objectivity and the lack of it in vaccine politics. No mention of how scientific method requires objectivity, as suggested in the opening post, and no mention of how vaccine politics are anti scientific method. Just your subjective response. Vaccine good. All roads lead to vaccine good.
No. What I want to know is why you cloak your objection to getting the vaccine in trying to question the scientific methodology in which it was developed? This virus has killed over 600K in this country alone. Development began on it almost as soon as the first cases popped up in China (sorry Warp Speed). So far, from what I've seen, the scientific studies be they hurried along and with minimal peer review..have been right on the money. Yes there have been side effects. To be expected.

I see your posts on these boards almost daily positing the same arguments. But the bottom line is that the vaccine works. This is the United States of America. If you don't want to get the vaccine. Don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us that studies are subjective and the science is junk.
You are unable to demonstrate that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Please do this, and then use superior logic and arguments to dismantle mine. Subjective evasion only makes your vaccine look worse.

Ok. You just want to complain. Got it. Again, if you don't want to get the vaccine, don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us we aren't seeing what we are seeing. People like you are fast becoming a danger. There are plenty of alt-right message boards to try and sell your griping to. Take it there.
The vaccine has been shown to be effective. And if you aren't vaccinated and get one of the delta variants, your may be in serious trouble. If you believe the vaccine studies are subjective?..then don't get one.
The majority of us will and move on with our lives.

Thank you, your post illustrates what my thread is about, since you navigated around any discussion of objectivity and the lack of it in vaccine politics. No mention of how scientific method requires objectivity, as suggested in the opening post, and no mention of how vaccine politics are anti scientific method. Just your subjective response. Vaccine good. All roads lead to vaccine good.
No. What I want to know is why you cloak your objection to getting the vaccine in trying to question the scientific methodology in which it was developed? This virus has killed over 600K in this country alone. Development began on it almost as soon as the first cases popped up in China (sorry Warp Speed). So far, from what I've seen, the scientific studies be they hurried along and with minimal peer review..have been right on the money. Yes there have been side effects. To be expected.

I see your posts on these boards almost daily positing the same arguments. But the bottom line is that the vaccine works. This is the United States of America. If you don't want to get the vaccine. Don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us that studies are subjective and the science is junk.
You are unable to demonstrate that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Please do this, and then use superior logic and arguments to dismantle mine. Subjective evasion only makes your vaccine look worse.

Ok. You just want to complain. Got it. Again, if you don't want to get the vaccine, don't. But stop trying to convince the rest of us we aren't seeing what we are seeing. People like you are fast becoming a danger. There are plenty of alt-right message boards to try and sell your griping to. Take it there.
You are unable to demonstrate that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Please do this, and then use superior logic and arguments to dismantle mine. Subjective evasion only makes your vaccine look worse.
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
I don't expect you to demonstrate that you read and understood the entire opening post, but can you demonstrate that you understand the connection between scientific method and objectivity?
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Funny how they were all for it before they were all of a suddenly against it.
No lefty can demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post. The problem is that lefties do not understand the concept of objective thought, let alone how it is connected to the scientific method.
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Funny how they were all for it before they were all of a suddenly against it.
No lefty can demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post. The problem is that lefties do not understand the concept of objective thought, let alone how it is connected to the scientific method.

We understood your OP. We also understand that you are on these boards posting variations of the same argument day after day to voice your displeasure with the vaccine. And with each post, linking not ONE legitimate media source to back up your assertions. It's always an ALT-RIGHT website. We get it. What we are wondering is..will you get the vaccine? :)
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Funny how they were all for it before they were all of a suddenly against it.
No lefty can demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post. The problem is that lefties do not understand the concept of objective thought, let alone how it is connected to the scientific method.
The OP is nothing more than a generalized statement of opinion it has never been proven a fact or a truth.
Scientific method requires objective research, observations, and conclusions. If studies of vaccines have an established goal of the vaccine being good and effective, and all roads lead to this end goal, then it is not a scientific study. If all opposing information is suppressed, spun, or censored, then there is no way for it to be a scientific study. It would be a subjective study.
You mean Operation Warp Speed?
Funny how they were all for it before they were all of a suddenly against it.
No lefty can demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post. The problem is that lefties do not understand the concept of objective thought, let alone how it is connected to the scientific method.

We understood your OP. We also understand that you are on these boards posting variations of the same argument day after day to voice your displeasure with the vaccine. And with each post, linking not ONE legitimate media source to back up your assertions. It's always an ALT-RIGHT website. We get it. What we are wondering is..will you get the vaccine? :)
Amazing how we said the same thing at the same time..
We understood your OP.
Can you demonstrate this?

I just summed it up. Other posters have too. In fact, I'll sum up all of your posts if you'll just answer a few questions.
I've answered yours whether you think I have or not.

1) Did you get the vaccine?
2) If not, are you going to get the vaccine?
3) If the answer to #2 is no, be honest with the class and state your specific objection to said vaccine.
We understood your OP.
Can you demonstrate this?

I just summed it up. Other posters have too. In fact, I'll sum up all of your posts if you'll just answer a few questions.
I've answered yours whether you think I have or not.

1) Did you get the vaccine?
2) If not, are you going to get the vaccine?
3) If the answer to #2 is no, be honest with the class and state your specific objection to said vaccine.
You just summed it up? If I had a dollar for every time a lefty claimed to have posted the answer to what he is evading, I'd be rich.

You are unable to demonstrate that you did in fact read and understand the opening post. Please do this, and then use superior logic and arguments to dismantle mine. Subjective evasion only makes your vaccine look worse.
One of the most important parts of my opening post is that the scientific method REQUIRES objective research, observations, and conclusions. "Objective" is the part where vaccine agenda departs from the scientific method, and becomes "subjective" political debate instead.

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