Why the USSR won against Nazi Germany

They were returning the favor of what the Germans did to their women.


You conveniently left that part out.

Which part? We wrote in the 6th - 8th century the "lex baiuvariorum" where a man is punished twice as hard when he beat a woman instead of a man. So the German Charlesmagne - who had been not only the founder of Germany but also the founder of France - was not the first who thought about to educate men to respect women. It's in the opposite: The French had been sometimes a shame for Fracne on their own after their liberation when they shaved the hairs of women in public who had had an affair with a German. Also in times of war life goes on and this men and women who started to build a bridge between Germans and French had helped France a lot. And as far as I know Germans soldiers punished everyone of their comrades very hard on their own who hurted a woman - or only tried to do so.

Oh sorry. You spoke about Russia and not about France. Although Germans and Russians fought much more cruel against each other as this was in the West this had nothing to do with the Russian women - except that they had to suffer a lot indirectly because the situation was everywhere a disaster.
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No. Who is Gessler?

A very old founding myth of Switzerland. Gessler ruled as a kind of governor of the emperor over the Swiss countries. It is said he placed his hat in all cities on a long stick and the people had to greet this hat as if he had been there personally. This caused an unbelievable hate on him and his regime - which ended in a kind of freedom war until pre-Italy, pre-Germany and pre-France accepted the independence of Switzerland and their free government without nobles.
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They were returning the favor of what the Germans did to their women. You conveniently left that part out.

Oh by the way: Why do you try to tell other peopel that you are a Christian? Do you try to defend here the Stalinists? For example: Stalin had party-soldiers behind the attacking Russian soldiers who killed them when they moved back - so this poor guys often had only one chance: To be killed from their enemies or to be killed from their "friends".

Which part? We wrote in the 6th - 8th century the "lex baiuvariorum" where a man is punished twice as hard when he beat a woman instead of a man. So the German Charlesmagne - who had been not only the founder of Germany but also the founder of France - was not the first who thought about to educate men to respect women. It's in the opposite: The French had been sometimes a shame for Fracne on their own after their liberation when they shaved the hairs of women in public who had had an affair with a German. Also in times of war life goes on and this men and women who started to build a bridge between Germans and French had helped France a lot. And as far as I know Germans soldiers punished everyone of their comrades very hard on their own who hurted a woman - or only tried to do so.

Oh sorry. You spoke about Russia and not about France. Although Germans and Russians fought much more cruel against each other as this was in the West this had nothing to do with the Russian women - except that they had to suffer a lot indirectly because the situation was everywhere a disaster.
The Fall of Berlin by Anthony Beevor
A very old founding myth of Switzerland. Gessler ruled as a kind of governor of the emperor over the Swiss countries. It is said he placed his hat in all cities on a long stick and the people had to greet this hat as if he had been there personally. This caused an unbelievable hate on him and his regime - which ended in a kind of freedom war until pre-Italy, pre-Germany and pre-France accepted the independence of Switzerland and their free government without nobles.
That is an interesting event. I did not hear of that.
From a CIA report timed to coincide with Stalin's death (1953):
"Even in Stalin's time there was collective leadership. Western ideals of a communist dictator are exaggerated. Misunderstandings about this are due to a misunderstanding of the true nature of communist power

Soviet "Iron Man"

Savva Leontievich Karas, Ukrainian, from Khmelnitsky region, chief of staff of the 61st infantry regiment , participant of the 1942 landing near Sudak, Crimea. Was captured, first shot on 02.07.42, escaped from the mass grave, captured again, sent to Mariupol concentration camp, shot at Agrobaza, escaped from the mass grave, rescued by underground fighters, led a partisan detachment in the Zaporozhye swamplands.
Former prisoners of war of Mariupol concentration camps fought in Karasya's detachment.
Then deputy commander of infantry regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front.
He was the first to take the height on Sapun Mountain during the capture of Sevastopol.
He was awarded the title of a Hero of the Soviet Union.
During his participation in the battles Karas was wounded 26 times.
In December 1945, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was discharged from the service.
Because it was a "just" war.

Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Bad as the SU was - Nazi Germany was worse.

Most puntis predicted Russia would fall within months.

Germany violated theRippontrop-Molotov peace treaty -so there fore Rusia had the high moral ground.

The Soviet Union was far worse than Nazi Germany. Stalin and his henchmen murdered some 20 million Russians to maintain their power. Hitler murdered 5-6 million Jews.

The Soviets won because FDR tragically and foolishly, if not treasonously, gave them billions of dollars in weapons and supplies. FDR also needlessly picked a fight with Japan in late 1941, which enabled the Soviets to move massive numbers of troops and tanks from the east to the west just in time to blunt the German advance.
Soviet "Iron Man"

Savva Leontievich Karas, Ukrainian, from Khmelnitsky region, chief of staff of the 61st infantry regiment , participant of the 1942 landing near Sudak, Crimea. Was captured, first shot on 02.07.42, escaped from the mass grave, captured again, sent to Mariupol concentration camp, shot at Agrobaza, escaped from the mass grave, rescued by underground fighters, led a partisan detachment in the Zaporozhye swamplands.
Former prisoners of war of Mariupol concentration camps fought in Karasya's detachment.
Then deputy commander of infantry regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front.
He was the first to take the height on Sapun Mountain during the capture of Sevastopol.
He was awarded the title of a Hero of the Soviet Union.
During his participation in the battles Karas was wounded 26 times.
In December 1945, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was discharged from the service.
Those were the real heroes, not the Bandera worshipping trash.
What cesspool do dumb, disgusting lice like you coming from?
You mean educated people who read history. The accounts showing the murders were contemporary, Stalin wasn't even ashamed of his actions. He cared nothing for the ordinary "workers and peasants" that he claimed to represent. If he did, he would have evacuated the civilians in Leningrad over the ice roads on Lake Ladoga instead of forcing them to stay in the city and starve.
Because it was a "just" war.

Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Bad as the SU was - Nazi Germany was worse.

Most puntis predicted Russia would fall within months.

Germany violated theRippontrop-Molotov peace treaty -so there fore Rusia had the high moral ground.
Germany lost because America supplied the Soviet Union with enough war material to win
From a CIA report timed to coincide with Stalin's death (1953):
"Even in Stalin's time there was collective leadership. Western ideals of a communist dictator are exaggerated. Misunderstandings about this are due to a misunderstanding of the true nature of communist power

Germany lost because America supplied the Soviet Union with enough war material to win
4%. The total volume of Land Lease from Soviet military production amounted to 4%. In some types of military production Lend Lease was more, in some less. Hard to believe after a lifetime of propaganda?
And by the way, 90% of American Lend Lease went to England.
4%. The total volume of Land Lease from Soviet military production amounted to 4%. In some types of military production Lend Lease was more, in some less. Hard to believe after a lifetime of propaganda?
And by the way, 90% of American Lend Lease went to England.
Yes and we only just finished paying for it a few years ago, anyone would think the Soviets had nothing to do with smashing the Nazis.
4%. The total volume of Land Lease from Soviet military production amounted to 4%. In some types of military production Lend Lease was more, in some less. Hard to believe after a lifetime of propaganda?
And by the way, 90% of American Lend Lease went to England.
Americans have been told so much bs about WWII and everything else, they have no clue about anything.

Soviet war material production was enormous before Hitler invaded. After invasion, it increased greatly. Americans know about our war industries tremendous production during the war. Yet Soviet war production while not as great, was still impressive and far greater than anything Germany produced.
Americans have been told so much bs about WWII and everything else, they have no clue about anything.

Soviet war material production was enormous before Hitler invaded.

Stalinsche Säuberungen (russisch Чистка Tschistka, Plural Чистки Tschistki) waren eine Periode der sowjetischen Geschichte. Aus stalinistischer Sicht politisch „unzuverlässige“ und oppositionelle Personen wurden in dieser Zeit massiv verfolgt und ermordet. Die Gesamtzahl der Opfer ist nicht bekannt und schwer zu verifizieren. Schätzungen von Historikern reichen von einer Million bis 60 Millionen Toten.

Bereits Mitte der 1920er Jahre begann Josef Stalin, echte oder vermeintliche politische Gegner aus der Kommunistischen Partei (KPdSU) ausschließen zu lassen. Später wurden die Betroffenen häufig mit gefälschten Vorwürfen in Schau- und Geheimprozessen zum Tod oder zu Lagerhaft und Zwangsarbeit im Gulag verurteilt. Entsprechende Geständnisse wurden regelmäßig unter Folter erpresst.

Im sogenannten Großen Terror von 1936 bis 1938, auch als „Große Säuberung“ bezeichnet, erreichten die politischen Säuberungen ihren Höhepunkt: In dieser Zeit wurden jeden Tag etwa 1000 Menschen ermordet. Dieser stetige Verlust an Funktionsträgern begann die elementaren Funktionen von Partei, Verwaltung und Armee zu gefährden. So waren in manchen Gebieten sämtliche Parteifunktionäre der KPdSU verhaftet worden. Daher wurde die Intensität der Verfolgung 1938 auf Befehl Stalins reduziert, ohne jedoch eingestellt zu werden.

Eine zweite Säuberungswelle setzte zu Beginn des Jahres 1948 ein. Sie war hauptsächlich gegen Juden in der Sowjetunion gerichtet, die als „wurzellose Kosmopoliten“ denunziert wurden. Die Kampagne führte zunächst zur Auflösung des Jüdischen Antifaschistischen Komitees und zur Hinrichtung jiddischer Intellektueller, bekannt als Nacht der ermordeten Dichter. Sie erreichte ihren Höhepunkt in der sogenannten Ärzteverschwörung und endete abrupt mit Stalins Tod im März 1953.

source: Stalinsche Säuberungen – Wikipedia



Stalin's purges (Russian Чистка Tschistka, plural Чистки Tschistki) were a period in Soviet history. People who were politically "unreliable" and oppositional from a Stalinist point of view were massively persecuted and murdered during this period. The total number of victims is unknown and difficult to verify. Historians' estimates range from one million to 60 million dead.

As early as the mid-1920s, Joseph Stalin began to have real or supposed political opponents expelled from the Communist Party (CPSU). Later, those affected were often sentenced to death or imprisonment and forced labour in the Gulag on the basis of falsified accusations in show trials and secret trials. Confessions were regularly extorted under torture.

The political purges reached their peak during the so-called Great Terror from 1936 to 1938, also known as the "Great Purge": during this time, around 1,000 people were murdered every day. This steady loss of functionaries began to jeopardise the elementary functions of the party, administration and army. In some areas, all party functionaries of the CPSU were arrested. As a result, the intensity of the persecution was reduced in 1938 on Stalin's orders, although it was never stopped.

A second wave of purges began at the start of 1948. It was mainly directed against Jews in the Soviet Union, who were denounced as "rootless cosmopolitans". The campaign initially led to the dissolution of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the execution of Yiddish intellectuals, known as the Night of the Murdered Poets. It reached its climax in the so-called doctors' conspiracy and ended abruptly with Stalin's death in March 1953.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

After invasion, it increased greatly. Americans know about our war industries tremendous production during the war. Yet Soviet war production while not as great, was still impressive and far greater than anything Germany produced.

Let me say exaggerating: 1938-1948 had been relativelly peaceful years for the people of Russia under Stalin. In a worst case scenario Stalin murdered 60 million Russians and Mao murderered 100 million Chinese. In 1950 the population of the USA had been 148 million people.
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Stalinsche Säuberungen (russisch Чистка Tschistka, Plural Чистки Tschistki) waren eine Periode der sowjetischen Geschichte. Aus stalinistischer Sicht politisch „unzuverlässige“ und oppositionelle Personen wurden in dieser Zeit massiv verfolgt und ermordet. Die Gesamtzahl der Opfer ist nicht bekannt und schwer zu verifizieren. Schätzungen von Historikern reichen von einer Million bis 60 Millionen Toten.

Bereits Mitte der 1920er Jahre begann Josef Stalin, echte oder vermeintliche politische Gegner aus der Kommunistischen Partei (KPdSU) ausschließen zu lassen. Später wurden die Betroffenen häufig mit gefälschten Vorwürfen in Schau- und Geheimprozessen zum Tod oder zu Lagerhaft und Zwangsarbeit im Gulag verurteilt. Entsprechende Geständnisse wurden regelmäßig unter Folter erpresst.

Im sogenannten Großen Terror von 1936 bis 1938, auch als „Große Säuberung“ bezeichnet, erreichten die politischen Säuberungen ihren Höhepunkt: In dieser Zeit wurden jeden Tag etwa 1000 Menschen ermordet. Dieser stetige Verlust an Funktionsträgern begann die elementaren Funktionen von Partei, Verwaltung und Armee zu gefährden. So waren in manchen Gebieten sämtliche Parteifunktionäre der KPdSU verhaftet worden. Daher wurde die Intensität der Verfolgung 1938 auf Befehl Stalins reduziert, ohne jedoch eingestellt zu werden.

Eine zweite Säuberungswelle setzte zu Beginn des Jahres 1948 ein. Sie war hauptsächlich gegen Juden in der Sowjetunion gerichtet, die als „wurzellose Kosmopoliten“ denunziert wurden. Die Kampagne führte zunächst zur Auflösung des Jüdischen Antifaschistischen Komitees und zur Hinrichtung jiddischer Intellektueller, bekannt als Nacht der ermordeten Dichter. Sie erreichte ihren Höhepunkt in der sogenannten Ärzteverschwörung und endete abrupt mit Stalins Tod im März 1953.

source: Stalinsche Säuberungen – Wikipedia



Stalin's purges (Russian Чистка Tschistka, plural Чистки Tschistki) were a period in Soviet history. People who were politically "unreliable" and oppositional from a Stalinist point of view were massively persecuted and murdered during this period. The total number of victims is unknown and difficult to verify. Historians' estimates range from one million to 60 million dead.

As early as the mid-1920s, Joseph Stalin began to have real or supposed political opponents expelled from the Communist Party (CPSU). Later, those affected were often sentenced to death or imprisonment and forced labour in the Gulag on the basis of falsified accusations in show trials and secret trials. Confessions were regularly extorted under torture.

The political purges reached their peak during the so-called Great Terror from 1936 to 1938, also known as the "Great Purge": during this time, around 1,000 people were murdered every day. This steady loss of functionaries began to jeopardise the elementary functions of the party, administration and army. In some areas, all party functionaries of the CPSU were arrested. As a result, the intensity of the persecution was reduced in 1938 on Stalin's orders, although it was never stopped.

A second wave of purges began at the start of 1948. It was mainly directed against Jews in the Soviet Union, who were denounced as "rootless cosmopolitans". The campaign initially led to the dissolution of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the execution of Yiddish intellectuals, known as the Night of the Murdered Poets. It reached its climax in the so-called doctors' conspiracy and ended abruptly with Stalin's death in March 1953.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Let me say exaggerating: 1938-1948 had been relativelly peaceful years for the people of Russia under Stalin. In a worst case scenario Stalin murdered 60 million Russians and Mao murderered 100 million Chinese. In 1950 the population of the USA had been 148 million people.
You love throwing these numbers about without any evidence.
You love throwing these numbers about without any evidence.

I was not killed from Stalin or Mao - otherwise I would know. When you read what I said here then the number of victims of Stalin's purges are 1 million up to 60 millions. Most used number in this context is 20 millions. I spoke here about the worst case scenario of the estimations of historians. But could also be it was indeed even more worse.
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