Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

How many people have you had to gun down in your kitchen?
So you're suggesting that someone can only prepare to defend themselves after having been attacked? Only those who have been shot can carry a gun? Only women who have been raped? Only after having been victimized can a person prepare to defend themselves?

Please cancel your fire insurance until after your house burns down.
So you're suggesting that someone can only prepare to defend themselves after having been attacked? Only those who have been shot can carry a gun? Only women who have been raped? Only after having been victimized can a person prepare to defend themselves?

Please cancel your fire insurance until after your house burns down.
Is that why you always have a fire extinguisher strapped to your leg?
Fire departments responded to a fire every 23 seconds in 2020. Someone was shot every 4.55 minutes. Fire is a more likely danger.
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I'm not going to look up every time some gun nut claims he is always armed. I'm not dumb enough to believe you haven't read the posts. On a side note, I know people who are armed every time they even step into their yard, and the few times, inside their homes that they don't have a gun strapped to their body, there is one easily accessible in each room.
Then you know me.

I have a gun readily available at all times. I don't always wear one on my hip but I'd like to be more consistent in doing even that. Sometimes I go out without one but there is always at least one in the car. The biggest gap I have is when I go into the store. If I didn't have my EDC on when I went out the door, the plan is to get one out of the car. Sometimes I don't grab it but that is fewer and fewer times these days.

So I'm not a perfect 24/7 carrier but I'm close.
I distrust gun nut Rambo wannabees who dream of the chance to shoot somebody.
Can you provide any links or news stories of cases where that's happened? Where someone legally carrying a gun went searching for trouble so he could shoot someone?
Well if I had the gift of knowing my future and I woke up one day realizing that I would have to use lethal force to protect my health or life, I would just stay home.

Unfortunately I lack that ability.

I have been legally carrying a concealed hand gun for over a quarter of a century and since I don’t play with it in public, it just sits quietly in a pocket holster in my jacket or pants pocket endangering no one.

I took the time and effort and spent the money to get my concealed weapons permit with the intention of carrying on a regular basis and I have and will continue to do so.

Why are you so concerned? Do you distrust honest citizens? Perhaps you feel we are not responsible.

As your linked stories clearly demonstrate: an armed society is a polite society.
As your linked stories clearly demonstrate: an armed society is a polite society.
A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research study revealed that right-to-carry laws increase, rather than decrease, violent crime. Higher rates of gun ownership is correlated with higher homicide rates. Gun possession is correlated with increased road rage.

There have been times when a civilian with a gun successfully intervened in a shooting, but these instances are rare. Those who carry guns often have their own guns used against them. And a civilian with a gun is more likely to be killed than to kill an attacker.
I distrust gun nut Rambo wannabees who dream of the chance to shoot somebody.
Did you notice my statement that if I could predict when I woke up that I would have to use lethal force that day, I would just stay home.

The last thing I ever want to have to do in this world he use lethal force to stop an attack. Many people who do use lethal force suffer psychological problems after. Many are prosecuted or sued in a civilian court which can easily bankrupt a person even if they are not convicted or lose.
Bees are not a threat everywhere you go and you can predict the likelihood that you won't get stung. And, unless you're allergic, the damage caused by a sting is not permanent.

On the other hand, with the very same odds of a sting away from one's own hives, a person who's allergic will always carry their EpiPen. The chances of getting stung are very low. When I go out, the chances of me being attacked are very low - though getting higher and higher every day. But the potential outcome is serious so I prepare for that risk.
Your neighbor puts on his bee suit when he knows he is going to be around bees.

When I leave to go shopping I have no way to know what might happen so I prefer to be prepared.

I doubt if I will ever have a reason to use my concealed revolver and I haven’t in 25 years, but if I do I will have my revolver with me. If attacked by someone who intends to serious injure or kill me I will attempt to stop the attack. At least I will have a chance.
That's ok. We don't trust you either. For a damned good reason too. You are batshit crazy.
You believe the big lie, so you judgement sucks pretty bad at best. I don't think I care as much about your opinion as you seem to think I should.
Then you know me.

I have a gun readily available at all times. I don't always wear one on my hip but I'd like to be more consistent in doing even that. Sometimes I go out without one but there is always at least one in the car. The biggest gap I have is when I go into the store. If I didn't have my EDC on when I went out the door, the plan is to get one out of the car. Sometimes I don't grab it but that is fewer and fewer times these days.

So I'm not a perfect 24/7 carrier but I'm close.
I live in Florida which makes concealing a full size or even just large hand gun difficult most of the year. (Open carry is not legal in Florida and I am not a fan of pen carry.)At first I carried a 1911 .45 auto but that was uncomfortable and a pain so it often was left in the safe or perhaps the car while I was shopping. I wasn’t fond of leaving a gun in the car as there always is the chance someone will break into the car.

In 1993 S&W came out with their Model 642 Airweight capable of handling 38+P ammo. I bought one of the first. After 29 years it has several thousand rounds fired through it and it is holding up well.

The Model 642 so light I can grab it on my way out the door and slide it and its pocket holster into my pants pocket. Consequently I don’t leave home without it (Unless I am headed somewhere where it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon.)

It may be a mouse gun but it is far better than no gun if someone attacks me with the intention of putting me in the hospital for an extended stay or six feet under.

United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1876)

These gun grabbers actually believe that this case helps them.

I know, but they never actually, really read the cases and never ever pay attention to the facts of the case or the history. They only read partisan opinions about the case (from other anti-gunners) or they just play-act as gun law poseurs, (Google / Wikipedia scholars).

Cruikshank stands for more than the plain statement that the right is not granted (or given / created / established) by the 2nd Amendment thus the right can not be argued to depend --IN ANY MANNER -- on the Constitution for its existence.

As fatal as that is to so many anti-gun arguments, the facts of the case seal the casket and bury it.

Consider that Cruikshank recognizes the right of, "bearing arms for a lawful purpose" of Levi Nelson and Alexander Tillman, two former slaves then citizens of the United States living in 1873 Louisiana.

Those two men were armed in public for self defense against roving White mobs who were intent on overthrowing an election where Black candidates won offices.

The White League / KKK set upon Nelson and Tillman and disarmed, kidnapped and lynched them and terrorized and murdered at least 80 other Black citizens that day. (see Colfax Massacre).

This occurred in a state and at a time that Louisiana had no "official" militia (it being disbanded by the governor on the orders of Congress) so SCOTUS can't possibly be recognizing any federal 2ndA right to arms that is conditioned upon militia association.

This is further confirmed in law, these were two black men who, even if Louisiana had a militia, they could not enroll as federal militia law only allowed Whites to enroll.

Cruikshank destroys all anti-gunner arguments.
Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886)

Same as Cruikshank.

Presser should be read to eliminate the need for incorporation.

Presser impresses a federal enforcement of the citizen's federal right to keep and bear arms without any reference to or reliance on, the 2nd Amendment.

The Court is enforcing an unavoidable principle that is an outcome of the Constitution's promise to the states to forever provide a republican form of government. The Court unequivocally states it is a foundational principle of the nation that the armed citizens are the reserve military force of both the nation and the states, and even laying the 2nd Amendment out of view, the states can not disarm their citizens because the nation might need those citizens and their guns to defend the nation.

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