Why the lack of preparation?

It seems that whatever the disaster is, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, whatever, we are unprepared. Curious.
It's like they say about wars, you plan for the last one not the next possible one. It happens in Red AND Blue states. We live in a world of finite resources but infinite possible dangers.
It seems that whatever the disaster is, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, whatever, we are unprepared. Curious.
How do you prepare for a Cat 4 or 5 Hurricane? How do you prepare for a tornado? How do you prepare for a flood? The flood that happened in Western North Carolina, how could they have prepared for that when they didn't even know it was coming?
No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just pointing out the dishonesty of Republicans suggesting that they're interested in infrastructure when they really aren't. In fact, they're historically against it.
Our infrastructure is killing us. :omg:
There is a limit to how much it is practical to prepare for something that will never happen. If we all lived like stone age cavemen and put all our earnings in savings/safe investments we would all likely die millionaires. But who wants to sacrifice all quality of our current life for some distant time? So we spend enough to make us happy and satisfied as we have it even when we are responsible and save something for emergencies and for our future.

We don't build fireproof structures or hurricane proof homes because the cost is more than it is worth to us. But we can lessen the risk with fireproof roofs and strengthened walls and such.

We don't build essentially safe automobiles in which we would survive almost all auto crashes because the cost is more than we choose to accept. But we do pay extra for those seatbelts and airbags and firewalls and roll bars and antilock brakes that make autos a lot safer for us.

We accept some unknowns and are willing to gamble to a certain degree and are willing to give up so much current quality of life. So cities/states can prepare for ordinary fires, even wildfires that we know will occur at times. But fires of the magnitude California is currently dealing with, nobody could be completely prepared for.

We can prepare for bad storms, tornadoes, hurricanes but nobody can anticipate much less prepare for the magnitude of damage of say a Katrina or the North Carolina floods caused by Helene. We can fault no mayor or governor for not being prepared for something like that.

But we sure can fault public officials who don't do what is normal and reasonable to minimize damage when they know how to do that or are told how to do that. We can certainly fault public officials who are negligent in doing what they can to reasonably protect the public.
We spend $Trillions preparing for war.
When was the last war?
How do you prepare for a Cat 4 or 5 Hurricane? How do you prepare for a tornado? How do you prepare for a flood? The flood that happened in Western North Carolina, how could they have prepared for that when they didn't even know it was coming?
We prepare for the aftermath.
We do not invest in infrastructure, as it is expensive, and disrupts, while going on. It is better for politicians to be able to point to expansion, rather than spending money upgrading large pipes below ground to possibly save from a disaster that might not strike.
president Biden just did an infrastructure law. What we need to prepare for is climate change extreme weather events.
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It's like they say about wars, you plan for the last one not the next possible one. It happens in Red AND Blue states. We live in a world of finite resources but infinite possible dangers.
We are preparing for the next war, not the last one. And we live in a world of finite dangers and infinite resources. We just don't know how to marshal those resources.

We do not invest in infrastructure, as it is expensive, and disrupts, while going on. It is better for politicians to be able to point to expansion, rather than spending money upgrading large pipes below ground to possibly save from a disaster that might not strike.
In california it appears that wacko greenies are most to blame for the fires raging out of control

Such articles are of little value as few if any suggestions will ever be implemented. What is needed is a way to quickly snuff out fires before they become unmanageable so people can go on with their lives without much disruption.
Such articles are of little value as few if any suggestions will ever be implemented. What is needed is a way to quickly snuff out fires before they become unmanageable so people can go on with their lives without much disruption.

When you have incompetent leaders of course practical solutions go out the window ...

Coming back from my buddies house I posted a controlled burn I snapped a picture of a few weeks ago ..

We have wild fire hazards and warnings here too. Granted we're not as bad as California but we're susceptible.
We're also not as incompetent as DEI California

We spend $Trillions preparing for war.
When was the last war

President Trump believes in peace through strength. He wants a military that nobody will dare challenge, but he is not a pacifist. All the bad guys know that if they mess with us, retaliation will be swift, certain, severe and deadly. That is how he achieved the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever known in his first term. i am pretty sure he will aim for that again Not preparation for war. Just a military so bad ass nobody will start one.
I think the democrats are too interested in spending huge amounts of money on New Green Deals for the distant future and not enough to protect the existing environment today. Maybe California shouldn't be spending trillions on a fucking high speed rail, electric vehicles and charging stations, and other green projects and instead make sure they've cleared out the brush from high risk areas and have enough water to put out the fires. I don't know whether to call it incompetence or malfeasance. Either way the idiot voters in that state continue to vote blue. So, I guess you got the gov't that you deserve.
President Trump believes in peace through strength. He wants a military that nobody will dare challenge
Thats too much common sense for woke libs to understand

The best way to avoid war is to have the strongest military

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