Why the influx of Central Americans trying to bypass US Immigration Process?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?
The catalyst for this massive surge is due to several things. First you need a convincing message that the smugglers can use to dupe the Central American people into paying 10 to 20,000 dollars PER PERSON for the privilege of taking a 2000 mile death march. Our retarded immigration laws and DACA provide the bait. You also need Mexico to aid and abet the immigrants to our border. You also have highly visible Democrats on world news that provide plenty of incentive to the illegals. And finally you need to leave the smugglers alone so the allure of making that kind of money comes with very little risk to themselves.
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?

This one is somewhat self-explanatory provided one collates and connects historical dots to present day Western politics and the ongoing, ever intensifying war between the two major Western political ideologies: Capitalism/American Democracy vs. Marxism/Postmodernism. Best sense I have made from my own research into the mass human wave migration from southern Third World nations is radical/Marxist leftwing world leaders, ideologues and billionaire activists/revolutionaries believe (truly believe) they can more easily seize complete power over and control afterwards, Western Nations who are in deep political, social, cultural and philosophical turmoil caused by mass population shifts, otherwise identifiable as the march of hordes of very poor peoples from South and Central America, North and Central Africa, and the Middle East. In other words, these human waves of people invading North America, the EU, UK and Scandinavia are being used as weapons; as unarmed armies or legions. Think carefully about this for a moment. What better way to both tug irresistibly hard on the heartstrings of Western Peoples while simultaneously throwing Western Governments into political chaos as their opposing political parties struggle against each other to sort out policy to deal with the "refugee" influx overrunning their borders.

Further, the Marxists have for many decades been seeking to gain a real foothold politically and culturally in Western Nations, the United States in particular. For six decades and more the Marxists have tried their damnedest to change the cultures of the EU and the US by working through our intelligentsia on college campuses, through Hollywood and our judiciary in a ceaseless effort to make what was always considered morally unacceptable become the norm. As I mentioned in an earlier post today, as effective as the Marxists have been to that end with abortion, atheism, homosexuality and transgenderism, I do not think their intended cultural changes in the West are happening fast enough for them. The Marxist want a transformative revolution across the West and they want their revolution to happen yesterday.

What better way to get both the revolution going across Western Civilization and speed up the transformation of the West, than send hundreds of thousands or millions of very poor migrant refugees at the borders of Western nations all at once? "Refugees" whose cultures are radically different than the generational cultures of the nations they are sent to invade. And, just who will these global human waves of immigrants owe loyalty to after they arrive in the West? Surely not conservative political parties who resisted their arrival and tried to have them turned away or deported. Add to the list of Marxist tactics in this globe spanning assault on the Western World the electing of immigrant or naturalized or second generation immigrant citizens to important and powerful political offices. Add also, a collective Western mainstream media who almost unilaterally sympathizes with the immigrant/refugee "plight" and the table is almost set for a transition of the entire Western Civilization from democracy and capitalism to Marxism in some form which would likely end up being a series of briefly socialist governments on their way to transitioning to a form of politically correct/global warming/race warfare based communism. Check and Mate.

What I've yet to figure out is, is the global effort of the Marxists to topple Western Democracy close to failing . . . or closer to winning?
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?

This one is somewhat self-explanatory provided one collates and connects historical dots to present day Western politics and the ongoing, ever intensifying war between the two major Western political ideologies: Capitalism/American Democracy vs. Marxism/Postmodernism. Best sense I have made from my own research into the mass human wave migration from southern Third World nations is radical/Marxist leftwing world leaders, ideologues and billionaire activists/revolutionaries believe (truly believe) they can more easily seize complete power over and control afterwards, Western Nations who are in deep political, social, cultural and philosophical turmoil caused by mass population shifts, otherwise identifiable as the march of hordes of very poor peoples from South and Central America, North and Central Africa, and the Middle East. In other words, these human waves of people invading North America, the EU, UK and Scandinavia are being used as weapons; as unarmed armies or legions. Think carefully about this for a moment. What better way to both tug irresistibly hard on the heartstrings of Western Peoples while simultaneously throwing Western Governments into political chaos as their opposing political parties struggle against each other to sort out policy to deal with the "refugee" influx overrunning their borders.

Further, the Marxists have for many decades been seeking to gain a real foothold politically and culturally in Western Nations, the United States in particular. For six decades and more the Marxists have tried their damnedest to change the cultures of the EU and the US by working through our intelligentsia on college campuses, through Hollywood and our judiciary in a ceaseless effort to make what was always considered morally unacceptable become the norm. As I mentioned in an earlier post today, as effective as the Marxists have been to that end with abortion, atheism, homosexuality and transgenderism, I do not think their intended cultural changes in the West are happening fast enough for them. The Marxist want a transformative revolution across the West and they want their revolution to happen yesterday.

What better way to get both the revolution going across Western Civilization and speed up the transformation of the West, than send hundreds of thousands or millions of very poor migrant refugees at the borders of Western nations all at once? "Refugees" whose cultures are radically different than the generational cultures of the nations they are sent to invade. And, just who will these global human waves of immigrants owe loyalty to after they arrive in the West? Surely not conservative political parties who resisted their arrival and tried to have them turned away or deported. Add to the list of Marxist tactics in this globe spanning assault on the Western World the electing of immigrant or naturalized or second generation immigrant citizens to important and powerful political offices. Add also, a collective Western mainstream media who almost unilaterally sympathizes with the immigrant/refugee "plight" and the table is almost set for a transition of the entire Western Civilization from democracy and capitalism to Marxism in some form which would likely end up being a series of briefly socialist governments on their way to transitioning to a form of politically correct/global warming/race warfare based communism. Check and Mate.

What I've yet to figure out is, is the global effort of the Marxists to topple Western Democracy close to failing . . . or closer to winning?
Now back in the real world... In 2009, under Democratic Party leadership, the US helped overthrow the leftist government in Honduras and seated a repressive right wing government. This was the backdrop to the flood of immigrants leaving that country.
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?

This one is somewhat self-explanatory provided one collates and connects historical dots to present day Western politics and the ongoing, ever intensifying war between the two major Western political ideologies: Capitalism/American Democracy vs. Marxism/Postmodernism. Best sense I have made from my own research into the mass human wave migration from southern Third World nations is radical/Marxist leftwing world leaders, ideologues and billionaire activists/revolutionaries believe (truly believe) they can more easily seize complete power over and control afterwards, Western Nations who are in deep political, social, cultural and philosophical turmoil caused by mass population shifts, otherwise identifiable as the march of hordes of very poor peoples from South and Central America, North and Central Africa, and the Middle East. In other words, these human waves of people invading North America, the EU, UK and Scandinavia are being used as weapons; as unarmed armies or legions. Think carefully about this for a moment. What better way to both tug irresistibly hard on the heartstrings of Western Peoples while simultaneously throwing Western Governments into political chaos as their opposing political parties struggle against each other to sort out policy to deal with the "refugee" influx overrunning their borders.

Further, the Marxists have for many decades been seeking to gain a real foothold politically and culturally in Western Nations, the United States in particular. For six decades and more the Marxists have tried their damnedest to change the cultures of the EU and the US by working through our intelligentsia on college campuses, through Hollywood and our judiciary in a ceaseless effort to make what was always considered morally unacceptable become the norm. As I mentioned in an earlier post today, as effective as the Marxists have been to that end with abortion, atheism, homosexuality and transgenderism, I do not think their intended cultural changes in the West are happening fast enough for them. The Marxist want a transformative revolution across the West and they want their revolution to happen yesterday.

What better way to get both the revolution going across Western Civilization and speed up the transformation of the West, than send hundreds of thousands or millions of very poor migrant refugees at the borders of Western nations all at once? "Refugees" whose cultures are radically different than the generational cultures of the nations they are sent to invade. And, just who will these global human waves of immigrants owe loyalty to after they arrive in the West? Surely not conservative political parties who resisted their arrival and tried to have them turned away or deported. Add to the list of Marxist tactics in this globe spanning assault on the Western World the electing of immigrant or naturalized or second generation immigrant citizens to important and powerful political offices. Add also, a collective Western mainstream media who almost unilaterally sympathizes with the immigrant/refugee "plight" and the table is almost set for a transition of the entire Western Civilization from democracy and capitalism to Marxism in some form which would likely end up being a series of briefly socialist governments on their way to transitioning to a form of politically correct/global warming/race warfare based communism. Check and Mate.

What I've yet to figure out is, is the global effort of the Marxists to topple Western Democracy close to failing . . . or closer to winning?
Now back in the real world... In 2009, under Democratic Party leadership, the US helped overthrow the leftist government in Honduras and seated a repressive right wing government. This was the backdrop to the flood of immigrants leaving that country.

Now get up off the sword blade of your guilt, come down from that martyr's cross you've nailed yourself too, and explain to the board how "evil" America the Empire to rival all empires since time immemorial, diverts all of its blood and treasure to play at being modern Conquistadors. The brand of ancestor guilt and self-flagellation for the imaginary sins of your nation does not wear well hanging around your neck. You're much smarter than that. Too intelligent to think civilizational suicide is a worthwhile option.
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?

This one is somewhat self-explanatory provided one collates and connects historical dots to present day Western politics and the ongoing, ever intensifying war between the two major Western political ideologies: Capitalism/American Democracy vs. Marxism/Postmodernism. Best sense I have made from my own research into the mass human wave migration from southern Third World nations is radical/Marxist leftwing world leaders, ideologues and billionaire activists/revolutionaries believe (truly believe) they can more easily seize complete power over and control afterwards, Western Nations who are in deep political, social, cultural and philosophical turmoil caused by mass population shifts, otherwise identifiable as the march of hordes of very poor peoples from South and Central America, North and Central Africa, and the Middle East. In other words, these human waves of people invading North America, the EU, UK and Scandinavia are being used as weapons; as unarmed armies or legions. Think carefully about this for a moment. What better way to both tug irresistibly hard on the heartstrings of Western Peoples while simultaneously throwing Western Governments into political chaos as their opposing political parties struggle against each other to sort out policy to deal with the "refugee" influx overrunning their borders.

Further, the Marxists have for many decades been seeking to gain a real foothold politically and culturally in Western Nations, the United States in particular. For six decades and more the Marxists have tried their damnedest to change the cultures of the EU and the US by working through our intelligentsia on college campuses, through Hollywood and our judiciary in a ceaseless effort to make what was always considered morally unacceptable become the norm. As I mentioned in an earlier post today, as effective as the Marxists have been to that end with abortion, atheism, homosexuality and transgenderism, I do not think their intended cultural changes in the West are happening fast enough for them. The Marxist want a transformative revolution across the West and they want their revolution to happen yesterday.

What better way to get both the revolution going across Western Civilization and speed up the transformation of the West, than send hundreds of thousands or millions of very poor migrant refugees at the borders of Western nations all at once? "Refugees" whose cultures are radically different than the generational cultures of the nations they are sent to invade. And, just who will these global human waves of immigrants owe loyalty to after they arrive in the West? Surely not conservative political parties who resisted their arrival and tried to have them turned away or deported. Add to the list of Marxist tactics in this globe spanning assault on the Western World the electing of immigrant or naturalized or second generation immigrant citizens to important and powerful political offices. Add also, a collective Western mainstream media who almost unilaterally sympathizes with the immigrant/refugee "plight" and the table is almost set for a transition of the entire Western Civilization from democracy and capitalism to Marxism in some form which would likely end up being a series of briefly socialist governments on their way to transitioning to a form of politically correct/global warming/race warfare based communism. Check and Mate.

What I've yet to figure out is, is the global effort of the Marxists to topple Western Democracy close to failing . . . or closer to winning?
Now back in the real world... In 2009, under Democratic Party leadership, the US helped overthrow the leftist government in Honduras and seated a repressive right wing government. This was the backdrop to the flood of immigrants leaving that country.

Now get up off the sword blade of your guilt, come down from that martyr's cross you've nailed yourself too, and explain to the board how "evil" America the Empire to rival all empires since time immemorial, diverts all of its blood and treasure to play at being modern Conquistadors. The brand of ancestor guilt and self-flagellation for the imaginary sins of your nation does not wear well hanging around your neck. You're much smarter than that. Too intelligent to think civilizational suicide is a worthwhile option.
The Honduran coup is a matter of public record. There is nothing more I need to say. Hillary's emails, also a matter of public record. They speak for themselves.

Now, if you are serious about saving your civilization, the best advice I could give is to stop fucking with their's.
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?
Hispanics are special. Above the law. I have known Hungarians. Lithuanians, east Germans that fled persecution and they all managed to follow immigration law. They were never given special rights to ignore federal immigration laws. Let alone given sanctuary from federal immigration law by certain cities like Hispanic illegals are. So how do Hispanic illegals rate such special treatment, if we are all equal? And where does this sanctuary city stuff come from? Being that we never got to vote on it?
Soros sees blood in the water. He's going to back those terrorists just like he did BLM or Antifa. Soros is an anti American scumbag that should be banned from our country.
Why so many? Why now? What is the catalyst? We hear how terrible things are in El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, even Mexico. Despite assessing such lands as “shit holes” and incurring the risks of such an influx of people not vetted or accounted for, should the US and it’s allies take a more proactive approach and address a humanitarian crisis in these places? Rapes, murder, corruption, drugs, poverty..... we can all agree that is pretty bad stuff. Open Borders will not scale and introduces problems the Left is willing to ignore. Would the Left have a problem with the US and its partners try and improve conditions in these countries and hold those governments accountable with economic and possibly military action?
I'd rather put some military action to work and defend our own borders like they're supposed to be doing. Break out the live ammo and quit pussy footing around. If you're so anxious to go down there and fight their war, then get off of your pussy ass, get down there and do it your damn self.

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