Why the criticism of Trump's defense. What can Castor say beyond "Trump thought turkeys could fly?" But what was Trump's real motive?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

Trump obviously has a first amend right … He can say "I won" even though at most only 20% believe that. And we all saw the mental caliber of those losers on TV. Even on this board, the Trumpbots realize the only way Trump won is if "some" ballots aren't counted. The only people at that rally who weren't unemployables were the White Supremacist Criminals. (Trump's only danger of conviction is if there's a tie between him and them.)

So Castor has nothing to defend Trump with beyond "seriously, he never thought these idiots would seriously think he meant they should kill Pence and Pelosi and ransack the capital No idiot in their right mind would think he meant THAT!!" We even have at least one moonbat poster here literally posting that! LOL

But what was Trump's real motive in selling this "I won" bullshit? He knew the votes got counted. He knew the only outcome was Biden wins. Vanity Fair says "he's worried he'll go to jail." Come on. The only one who ever suggested we lock up the political opposition was HIM, and I think he was just playing the unemployables even then. You think Mike Flynn will ever get a real job? He's just a prop for Trump's carnival show.

The only motive I can see is just that Trump wants to stay relevant. I mean there's not much of a job market for ex-presidents. Obama still hasn't gotten a teaching gig, and I doubt his ego would let him take one. The only potus I can think of who really had a desire to teach was JFK, and that didn't work out. Trump financially needs to keep selling useless shit to idiots.
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Trump obviously has a first amend right … He can say "I won" even though at most only 20% believe that. And we all saw the mental caliber of those losers on TV. Even on this board, the Trumpbots realize the only way Trump won is if "some" ballots aren't counted. The only people at that rally who weren't unemployables were the White Supremacist Criminals. (Trump's only danger of conviction is if there's a tie between him and them.)

So Castor has nothing to defend Trump with beyond "seriously, he never thought these idiots would seriously think he meant they should kill Pence and Pelosi and ransack the capital No idiot in their right mind would think he meant THAT!!" We even have at least one moonbat poster here literally posting that! LOL

But what was Trump's real motive in selling this "I won" bullshit? He knew the votes got counted. He knew the only outcome was Biden wins. Vanity Fair says "he's worried he'll go to jail." Come on. The only one who ever suggested we lock up the political opposition was HIM, and I think he was just playing the unemployables even then. You think Mike Flynn will ever get a real job? He's just a prop for Trump's carnival show.

The only motive I can see is just that Trump wants to stay relevant. I mean there's not much of a job market for ex-presidents. Obama still hasn't gotten a teaching gig, and I doubt his ego would let him take one. The only potus I can think of who really had a desire to teach was JFK, and that didn't work out. Trump financially needs to keep selling useless shit to idiots.

I am wondering what the new evidence is they plan to present.

Trump obviously has a first amend right … He can say "I won" even though at most only 20% believe that. And we all saw the mental caliber of those losers on TV. Even on this board, the Trumpbots realize the only way Trump won is if "some" ballots aren't counted. The only people at that rally who weren't unemployables were the White Supremacist Criminals. (Trump's only danger of conviction is if there's a tie between him and them.)

So Castor has nothing to defend Trump with beyond "seriously, he never thought these idiots would seriously think he meant they should kill Pence and Pelosi and ransack the capital No idiot in their right mind would think he meant THAT!!" We even have at least one moonbat poster here literally posting that! LOL

But what was Trump's real motive in selling this "I won" bullshit? He knew the votes got counted. He knew the only outcome was Biden wins. Vanity Fair says "he's worried he'll go to jail." Come on. The only one who ever suggested we lock up the political opposition was HIM, and I think he was just playing the unemployables even then. You think Mike Flynn will ever get a real job? He's just a prop for Trump's carnival show.

The only motive I can see is just that Trump wants to stay relevant. I mean there's not much of a job market for ex-presidents. Obama still hasn't gotten a teaching gig, and I doubt his ego would let him take one. The only potus I can think of who really had a desire to teach was JFK, and that didn't work out. Trump financially needs to keep selling useless shit to idiots.

Schoen declared that Trump’s second impeachment trial was a partisan ploy by the Democratic Party, now in control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, to tear the country apart and assault those who don’t support its agenda.

“[T]hey know the so-called trial will tear the country in half, leaving tens of millions of Americans feeling left out of the nation’s agenda, as dictated by one political party and now holds a power in the White House and our national legislature,” Schoen said.

He then added that this coming division had but one precedent: the Civil War. “This trial will tear this country apart, perhaps like we’ve only seen once before in our history.”

Honestly? I think most Republican voters are over Trump. They just hope the next guy is as good or better than him.

Sure he did a lot of things they liked but god damn he broke a lot of laws. The riot at the capitol that murdered a police officer might have been the straw that broke the camels toe.

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