why the cdc was stopped from attacking gun ownership....

I know you don't want Kellerman to be real... but how about doing an ACTUAL gun study and record every gun death.

Every suicide. (19500)
Every accident (800)
Every murder (11,000)
Every justifiable homicide (200).

Yeah, Kellerman probably had it about right.

suicide....Japan, Soth Korea, and China all have 2x the suicide rates and zero access to guns and in the United States we have 19,000 people who commit suicide without a gun....

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC....505....with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns....and the accidental death rate is going down, not up...

Gun murders according to the FBI table 8....8,124, the majority of which are violent career criminals murdering other career criminals, with illegally possessed guns. and this rate is going down, not up.

and with over 320 million guns in private hands, and 13 million people carrying guns each year there are 1.5 million defensive gun uses according to a study commissioned by Bill Clinton through his department of justice....

And in those uses...criminals are only dumb enough to press their attack about 260 times where they have to be shot and killed....since normal gun owners do not want to shoot anyone...

1.5 million dgu (defensive gun uses) per year is over 4000 per day. That's a lot. I've never owned a gun or was in a situation where I wished I had one for defensive purposes. I don't know anybody who has ever used a gun for dgu. Have any of you ever dgu(ed). Do you know anybody who has? A few of the respondents to this survey 2aguy cites reported large numbers of times they used a gun for defensive purposes in the surveyed year. One woman reported 52 dgu! Jesus, is Matt Dillon available? Some of you Yanks (I know I shouldn't use that to include all but...) really still live in the wild west! 52 times in one year that woman needed to use a gun to defend herself. Incredible.

I got that info from this brief by Bill Clinton's DOJ on that study by Bill Clinton's DOJ that 2aguy cites.

U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice

I'll quote some more from Bill Clinton's DOJ brief on that study commissioned by Bill Clinton's DOJ that 2aguy cites; (notice that 1 person in this study statistically represents about 79,000 Americans. You do the math.)

"Forty-five respondents reported a defensive gun use in 1994 against a person
(exhibit 7). Given the sampling weights, these respondents constitute 1.6 percent of the sample and represent 3.1 million adults. Almost half of these respondents reported multiple DGUs during 1994, which provides the basis for estimating the 1994 DGU incidence at 23 million. This surprising figure is caused in part by a few respondents reporting large numbers of defensive gun uses during the year; for example, one woman reported 52!"

"A somewhat more conservative NSPOF estimate is shown in the column of exhibit 7 that reflects the application of the criteria used by Kleck and Gertz to identify "genuine" defensive gun uses. Respondents were excluded on the basis of the most recent DGU description for any of the following reasons: the respondent did not see a perpetrator; the respondent could not state a specific crime that was involved in the incident; or the respondent did not actually display the gun or mention it to the perpetrator. Applying those restrictions leaves 19 NSPOF respondents (0.8 percent of the sample), representing 1.5 million defensive users. This estimate is directly comparable to the well-known estimate of Kleck and Gertz, shown in the last column of exhibit 7. While the NSPOF estimate is smaller, it is statistically plausible that the difference is due to sampling error. Inclusion of multiple DGUs reported by half of the 19 NSPOF respondents increases the estimate to 4.7 million DGUs"

"Evidence suggests that this survey and others like it overestimate the frequency with which firearms were used by private citizens to defend against criminal attack."

"Slightly more than half of all privately owned firearms were stored unlocked; 16 percent of firearms were stored unlocked and loaded."

"About 211,000 handguns and 382,000 long guns were stolen in noncommercial thefts in 1994"

"Some troubling comparisons"
. "If the DGU numbers are in the right ballpark, millions of attempted assaults, thefts, and break-ins were foiled by armed citizens during the 12- month period. According to these results, guns are used far more often to defend against crime than to perpetrate crime."

"Thus, it is of considerable interest and importance to check the reasonableness of the NSPOF estimates before embracing them"

"For example, in only a small fraction of rape and robbery attempts do victims use guns in self-defense. It does not make sense, then, that the NSPOF estimate of the number of rapes in which a woman defended herself with a gun was more than the total number of rapes estimated from NCVS (exhibit 8)".

Remember I'm still quoting from Bill Clinton's DOJ brief on the study commissioned by Bill Clinton's DOJ
"It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States."

"For other crimes listed in exhibit 8, the results are almost as absurd: the NSPOF estimate of DGU robberies is 36 percent of all NCVS-estimated robberies, while the NSPOF estimate of DGU assaults is 19 percent of all aggravated assaults. If those percentages were close to accurate, crime would be a risky business indeed!"

Whoa! I just went to all this work to point out that there are facts and then there are facts. If somebody quotes something and it inspires a hmmmm....I check it out. I think this study that 2aguy cited is fatally flawed, that's not his fault. He's allowed to use info from a supposedly reliable source, that doesn't make the source reliable. I ran into several sites questioning this study and others designed like it. A study by Kleck and Getz’s similar to the DOJ's and mentioned with-in the brief ended up with 2.5 million DGU.

In ancient times they had no statistics so they had to fall back on lies...
Stephen Leacock
There are lies, damned lies and statistics...
Mark Twain
Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable...
Mark Twain

"Brand new data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, a non-partisan organization devoted to collecting gun violence data, further confirms Hemenway’s suspicion that Kleck and Getz’s findings are absurd. The archive found that for all of 2014 there were fewer than 1,600 verified defensive guns uses, meaning a police report was filed. This total includes all outcomes and types of defensive uses with a police report—a far cry from the millions that Kleck and Getz estimated."

So why do I think any of this bullshit matters?

"In the early hours of Nov. 2, 2013, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, a pounding at the door startled Theodore Wafer from his slumber. Unable to find his cell phone to call the police, he grabbed the shotgun he kept loaded in his closet. Wafer opened the door and, spotting a dark figure behind the screen, fired a single blast at the supposed intruder. The shot killed a 19-year-old girl who was knocking to ask for help after a car accident".

"Shortly after midnight on June 5, 2014, two friends left a party briefly. Upon returning they accidently knocked on the wrong door. Believing burglars were breaking in, the frightened homeowner called the police, grabbed his gun and fired a single round, hitting one of the confused party-goers in the chest".

"On Sept. 21, 2014, Eusebio Christian was awakened by a noise. Assuming a break-in, he rushed to the kitchen with his gun and began firing. All his shots missed but one, which struck his wife in the face"

"What do these and so many other cases have in common? They are the byproduct of a tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals. Despite having nearly no academic support in public health literature, this myth is the single largest motivation behind gun ownership. It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States."

"The claim has since become gospel for gun advocates and is frequently touted by the National Rifle Association, pro-gun scholars such as John Lott and conservative politicians. The argument typically goes something like this: Guns are used defensively “over 2 million times every year—five times more frequently than the 430,000 times guns were used to commit crimes.”

'And indeed, comparing NCVS results to NCVS results yields a very different picture—that more than 9 times as many people are victimized by guns than protected by them. Respondents in two Harvard surveys had more than 3 times as many offensive gun uses against them as defensive gun uses. Another study focusing on adolescences found 13 times as many offensive gun uses. Yet another study focusing on gun use in the home found that a gun was more than 6 times more likely to be used to intimidate a family member than in a defensive capacity. The evidence is nearly unanimous'.

And for each accident you list…..505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…….out of a country of over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense…..

this is why the issue matters….

From the Armed Citizen website…..

NRA-ILA | Armed Citizen®



Armed gas station employee halts gun-wielding man, Cincinnati.com, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/21/15, WCPO, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/20/15
A man entered a Marathon gas station in Cincinnati, Ohio, pulled out a gun and menaced two store employees. One of the employees responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him ...



Homeowner fights off four intruders, KSAT, San Antonio, Texas 11/15/15
A group of four people attempted to break into a home in San Antonio, Texas by removing an air conditioning unit from a window and crawling inside. The homeowner responded to the break-in by retrieving ...



Armed homeowner scares off attacker, KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15
A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door. The homeowner retrieved a gun and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, an intruder pepper-sprayed ...



Elderly woman scares off home invader, WSVN, Miami, Fla. 11/11/15
88-year-old Arlene Orms was at home alone in Miami, Fla. when an intruder kicked in her door. Orms responded by retrieving a .25-caliber pistol and firing at the home invader, prompting the criminal to flee. ...



Armed robbers fought off in attempted jewelry store heist, The Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, N.C. 11/3/15
Three masked robbers entered Long Jewelers in Winston-Salem, N.C., drew guns, and began smashing display cases and collecting jewelry. A worker in the back of the store became aware of the robbery and retrieved a ...



Store employees fell armed robbers, WFMZ, Allentown, Pa. 11/01/15
A trio of men, at least one of whom was armed with a gun, entered Latino's Meat Market ...



Elderly couple fights off real monsters on Halloween, Helena-Arkansas.com, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15
An elderly couple were at home Halloween night, when the doorbell rang. Prepared to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, the wife opened the door to find four armed robbers, at least two of whom were ...



New Right-to-Carry permit holder defends himself against armed robbers, FOX 2 Detroit, Detroit, Mich. 10/19/15
A 23-year-old Right-to-Carry permit holder was waiting for a bus after work when a trio of armed men ...



Liquor store employee shoots armed robber, WLKY, Louisville, Ky. 09/28/15
An armed criminal entered Liquor World in Louisville, Ky. and attempted to rob the store. An employee on …

And there are millions of these stories………..

You`ve given me a lot to chew on and like you I have to skedaddle. You`ve rounded`the data from your research to 2,000,000 DGU per year. That`s almost 5,500 per day. Seems impossible, give me some time. I still haven`t gleaned all from the news yet. This is a very strange event. Just saw a report, the reporter was apoplectic over the way the crime scene at the two shooters home was being destroyed by police and others apparently rampaging through it. Never seen a reporter that agitated.

If you notice from the list of self defense encounters I posted from "TheArmedCitizen"....many of them do not end with the criminal being shot....so they would not make the FBI crime stats......no body, no stat.

And if you want to understand normal people using guns for self defense...you should read through the stories at "thearmedcitizen" and gunssavelives.....the nice thing about gunssavelives is that they actually break the stories down by both states...and by weapon used.......these sites give you a real feel for how normal people, with very little, and sometimes no training, actually handle themselves amazingly in the middle of a violent criminal attack...
Wow....this is fun......

You declare a public space a gun free zone......and people are murdered by a mass shooter with a gun........you go to prison......right?

No, you gun nuts are the problem. When you make it easy for the two nuts yesterday to get guns, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Not the fact that we didn't have heavily armed retards at this school yesterday.

California has all the gun control laws that you guys want…magazine limits…..assault weapon bans….limits on the type of hand guns you can have….background checks…..everything….and these people passed all of them….

Except one….

only the law abiding people obeyed the law on not bringing guns into gun free zones…..all of the people at that party obeyed the gun free zone laws……except for the mass shooters….they broke that law…….

And gun control worked like a charm…not one of those law abiding, normal people had a gun in the gun free zone……congratulations on the success of your law….
And congratulations to you for your argument that guns need to be freely available for self-defence...except for the inconvenient fact that that means they're also freely available to murderous lunatics.

Nope…it is against the law for criminals to own or carry guns…if they are caught with them the can be locked up on the spot…….until a lefty judge let's them go which is why we have so much gun crime in the states.
So why do criminals get guns if the laws are so good?

Let me try to answer that a little better....criminals will always use guns when they want or need them.....because guns give them power to enforce their will on other people....no matter what the law says...if they want to murder someone and want to use a gun to do it...they will get a gun

Normal people...will more likely not break the law until they have no other choice....
Wow....this is fun......

You declare a public space a gun free zone......and people are murdered by a mass shooter with a gun........you go to prison......right?

No, you gun nuts are the problem. When you make it easy for the two nuts yesterday to get guns, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Not the fact that we didn't have heavily armed retards at this school yesterday.

California has all the gun control laws that you guys want…magazine limits…..assault weapon bans….limits on the type of hand guns you can have….background checks…..everything….and these people passed all of them….

Except one….

only the law abiding people obeyed the law on not bringing guns into gun free zones…..all of the people at that party obeyed the gun free zone laws……except for the mass shooters….they broke that law…….

And gun control worked like a charm…not one of those law abiding, normal people had a gun in the gun free zone……congratulations on the success of your law….
And congratulations to you for your argument that guns need to be freely available for self-defence...except for the inconvenient fact that that means they're also freely available to murderous lunatics.

Nope…it is against the law for criminals to own or carry guns…if they are caught with them the can be locked up on the spot…….until a lefty judge let's them go which is why we have so much gun crime in the states.
So why do criminals get guns if the laws are so good?

here are a lot of links as to why criminals are not being prosecuted for gun crimes...

I-Team: gun arrest doesn't always mean jail time


And this from saint louis, about judges not locking up gun criminals...

Chief Dotson says judges are part of the gun violence problem in St. Louis city

The chief signed off on several Twitter messages on Monday, trying to alert the public, and perhaps pressure judges, to hand out harsher sentences for gun crimes.

In 2014, St. Louis circuit judges gave gun criminals probation 62 percent of the time.

The case that has the chief so upset right now involves Jamel Yates, 18, who was charged last week with allegedly killing a man he was selling a gun to in the 6000 block of Suburban.

At the time of last week's shooting, Yates was on probation on a gun charge related to a traffic stop that went badly back in February.

In April, Yates pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a concealed weapon and resisting arrest.

The judge gave him probation.

Now, less than six months later, Yates is charged with first degree murder, which the chief pointed out in that series of tweets issued by the department.


and from milwaukee on not wanting mandatory sentences...

Milwaukee Mayor Proposes Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Firearms-Related Crimes. Democrat Opposes [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns

From Chicago...Back of the Yards shooting where they were out in under 2 years on a 3 year sentence for gun crimes

Back of the Yards Gunmen Wanted Revenge for Earlier Shooting: Authorities

Out on Bond on Murder Rap, Man Charged in Back of the Yards Shooting of 13

Chicago, New York, L.A. not prosecuting gun crime...

Chicago, Los Angeles, New York Prosecuted Fewest Federal Gun Crimes

This is how you stop gun crime...lock up gun criminals....

Going After Crimes -- and Guns

States that won't extradite felons who escape to other states and how they go on to kill and rape...


obama not prosecuting gun crimes....

The Gun Debate: Gun crime prosecutions on decline, amid call for more laws | Fox News

this is about a guy trying to sell guns in chicago....43 of them, he was sentenced to 3 years....will probably be out in under 2


Another story about how Chicago does not lock up gun criminals...illegal possession 1 year, felony possession...4 years out in under 2....

Nope....the CDC has proven itself to be rabidly anti gun....the FBI aren't quite there yet...and they actually count dead bodies from actual crimes...with crime reports......

So they are only counting incomplete data as not every municipality files reports with the FBI. Thanks.

the FBI..as our last poster pointed out, only tracks actual reported crime so they will not count self defense with a gun that doesn't come to them in a report.....while all of the gun studies take into account gun defenses that don't lead to an arrest or actual report.....when you show a gun and the criminal runs away...no report is filed and the FBI doesn't count it.

Because it never happens, dude. This is what you don't get. You gun nutters aren't capable of whipping out your peckers.... er... guns that often and not fire them. That's the point. You would have us believe that you whip out your manhood 1,500,000 million times, but only managed to kill 200 bad guys? Or that only 49,000, it leads to someone reporting it?

that is why the FBI defensive gun use numbers are so low...all the studies by professional researchers, the economists and criminologists also take into account gun self defense that doesn't lead to a report.....

You think Kleck is a professional researcher, even though he's been thoroughly debunked.

Here's the thing. 56,000 men died in the Vietnam War. We all know of someone who died in the Vietnam war.

If there were 1,500,000 DGU's a year, we'd all know of SOMEONE who whipped out his compensation to threaten a scary negro. The thing is, I don't know of anyone like that and neither does anyone else. (And, no, most of my adult life, I was more right wing than you are, so gun nutters would be happy to have bragged to me that they stopped a "crime")
Let me try to answer that a little better....criminals will always use guns when they want or need them.....because guns give them power to enforce their will on other people....no matter what the law says...if they want to murder someone and want to use a gun to do it...they will get a gun

Except that not really. Most murders are not premeditated. Most gun murders happen because there was an argument over a parking spot or who ate the last doughnut and some redneck asshole decided to settle it with a gun. He usually ends up feeling really stupid when he spends the rest of his life in prison for it.

It's the EASY ACCESS to guns is why we have 11,000 gun murders and a country like the UK only has 48.

"but, but, but my cherry picked figures from the FBI only says 8154 in incomplete reports."

Yeah, Dick Tiny, that is so much better than 48.
I know you don't want Kellerman to be real... but how about doing an ACTUAL gun study and record every gun death.

Every suicide. (19500)
Every accident (800)
Every murder (11,000)
Every justifiable homicide (200).

Yeah, Kellerman probably had it about right.

suicide....Japan, Soth Korea, and China all have 2x the suicide rates and zero access to guns and in the United States we have 19,000 people who commit suicide without a gun....

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the CDC....505....with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns....and the accidental death rate is going down, not up...

Gun murders according to the FBI table 8....8,124, the majority of which are violent career criminals murdering other career criminals, with illegally possessed guns. and this rate is going down, not up.

and with over 320 million guns in private hands, and 13 million people carrying guns each year there are 1.5 million defensive gun uses according to a study commissioned by Bill Clinton through his department of justice....

And in those uses...criminals are only dumb enough to press their attack about 260 times where they have to be shot and killed....since normal gun owners do not want to shoot anyone...

1.5 million dgu (defensive gun uses) per year is over 4000 per day. That's a lot. I've never owned a gun or was in a situation where I wished I had one for defensive purposes. I don't know anybody who has ever used a gun for dgu. Have any of you ever dgu(ed). Do you know anybody who has? A few of the respondents to this survey 2aguy cites reported large numbers of times they used a gun for defensive purposes in the surveyed year. One woman reported 52 dgu! Jesus, is Matt Dillon available? Some of you Yanks (I know I shouldn't use that to include all but...) really still live in the wild west! 52 times in one year that woman needed to use a gun to defend herself. Incredible.

I got that info from this brief by Bill Clinton's DOJ on that study by Bill Clinton's DOJ that 2aguy cites.

U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice

I'll quote some more from Bill Clinton's DOJ brief on that study commissioned by Bill Clinton's DOJ that 2aguy cites; (notice that 1 person in this study statistically represents about 79,000 Americans. You do the math.)

"Forty-five respondents reported a defensive gun use in 1994 against a person
(exhibit 7). Given the sampling weights, these respondents constitute 1.6 percent of the sample and represent 3.1 million adults. Almost half of these respondents reported multiple DGUs during 1994, which provides the basis for estimating the 1994 DGU incidence at 23 million. This surprising figure is caused in part by a few respondents reporting large numbers of defensive gun uses during the year; for example, one woman reported 52!"

"A somewhat more conservative NSPOF estimate is shown in the column of exhibit 7 that reflects the application of the criteria used by Kleck and Gertz to identify "genuine" defensive gun uses. Respondents were excluded on the basis of the most recent DGU description for any of the following reasons: the respondent did not see a perpetrator; the respondent could not state a specific crime that was involved in the incident; or the respondent did not actually display the gun or mention it to the perpetrator. Applying those restrictions leaves 19 NSPOF respondents (0.8 percent of the sample), representing 1.5 million defensive users. This estimate is directly comparable to the well-known estimate of Kleck and Gertz, shown in the last column of exhibit 7. While the NSPOF estimate is smaller, it is statistically plausible that the difference is due to sampling error. Inclusion of multiple DGUs reported by half of the 19 NSPOF respondents increases the estimate to 4.7 million DGUs"

"Evidence suggests that this survey and others like it overestimate the frequency with which firearms were used by private citizens to defend against criminal attack."

"Slightly more than half of all privately owned firearms were stored unlocked; 16 percent of firearms were stored unlocked and loaded."

"About 211,000 handguns and 382,000 long guns were stolen in noncommercial thefts in 1994"

"Some troubling comparisons"
. "If the DGU numbers are in the right ballpark, millions of attempted assaults, thefts, and break-ins were foiled by armed citizens during the 12- month period. According to these results, guns are used far more often to defend against crime than to perpetrate crime."

"Thus, it is of considerable interest and importance to check the reasonableness of the NSPOF estimates before embracing them"

"For example, in only a small fraction of rape and robbery attempts do victims use guns in self-defense. It does not make sense, then, that the NSPOF estimate of the number of rapes in which a woman defended herself with a gun was more than the total number of rapes estimated from NCVS (exhibit 8)".

Remember I'm still quoting from Bill Clinton's DOJ brief on the study commissioned by Bill Clinton's DOJ
"It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States."

"For other crimes listed in exhibit 8, the results are almost as absurd: the NSPOF estimate of DGU robberies is 36 percent of all NCVS-estimated robberies, while the NSPOF estimate of DGU assaults is 19 percent of all aggravated assaults. If those percentages were close to accurate, crime would be a risky business indeed!"

Whoa! I just went to all this work to point out that there are facts and then there are facts. If somebody quotes something and it inspires a hmmmm....I check it out. I think this study that 2aguy cited is fatally flawed, that's not his fault. He's allowed to use info from a supposedly reliable source, that doesn't make the source reliable. I ran into several sites questioning this study and others designed like it. A study by Kleck and Getz’s similar to the DOJ's and mentioned with-in the brief ended up with 2.5 million DGU.

In ancient times they had no statistics so they had to fall back on lies...
Stephen Leacock
There are lies, damned lies and statistics...
Mark Twain
Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable...
Mark Twain

"Brand new data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, a non-partisan organization devoted to collecting gun violence data, further confirms Hemenway’s suspicion that Kleck and Getz’s findings are absurd. The archive found that for all of 2014 there were fewer than 1,600 verified defensive guns uses, meaning a police report was filed. This total includes all outcomes and types of defensive uses with a police report—a far cry from the millions that Kleck and Getz estimated."

So why do I think any of this bullshit matters?

"In the early hours of Nov. 2, 2013, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, a pounding at the door startled Theodore Wafer from his slumber. Unable to find his cell phone to call the police, he grabbed the shotgun he kept loaded in his closet. Wafer opened the door and, spotting a dark figure behind the screen, fired a single blast at the supposed intruder. The shot killed a 19-year-old girl who was knocking to ask for help after a car accident".

"Shortly after midnight on June 5, 2014, two friends left a party briefly. Upon returning they accidently knocked on the wrong door. Believing burglars were breaking in, the frightened homeowner called the police, grabbed his gun and fired a single round, hitting one of the confused party-goers in the chest".

"On Sept. 21, 2014, Eusebio Christian was awakened by a noise. Assuming a break-in, he rushed to the kitchen with his gun and began firing. All his shots missed but one, which struck his wife in the face"

"What do these and so many other cases have in common? They are the byproduct of a tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals. Despite having nearly no academic support in public health literature, this myth is the single largest motivation behind gun ownership. It traces its origin to a two-decade-old series of surveys that, despite being thoroughly repudiated at the time, persists in influencing personal safety decisions and public policy throughout the United States."

"The claim has since become gospel for gun advocates and is frequently touted by the National Rifle Association, pro-gun scholars such as John Lott and conservative politicians. The argument typically goes something like this: Guns are used defensively “over 2 million times every year—five times more frequently than the 430,000 times guns were used to commit crimes.”

'And indeed, comparing NCVS results to NCVS results yields a very different picture—that more than 9 times as many people are victimized by guns than protected by them. Respondents in two Harvard surveys had more than 3 times as many offensive gun uses against them as defensive gun uses. Another study focusing on adolescences found 13 times as many offensive gun uses. Yet another study focusing on gun use in the home found that a gun was more than 6 times more likely to be used to intimidate a family member than in a defensive capacity. The evidence is nearly unanimous'.

And for each accident you list…..505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…….out of a country of over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense…..

this is why the issue matters….

From the Armed Citizen website…..

NRA-ILA | Armed Citizen®



Armed gas station employee halts gun-wielding man, Cincinnati.com, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/21/15, WCPO, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/20/15
A man entered a Marathon gas station in Cincinnati, Ohio, pulled out a gun and menaced two store employees. One of the employees responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him ...



Homeowner fights off four intruders, KSAT, San Antonio, Texas 11/15/15
A group of four people attempted to break into a home in San Antonio, Texas by removing an air conditioning unit from a window and crawling inside. The homeowner responded to the break-in by retrieving ...



Armed homeowner scares off attacker, KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15
A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door. The homeowner retrieved a gun and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, an intruder pepper-sprayed ...



Elderly woman scares off home invader, WSVN, Miami, Fla. 11/11/15
88-year-old Arlene Orms was at home alone in Miami, Fla. when an intruder kicked in her door. Orms responded by retrieving a .25-caliber pistol and firing at the home invader, prompting the criminal to flee. ...



Armed robbers fought off in attempted jewelry store heist, The Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, N.C. 11/3/15
Three masked robbers entered Long Jewelers in Winston-Salem, N.C., drew guns, and began smashing display cases and collecting jewelry. A worker in the back of the store became aware of the robbery and retrieved a ...



Store employees fell armed robbers, WFMZ, Allentown, Pa. 11/01/15
A trio of men, at least one of whom was armed with a gun, entered Latino's Meat Market ...



Elderly couple fights off real monsters on Halloween, Helena-Arkansas.com, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15
An elderly couple were at home Halloween night, when the doorbell rang. Prepared to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, the wife opened the door to find four armed robbers, at least two of whom were ...



New Right-to-Carry permit holder defends himself against armed robbers, FOX 2 Detroit, Detroit, Mich. 10/19/15
A 23-year-old Right-to-Carry permit holder was waiting for a bus after work when a trio of armed men ...



Liquor store employee shoots armed robber, WLKY, Louisville, Ky. 09/28/15
An armed criminal entered Liquor World in Louisville, Ky. and attempted to rob the store. An employee on …

And there are millions of these stories………..

You`ve given me a lot to chew on and like you I have to skedaddle. You`ve rounded`the data from your research to 2,000,000 DGU per year. That`s almost 5,500 per day. Seems impossible, give me some time. I still haven`t gleaned all from the news yet. This is a very strange event. Just saw a report, the reporter was apoplectic over the way the crime scene at the two shooters home was being destroyed by police and others apparently rampaging through it. Never seen a reporter that agitated.

Keep in mind. 2 million..the average of all the gun studies....is out of a country of over 320 million people.....that is .00625% of the population....no matter how big it may seem...and keep in mind that there are over 320 million guns in the population

and some people actually do use their gun more than once for self defense because they live in really bad cities, and that doesn't mean they actually shoot people each time......I will dig up the watch store owner who actually had several gun fights with gang members as they tried to rob his store then tried to kill him in revenge for his killing their gang buddies......

I've seen that story about the storekeeper basically at war with gang members in a documentary I think it was, very scary shit.
I can't get in a war of statistics right now, no time, you put out a study, I find one that contradicts it and on and on.
I'll let you in on a secret though, I'm seriously rethinking my position on gun control in America. I'm starting to think it may be too late. Hundreds of millions of weapons in circulation right now and the bad guys seem to be able to get their hands on assault weapons no problem. It might be better if every citizen in the country carried an assault weapon and huge magazines of armor penetrating ammo. There would probably be a blood bath for a couple of years with thousands of innocent casualties but in the end the good guys by sheer numbers should win out. I would suggest the ak-47 myself because of it's legendary reliability. They say you can roll it around in mud or sand and it will still shoot. For the millions of amateurs in the war that makes sense.
The NRA is well on the way to making this a possibility by killing the bills banning armor piercing ammo, large magazines and even killing the bill that would have kept such weapons out of the hands of people suspected of terrorist ties and put on the no-fly list. I know that a few of the Republican candidates and the 100% of Republicans in congress who voted to let terror suspects buy assault weapons say the list is flawed, I never heard any suggestions on how to improve the list. Don't think they gave a fuck. Kind of like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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