Why Senile Joe Cant Win

I doubt biden even realizes he is running for president. Much less winning the presidency
Caitlin Johnstone is good too...

Trump being shit doesn’t magically make Biden not shit. Biden being shit doesn’t magically make Trump not shit.

There. That’s the winning answer to 90 percent of the arguments I’m going to get into from now until November.


Biden: I have decided that I will implement progressive policies I opposed up until five minutes ago.

Biden: *tells a mountain of demonstrable lies in one debate*

Biden: You can trust me that I will implement those policies.


Democrats: Trump is an unprecedented threat to our democracy because he’s a vulgar racist jingoistic authoritarian reactionary wingnut with dementia who lies constantly.

Those same Democrats: Here vote for this vulgar racist jingoistic authoritarian reactionary wingnut with dementia who lies constantly.
The Official Bad Guy Of The Day: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
The Electoral vote is Trumps.
Everyone who voted for Trump will vote for Trump.
Everyone with a thriving business will vote for Trump.
Yes, the Corona issue will go away and portfolios will recover before the end of summer.
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
The Electoral vote is Trumps.
Everyone who voted for Trump will vote for Trump.
Everyone with a thriving business will vote for Trump.
Yes, the Corona issue will go away and portfolios will recover before the end of summer.
‘Thriving businesses” are soon to be few and far between. Trump has only made this crisis worse by his ineptitude. That will not soon be forgotten. Americans are tired of that prevaricating mentally unstable idiot. They will want change.
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
Bad or worse?? The problem is some people think that no matter who you elect it is the same shit. They are wrong. They have been proved wrong over and over again. Do you think if Gore has won we’d be in Iraq? Elections have consequences.
Biden is far different from Trump. Biden will bring back normalcy and stability to an executive branch under siege from Trump’s mental illness, corruption and incompetence.
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Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
Bad or worse?? The problem is some people think that no matter who you elect it is the same shit. They are wrong. They have been proved wrong over and over again. Do you think if Gore has won we’d be in Iraq? Elections have consequences.
Biden is far different from Trump. Biden will bring back normalcy and stability in an executive branch under siege from Trump’s mental illness, corruption and incompetence.
"Im joe biden and I forgot this message"
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
Bad or worse?? The problem is some people think that no matter who you elect it is the same shit. They are wrong. They have been proved wrong over and over again. Do you think if Gore has won we’d be in Iraq? Elections have consequences.
Biden is far different from Trump. Biden will bring back normalcy and stability in an executive branch under siege from Trump’s mental illness, corruption and incompetence.
You are as delusional as sniffy Joe.
I love this woman. Stick to your guns. Biden is a loser. Cast your vote for Bernie or stay home!

She is torn between losing with Biden or losing with Bernie, but at least losing with Bernie she feels like she is going down swinging for her core beliefs. So, in summary, she realizes that both Joe and Bernie are losers and the dems don't have a candidate that can beat Trump.
As a Bernie supporter, I bet she stays home in November.
I love this woman. Stick to your guns. Biden is a loser. Cast your vote for Bernie or stay home!

She is torn between losing with Biden or losing with Bernie, but at least losing with Bernie she feels like she is going down swinging for her core beliefs. So, in summary, she realizes that both Joe and Bernie are losers and the dems don't have a candidate that can beat Trump.
As a Bernie supporter, I bet she stays home in November.
Problem with that is Bernie beats crazy Donnie.
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
Bad or worse?? The problem is some people think that no matter who you elect it is the same shit. They are wrong. They have been proved wrong over and over again. Do you think if Gore has won we’d be in Iraq? Elections have consequences.
Biden is far different from Trump. Biden will bring back normalcy and stability to an executive branch under siege from Trump’s mental illness, corruption and incompetence.
Watch and learn...
I view democrats as a wounded bear.
This will be a very tough race for Trump
Nothing in this next election will be easy for Trump
He will have to fight for every vote'
I still see it as 6's
The marxist Dims overshot the runway with all the endless hoaxes. Fielding a stuttering fuck with a mild case of pedophilia won't help.

I see a lot of #Walkaway, and some #RunTheFuckAway
Biden will win and destroy the mentally ill Trump in November. There will also be a blue wave as Americans more clearly see the incompetence, corruption and ineptitude that is the Trumptard party. It is coming and it is building.
Why would you support Biden who’s as bad or worse than the orange menace you so despise? Have you lost your mind?
I'm voting for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen, depending on how the toin coss goes.

"If elected, I will win." - Pat Paulsen

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