Why Saudi Arabia is Important


May 23, 2014
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
I have news, Jackass, Iran had a nuclear programs long before Obama took office & did what others could not - bring Iran to the table & stopped theor nuclear weapon program.

It was George W Bush that brought Iran power to the region when hew helped Iran by taking out their number one enemy - Sadam.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
I have news, Jackass, Iran had a nuclear programs long before Obama took office & did what others could not - bring Iran to the table & stopped theor nuclear weapon program.

It was George W Bush that brought Iran power to the region when hew helped Iran by taking out their number one enemy - Sadam.
Stopped their nuke program? You are a fool. They pulled a con job on Obama and horse face Kerry. We gave them billions $$$$$so they could accelerate the program. Iran pinky promised not to develop a program. Obama got played.
Saudi Arabia gets a pass because they buy our political leaders. They have sponsored terrorism plenty of times. 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in 9/11 were saudi citizens.

Saudis have been the principle financial backers of the Taliban since the 1990s. They have also funneled money to Hamas and other terrorist groups. As long as these assholes continue to get a free pass, despite their ties to terrorism and their horrific record of the treatment of women, our "War on Terror" or whatever is just smoke & mirrors to keep Americans scared.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
So, we spend years supporting the Iraqi government as running their country & you want the US to ruin that?
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
I have news, Jackass, Iran had a nuclear programs long before Obama took office & did what others could not - bring Iran to the table & stopped theor nuclear weapon program.

It was George W Bush that brought Iran power to the region when hew helped Iran by taking out their number one enemy - Sadam.
Stopped their nuke program? You are a fool. They pulled a con job on Obama and horse face Kerry. We gave them billions $$$$$so they could accelerate the program. Iran pinky promised not to develop a program. Obama got played.
Sp they duped Obama & the leaders of all those other countries? OR are you sofa king stupid you think it was just between the US & Iran?
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?

The situation in Iraq WAS AND IS a big issue galvanizing the filth of Iranian
Imperialism------but there are also other issues-----like Iran's alliance with Imperialist
Russia. In any case----GOOD OF YOU to highlight the present Imperialist Threat
which is primarily IRAN and the rest of the Shiites of the world (lots of Shiites
outside of Iran) Russian Imperialism is an aggravating factor. The alliance
between the two most powerful and ambitious IMPERIALISM threats is more
important than DA BOMB. Some people trivialize it
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece. The Obama administration allowed Iran to have a nuclear weapons program and they have already stated publically that they want to destroy Israel. Iran is allied with Russia and North Korea. As a "state sponsor of terrorism" Iran would have no doubts about giving a nuke to terror groups that would blow up a major US city.
Iran Threatens the US and the Middle East: Stay Away from Our Redlines. Obama's Response? | HuffPost
Obama is no longer the President.

The Shia expansion was a direct result of Bush's war.

The Syrian and Yemen wars are the Saudi led Sunni push back.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

Do you need anything more clarified for you?
A.) We can thank God for that.

B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.

C.) Assad is allied with Russia...he must go. ( what happend to that red line?)

D.) You are a complete fool if you believe that.

Yet another fool who does nt know we pulled our residual forces from Iraq because Iraq would not sign the agreement that protects our troops.
Then why did we pull out? All we had to do is tell Iraq President it's our way or the highway and we can easily put a bullet in his fuckimg grape. Pussy Obama diplomacy was a failure in SW Asia and Middle-East.
So, we spend years supporting the Iraqi government as running their country & you want the US to ruin that?
First, W fucked everything up when he removed Saddam. Should have let him keep that shit hole of a nation in line. But, under Bush, they understood who had the final word on things. The guy that became Iraq leader after Bush left got the green light through inaction by Obama, to start a Shia, Sunni civil war. Welcome ISIS. US should have always let Iraqi leaders know where the line was drawn on what they could or could not do.
Iran is in the midst of a power play in the region. They are Shia Muslims and the rest of Muslim world is Sunni. Saudi Arabia can help push back. Persia has tried to stamp out western civilization since the time of Ancient Greece.

Yeah, I know, you saw 300, right?

Okay, let's get real about the middle east.

Not our circus, not our Monkeys.
The situation in Iraq WAS AND IS a big issue galvanizing the filth of Iranian
Imperialism------but there are also other issues-----like Iran's alliance with Imperialist
Russia. In any case----GOOD OF YOU to highlight the present Imperialist Threat
which is primarily IRAN and the rest of the Shiites of the world (lots of Shiites
outside of Iran) Russian Imperialism is an aggravating factor. The alliance
between the two most powerful and ambitious IMPERIALISM threats is more
important than DA BOMB. Some people trivialize it

Okay, you see, here's the thing. The only reason why we care about Iran, why we've spend 50 years caring about Iran and fucking it up, is because of our thirst for oil.

If we had invested in energy independence in the 1970's instead of spending hundred billions of dollars spending Hall Monitor in the Middle East, the Shi'ites and Wahhabis arguing over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin wouldn't be a problem.
iran is gift for israel and usa. iran is boogeyman for arabs/
why suidi arabia buy 110 billion $ weapon?
just for iran
B.) Obama fucked up the US exit from Iraq...so ISIS is a direct result of that as is the rise of Iran.
You don't seem to understand that Saddam's removal and the promotion of Nouri al Maliki was the catalyst for the Shia expansion. Obama stepping aside and allowing a fundamentalist Sunni uprising to gain strength was the response to counter Bush's failure in the region.

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