Why People Still Support Trump:


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.
Interesting. I think there is a third theory which is sort of similar to the second. And that is that the organized political parties are shells and the real divide in this country are the connected rich elites and the great mass of people who are struggling. The latter got President Trump into office. They are black, white, brown, Democrats and Republicans for whom the latter two labels are basically meaningless.
Analysis | A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent ‘like’ his conduct as president

As I wrote in June 2016, nearly half of Trump supporters — 46 percent — said one or more of the following: He had made a racist comment, was prejudiced and/or was unqualified to be president. Not half of all voters; half of his supporters.


Pew asked American adults how they felt about Trump's conduct in office: Whether they “liked” it, had “mixed feelings” or “didn't like it.” It won't surprise you to see about 6 in 10 (58 percent) don't like it; that tracks with the number of Americans who disapprove of Trump overall.

The other two pieces of the pie are where things get interesting. According to Pew, another 25 percent of American adults say they have “mixed feelings,” and just 16 percent “like” it. Only about 1 in 6 voters say they like the way Trump has conducted himself as president.



I've had Trump Chumps tell me more than once they don't care if he lies to them.

When that's your attitude, you DESERVE to be lied to, and you get the politicians you deserve.

Cards on the table: personally I can't stand the guy. There's not much about his character and personality that I can support. I do wish he'd concern himself less with his own popularity and focus more on what's best for the rest of us. BUT - I do support many of his policies, not all of them but many of them. I like many of his actions thus far to cut some red tape and I do believe this country needs tax reform along with some paring down of gov't FWA. IMHO the gov't has it's hands into too many areas and functions that are better managed at the state and local levels, and for God's sake we desperately need healthcare reform cuz the ACA isn't working out.
Cards on the table: personally I can't stand the guy. There's not much about his character and personality that I can support. I do wish he'd concern himself less with his own popularity and focus more on what's best for the rest of us. BUT - I do support many of his policies, not all of them but many of them. I like many of his actions thus far to cut some red tape and I do believe this country needs tax reform along with some paring down of gov't FWA. IMHO the gov't has it's hands into too many areas and functions that are better managed at the state and local levels, and for God's sake we desperately need healthcare reform cuz the ACA isn't working out.
You speak my mind too.
I support Trump because I believe the scourge of democrats must go.
I support Trump because I believe the scourge of democrats must go.
A vote in favor of mass deportations of 60 million people. That's one answer I suppose.
What are you blabbering about now? Citizens can't be deported! DaFuq?
"The scourge of Democrats must go" is what you said. If you don't mean deporting them do you mean murdering them? Even if you are speaking figuratively, advocating a one party system is nowhere near conservative unless you are Louis XVI.
OP, could the media be to blame for them to accurately label many of Trump's statements as racist. They're not forcing him to say these things, and do things like pardon a controversial racist authoritarian, Apario, BEFORE he was sentenced.

Would you prefer the ignore it and/or simply hush their mouth and pretend these things aren't happening?

If a large minority voted for Trump, although they KNOWINGLY recognize his racaist statements, isn't that on THEM and no one else?

You don't vote a racist in to prove you're NOT racist. At the least you don't vote a guy that happily and willingly panders to racists to prove that you're NOT a racist. I'm sorry, but your 2nd theory makes no sense.
Analysis | A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent ‘like’ his conduct as president

As I wrote in June 2016, nearly half of Trump supporters — 46 percent — said one or more of the following: He had made a racist comment, was prejudiced and/or was unqualified to be president. Not half of all voters; half of his supporters.


Pew asked American adults how they felt about Trump's conduct in office: Whether they “liked” it, had “mixed feelings” or “didn't like it.” It won't surprise you to see about 6 in 10 (58 percent) don't like it; that tracks with the number of Americans who disapprove of Trump overall.

The other two pieces of the pie are where things get interesting. According to Pew, another 25 percent of American adults say they have “mixed feelings,” and just 16 percent “like” it. Only about 1 in 6 voters say they like the way Trump has conducted himself as president.



I've had Trump Chumps tell me more than once they don't care if he lies to them.

When that's your attitude, you DESERVE to be lied to, and you get the politicians you deserve.

Swap out "Trump" with "Obama" and your post is valid.

So your point is moot.
OP, could the media be to blame for them to accurately label many of Trump's statements as racist. They're not forcing him to say these things, and do things like pardon a controversial racist authoritarian, Apario, BEFORE he was sentenced.

Would you prefer the ignore it and/or simply hush their mouth and pretend these things aren't happening?

If a large minority voted for Trump, although they KNOWINGLY recognize his racaist statements, isn't that on THEM and no one else?

You don't vote a racist in to prove you're NOT racist. At the least you don't vote a guy that happily and willingly panders to racists to prove that you're NOT a racist. I'm sorry, but your 2nd theory makes no sense.
Everyone knows the media is 95% leftist propaganda.
Think of the media as a department of the DNC and it all makes sense as to what they do.
Why did a Sanders democrat/socialist try to kill conservative republican politicians? Oh yeah, the radical left is still angry and unhappy and border line psychotic and violent.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.
Interesting. I think there is a third theory which is sort of similar to the second. And that is that the organized political parties are shells and the real divide in this country are the connected rich elites and the great mass of people who are struggling. The latter got President Trump into office. They are black, white, brown, Democrats and Republicans for whom the latter two labels are basically meaningless.
I believe that is correct. Both parties are acting as Elitist masters who must rid themselves of that outsider who threatens their kingdom.
Because he's our President and hope he does a good job.
I supported Obama as President when he was. I hoped he would do a good job as well.

No matter who I want or vote for, if they become President, I support them because they are the President.
I support Trump because I believe the scourge of democrats must go.
A vote in favor of mass deportations of 60 million people. That's one answer I suppose.
What are you blabbering about now? Citizens can't be deported! DaFuq?
"The scourge of Democrats must go" is what you said. If you don't mean deporting them do you mean murdering them? Even if you are speaking figuratively, advocating a one party system is nowhere near conservative unless you are Louis XVI.
Keep going, you'll figure it out eventually einstein.

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