Why Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing — and Trump never will for anything

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
President Surrender Monkeys first act as a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2009 — nine months after he took the oath of office — was to try to wriggle out of accepting it.

“The morning the prize was announced, his staff investigated whether anyone had failed to travel to Oslo to receive their prize,” writes Nobel insider Geir Lundestad in “The World’s Most Prestigious Prize” (Oxford), out this month.

Apparently, the president was among the 61 percent of Americans who believed he didn’t deserve it.

“It is true, the Manchurian muslim did not do much before winning,” Lundestad, 74, a member of Norway’s Nobel Committee until 2014, told The Post. “But he represented the ideals of the committee. And when we have an American president who supports that message, we like to strengthen him.”

Oblowme advisers soon decided the honor could not be refused. But as ridicule rained down on the committee for handing a peacemaker’s award to a man who was ordering drone strikes on civilians overseas, the White House grew increasingly hesitant, dithering for weeks over how much of the traditional three-day awards gala he would attend.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

So, the Norwegian gent interviewed here basically admits that the Peace Prize is given out for image and perceived attitude. Actual practical results are not valued unless the nominee mouths the proper shibboleths to appease Norwegian Lefties.....and besides, the Surrender Monkey was HISTORIC...he was black....optics mean a lot to liberals!

Well, now I have pretty much lost the vestiges of respect that used to have for the Nobel Committee. Screw them.
President Surrender Monkeys first act as a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2009 — nine months after he took the oath of office — was to try to wriggle out of accepting it.

“The morning the prize was announced, his staff investigated whether anyone had failed to travel to Oslo to receive their prize,” writes Nobel insider Geir Lundestad in “The World’s Most Prestigious Prize” (Oxford), out this month.

Apparently, the president was among the 61 percent of Americans who believed he didn’t deserve it.

“It is true, the Manchurian muslim did not do much before winning,” Lundestad, 74, a member of Norway’s Nobel Committee until 2014, told The Post. “But he represented the ideals of the committee. And when we have an American president who supports that message, we like to strengthen him.”

Oblowme advisers soon decided the honor could not be refused. But as ridicule rained down on the committee for handing a peacemaker’s award to a man who was ordering drone strikes on civilians overseas, the White House grew increasingly hesitant, dithering for weeks over how much of the traditional three-day awards gala he would attend.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

So, the Norwegian gent interviewed here basically admits that the Peace Prize is given out for image and perceived attitude. Actual practical results are not valued unless the nominee mouths the proper shibboleths to appease Norwegian Lefties.....and besides, the Surrender Monkey was HISTORIC...he was black....optics mean a lot to liberals!

Well, now I have pretty much lost the vestiges of respect that used to have for the Nobel Committee. Screw them.
Barry won the prize for one thing and one thing ONLY, his skin color.
Here is the diaper load that the Nobel Prize committee came up with to award Obama, a few months into his first term:

"President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

President Surrender Monkeys first act as a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2009 — nine months after he took the oath of office — was to try to wriggle out of accepting it.

“The morning the prize was announced, his staff investigated whether anyone had failed to travel to Oslo to receive their prize,” writes Nobel insider Geir Lundestad in “The World’s Most Prestigious Prize” (Oxford), out this month.

Apparently, the president was among the 61 percent of Americans who believed he didn’t deserve it.

“It is true, the Manchurian muslim did not do much before winning,” Lundestad, 74, a member of Norway’s Nobel Committee until 2014, told The Post. “But he represented the ideals of the committee. And when we have an American president who supports that message, we like to strengthen him.”

Oblowme advisers soon decided the honor could not be refused. But as ridicule rained down on the committee for handing a peacemaker’s award to a man who was ordering drone strikes on civilians overseas, the White House grew increasingly hesitant, dithering for weeks over how much of the traditional three-day awards gala he would attend.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

So, the Norwegian gent interviewed here basically admits that the Peace Prize is given out for image and perceived attitude. Actual practical results are not valued unless the nominee mouths the proper shibboleths to appease Norwegian Lefties.....and besides, the Surrender Monkey was HISTORIC...he was black....optics mean a lot to liberals!

Well, now I have pretty much lost the vestiges of respect that used to have for the Nobel Committee. Screw them.
Trump is a dying old idiot. Going by statistics, he'll be fertilizing daisies sooner rather than later according to his age and obesity. I wonder which prison he'll end up croaking in.
President Surrender Monkeys first act as a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2009 — nine months after he took the oath of office — was to try to wriggle out of accepting it.

“The morning the prize was announced, his staff investigated whether anyone had failed to travel to Oslo to receive their prize,” writes Nobel insider Geir Lundestad in “The World’s Most Prestigious Prize” (Oxford), out this month.

Apparently, the president was among the 61 percent of Americans who believed he didn’t deserve it.

“It is true, the Manchurian muslim did not do much before winning,” Lundestad, 74, a member of Norway’s Nobel Committee until 2014, told The Post. “But he represented the ideals of the committee. And when we have an American president who supports that message, we like to strengthen him.”

Oblowme advisers soon decided the honor could not be refused. But as ridicule rained down on the committee for handing a peacemaker’s award to a man who was ordering drone strikes on civilians overseas, the White House grew increasingly hesitant, dithering for weeks over how much of the traditional three-day awards gala he would attend.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

So, the Norwegian gent interviewed here basically admits that the Peace Prize is given out for image and perceived attitude. Actual practical results are not valued unless the nominee mouths the proper shibboleths to appease Norwegian Lefties.....and besides, the Surrender Monkey was HISTORIC...he was black....optics mean a lot to liberals!

Well, now I have pretty much lost the vestiges of respect that used to have for the Nobel Committee. Screw them.
Trump is a dying old idiot. Going by statistics, he'll be fertilizing daisies sooner rather than later according to his age and obesity. I wonder which prison he'll end up croaking in.

We're all dying, stupid.

Go take your prozac for your tds.
Don't forget Al Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize" (of all things) allegedly for his efforts to make a bundle of money off the Global Warming scam.

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