CDZ Why not Send Regeneron to All of Our Elderly While the Younger than 62 are Allowed to Open Up?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.

Your plan is far too damn rational and sensible. We live in a world of gold-worshipping tyrants. Believe you me their lust for (more) gold trumps their compassion, empathy and certainly their sense of public service or allegiance to any of their fellow human beings. And then there's the political issue wrapped inside a presidential election year. The American left, the democrats, as well as many blue belly republicans who lobby for big pharma, cannot allow the universally hated incumbent to "cure" the greatest pandemic in human history (eye roll). That just wouldn't do and it would not be good for pharmaceutical giants' bottom line—to hand out the COVID panacea for free.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.

Your plan is far too damn rational and sensible. We live in a world of gold-worshipping tyrants. Believe you me their lust for (more) gold trumps their compassion, empathy and certainly their sense of public service or allegiance to any of their fellow human beings. And then there's the political issue wrapped inside a presidential election year. The American left, the democrats, as well as many blue belly republicans who lobby for big pharma, cannot allow the universally hated incumbent to "cure" the greatest pandemic in human history (eye roll). That just wouldn't do and it would not be good for pharmaceutical giants' bottom line—to hand out the COVID panacea for free.
I see your point, I guess.

Dems would rather see tens of thousands die and starve rather than let Trump get another notch on his belt of WINNING!
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
"The president's case is a case of one, and that's what we call a case report, and it is evidence of what's happening, but it's kind of the weakest evidence that you can get," Schleifer said in an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation."--
Regeneron has not been approved. You need to ask for it under the "compassionate use" law.

Trump is now trying to get it shipped to every hospital in the USA so they have it on hand when somebody does request it under the compassionate use law.
I'll take a small dose of the corona common cold for a $1 Alex.

Understanding adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is important for vaccine development, interpreting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pathogenesis, and calibration of pandemic control measures. Using HLA class I and II predicted peptide “megapools,” circulating SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells were identified in ∼70% and 100% of COVID-19 convalescent patients, respectively. CD4+ T cell responses to spike, the main target of most vaccine efforts, were robust and correlated with the magnitude of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA titers. The M, spike, and N proteins each accounted for 11%–27% of the total CD4+ response, with additional responses commonly targeting nsp3, nsp4, ORF3a, and ORF8, among others. For CD8+ T cells, spike and M were recognized, with at least eight SARS-CoV-2 ORFs targeted. Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.

This is why it effects elderly more.............T cells break down with they can't fight off attacks.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.

Your plan is far too damn rational and sensible. We live in a world of gold-worshipping tyrants. Believe you me their lust for (more) gold trumps their compassion, empathy and certainly their sense of public service or allegiance to any of their fellow human beings. And then there's the political issue wrapped inside a presidential election year. The American left, the democrats, as well as many blue belly republicans who lobby for big pharma, cannot allow the universally hated incumbent to "cure" the greatest pandemic in human history (eye roll). That just wouldn't do and it would not be good for pharmaceutical giants' bottom line—to hand out the COVID panacea for free.
I see your point, I guess.

Dems would rather see tens of thousands die and starve rather than let Trump get another notch on his belt of WINNING!

The Democrats are preventing Trump from doing this?
This drug is no cure, brainwashed functional morons. It probably helps in some cases. How about telling people to wear masks for crying out loud jeez you people are nuts.....
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
Because it’s not November 3rd yet.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
its super super expensive!!
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
Sorry cant do that jim . Thats not in the PLANdemic . YOU SEE , Democrats are using this to hurt the american economy because their candidate is a criminal that was compromised by numerous foreign enemies. On top of that they are shutting down free speech to hurt trump. And last but not least all of these other tactics are just a distraction for their main goal of stealing this election by ballot harvesting . Make no mistake about it , dems will STOP at nothing to win this election . Their lives depend upon it . GITMO is waiting . If the dems win all their crimes disappear and they know it . Are you an American or are you a Democrat?
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
Because it’s not November 3rd yet.
its super super expensive!!
Sorry cant do that jim . Thats not in the PLANdemic . YOU SEE , Democrats are using this to hurt the american economy because their candidate is a criminal that was compromised by numerous foreign enemies. On top of that they are shutting down free speech to hurt trump. And last but not least all of these other tactics are just a distraction for their main goal of stealing this election by ballot harvesting . Make no mistake about it , dems will STOP at nothing to win this election . Their lives depend upon it . GITMO is waiting . If the dems win all their crimes disappear and they know it . Are you an American or are you a Democrat?

OMG, what a bunch of cynics!

I feel honored to be counted among you, lol.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.

The point isn't to save lives....the point is to keep the economy locked down till after the election, and possibly after the election since the chinese flu seems to allow democrats to grab power very easily....

If saving lives was the issue, they would have opened the economy back up, and simply protected the vulnerable elderly...
This drug is no cure, brainwashed functional morons. It probably helps in some cases. How about telling people to wear masks for crying out loud jeez you people are nuts.....
You are spewing atheist left lies. Take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning if your hateful psychosis persists

For those who believe you will be healed with the same protocol as President Trump, shout "halleluia" and be joyful this brave president used his notoriety and bling to reveal the science that works to bring good health to mankind. And he promised Americans he would furnish it for free--well, to the chagrin of his enemies, he keeps his promises. He also needs your vote to keep him in office. Otherwise, the soulless Democrats will move in and take away your privileges granted you by generous President Trump, the republican.
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It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
its super super expensive!!
Expensive? Well, it's free so long as President Trump is around.
It seems to me that Regeneron does ess34eentially the same thing as a vaccine which is to provoke the immune system into producing antibodies against COVID19.

So why not distribute it to the vulnerable population like a vaccine and allow the rest of the country to open up and establish 'herd immunity' as quickly as possible?

Sounds like a win-win.
its super super expensive!!
Expensive? Well, it's free so long as President Trump is around.
Nothing is free but oxygen and certain death

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