Why none of the Judges in the Trump Cases will Ever Order him Incarcerated

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It won't happen. Not ever. It's a TDS pipe dream.

Plenty of posters here would absolutely send Trump to the slammer if they had the power. But they don't have the power and they never will.

The judges who do have the power? Many of them are TDS hardcases, with family members who are Democratic activists. They hate Trump with every bit as much passion as posters on here, and maybe more because hating Trump is literally their lives, and livelihoods.

But . . .

They are vested in the system, and they know that locking Trump up while he is the frontrunner for president would put the system in grave danger.

I don't mean "vested in the system" as in they think it's a rilly, rilly good system. I mean that they have made their lives in the system. To take the latest example, the Judge in the fraudulent fraud case. He is a judge, making a much better salary than his skills would justify in a free market, and his daughter runs a multi-million dollar Democratic Party fundraising organization.

He is not going to endanger the democratic republic that has made his livelihood and made his daughter wealthy. The U.S. Consitution is like the U.S. Dollar: it has value only because people believe it has value. That perception must be maintained or the people benefiting from it will lose and lose big.

Election irregularities from 2020 made people mad enough to turn out in droves in 2024. Try to take away their right to vote for the candidate of their choice and they will get mad enough to believe voting doesn't mean anything.

That happens and the U.S. Constitution could go the way of the Weimar Republic's Papiermark. This is what money looked like once Germans realized that it was phony:


Convince the American people that voting is phony, and those judges will find themselves at the mercy of whatever system replaces the one they will have destroyed. It won't be pretty, because they always hang the people who used to have power first. Especially the lawyers.
It won't happen. Not ever. It's a TDS pipe dream.

Plenty of posters here would absolutely send Trump to the slammer if they had the power. But they don't have the power and they never will.

The judges who do have the power? Many of them are TDS hardcases, with family members who are Democratic activists. They hate Trump with every bit as much passion as posters on here, and maybe more because hating Trump is literally their lives, and livelihoods.

But . . .

They are vested in the system, and they know that locking Trump up while he is the frontrunner for president would put the system in grave danger.

I don't mean "vested in the system" as in they think it's a rilly, rilly good system. I mean that they have made their lives in the system. To take the latest example, the Judge in the fraudulent fraud case. He is a judge, making a much better salary than his skills would justify in a free market, and his daughter runs a multi-million dollar Democratic Party fundraising organization.

He is not going to endanger the democratic republic that has made his livelihood and made his daughter wealthy. The U.S. Consitution is like the U.S. Dollar: it has value only because people believe it has value. Election irregularities from 2020 made people mad enough to turn out in droves in 2024. Try to take away their right to vote for the candidate of their choice and they will get mad enough to believe voting means anything.

That happens and the U.S. Constitution could go the way of the Weimar Republic's Papiermark.

This is what money looked like once Germans realized that it was phony:

View attachment 926291

Convince the American people that voting is phony, and those judges will find themselves at the mercy of whatever system replaces the one they will have destroyed. It won't be pretty, because they always hang the people who used to have power first. Especially the lawyers.
the problem with your theory is Dems don't have common sense and are so guided by there primal emotions they are blinded to the future consequences of their actions...
the problem with your theory is Dems don't have common sense and are so guided by there primal emotions they are blinded to the future consequences of their actions...
For the younger ones, I think you're right.

Hopefully, the older ones have seen this scene, which talks about the danger of ignoring the law in pursuit of a bogeyman.

At best he would be made to stay in home lock up... but he would be able to talk to his voters so they won't do that either...
Do you think it could happen after he loses the election?
After the election is over, that's a different thing. It is conceivable, but highly unlikely.

Especially if the election smells as bad as 2020 did, and then they lock Trump up. The combination of another irregular election, and locking up the person who was predicted to win by polls, could send the country down the wrong road also. Judges know that.

Besides, if he doesn't become president in 2025, he almost certainly never will. So why would they even bother to keep prosecuting him?
At best he would be made to stay in home lock up... but he would be able to talk to his voters so they won't do that either...

Plus if they order him to stay at home, what would they do when he walks out in front of reporters and says it was unconsitutional for the judge to lock him up to keep him from campaigning and he is going to his rally? They would have already admitted that they are unwilling to incarcerate him in a prison or jai, just by the act of giving him house arrest.

The humiliation of Judge Merchan, unable to enforce is gag order, will be a lesson to other judges: Don't order Donald Trump to do something, unless you are pretty sure he will do it.
Agreed. House arrest (or something similar) at worst. The 2020 election was the most examined in history. It was shown to be a proper election with no more fraud than previous elections.
It was the election with the most refusals by judges to accept cases.

Not getting your day in court is not the same as losing in court.
Convince the American people that voting is phony, and those judges will find themselves at the mercy of whatever system replaces the one they will have destroyed. It won't be pretty, because they always hang the people who used to have power first. Especially the lawyers.

Nice to see you are still deluded, Seymour.

Trump is not bigger than the system. He's one man.
Even if you had a President that was a documented piece of shit, like Jimmy Carter, you could never incarcerate him for giving away our canal in Panama or other good reason- even if you thought he deserved it.

All Presidents know where all of the bodies are buried. It puts a lot of people in high places in a lot of risk if they decide to spill the beans. And putting a leader on to a prison yard, no one likes to gossip more than inmates on the yard. You wouldn't have to just be concerned about the President himself spilling the beans, but all the guys he'd be chatting up in the joint.
It won't happen. Not ever. It's a TDS pipe dream.

Plenty of posters here would absolutely send Trump to the slammer if they had the power. But they don't have the power and they never will.

The judges who do have the power? Many of them are TDS hardcases, with family members who are Democratic activists. They hate Trump with every bit as much passion as posters on here, and maybe more because hating Trump is literally their lives, and livelihoods.

But . . .

They are vested in the system, and they know that locking Trump up while he is the frontrunner for president would put the system in grave danger.

I don't mean "vested in the system" as in they think it's a rilly, rilly good system. I mean that they have made their lives in the system. To take the latest example, the Judge in the fraudulent fraud case. He is a judge, making a much better salary than his skills would justify in a free market, and his daughter runs a multi-million dollar Democratic Party fundraising organization.

He is not going to endanger the democratic republic that has made his livelihood and made his daughter wealthy. The U.S. Consitution is like the U.S. Dollar: it has value only because people believe it has value. That perception must be maintained or the people benefiting from it will lose and lose big.

Election irregularities from 2020 made people mad enough to turn out in droves in 2024. Try to take away their right to vote for the candidate of their choice and they will get mad enough to believe voting doesn't mean anything.

That happens and the U.S. Constitution could go the way of the Weimar Republic's Papiermark. This is what money looked like once Germans realized that it was phony:

View attachment 926291

Convince the American people that voting is phony, and those judges will find themselves at the mercy of whatever system replaces the one they will have destroyed. It won't be pretty, because they always hang the people who used to have power first. Especially the lawyers.
This is exactly the goal of the Marxist left. To topple the system.
So you want a court system bigger and more powerful than the people?.....

The people said no to Trump. Repeatedly. We got stuck with him anyway.

If they paid attention to the people, Hillary would have been president and we'd have avoided the horror show.

Even if you had a President that was a documented piece of shit, like Jimmy Carter, you could never incarcerate him for giving away our canal in Panama or other good reason- even if you thought he deserved it.

It wasn't our canal, and the Senate ratified that treaty. (Also, the Canal was probably untenable in any case.)

All Presidents know where all of the bodies are buried. It puts a lot of people in high places in a lot of risk if they decide to spill the beans. And putting a leader on to a prison yard, no one likes to gossip more than inmates on the yard. You wouldn't have to just be concerned about the President himself spilling the beans, but all the guys he'd be chatting up in the joint.

Well, let's be honest, if Trump goes to jail, it's going to be at a Club Fed. And Biden will probably commute his sentence on compassionate grounds. But that doesn't mean you don't hold him accountable.

Now, if he can convince all four juries he did nothing wrong, that would be the system working. I'm guessing he won't, though.
Do you think it could happen after he loses the election?
If mass mail-in voting without verification happens again and especially if we are still counting votes days after election day then it isn't going to matter who the media says "won". If that happens, 2024 will be America's last election without MASSIVE systemic protections against theft. Dems will never agree to that so, '24 will be the end. Mass civil disobedience will be the new reality. Screw an illegitimate DC.
If mass mail-in voting without verification happens again and especially if we are still counting votes days after election day then it isn't going to matter who the media says "won". If that happens, 2024 will be America's last election without MASSIVE systemic protections against theft. Dems will never agree to that so, '24 will be the end. Mass civil disobedience will be the new reality. Screw an illegitimate DC.
It didn't happen in 2020 (or any elections before).

But lets expand on your hilarious thesis. "Mass civil disobedience"...what are you going to do...post twice as often on a message board? You think the 2020 election was stolen from you and you didn't do jack shit--probably because you know that in reality nothing was stolen.
The people said no to Trump. Repeatedly. We got stuck with him anyway.

If they paid attention to the people, Hillary would have been president and we'd have avoided the horror show.
No... The people did not say no to Trump... some people did and by the looks of things more of those people are now saying yes to Trump....

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