Why more and more people are NOT believing the MSM! Read this headline!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Trump leaves, Lashes Out

Dallas Morning News June 11,2018 headline....
YUP it was all Trump's fault right???

WRONG and this headline doesn't tell the truth!!!

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the planned US tariffs on steel and aluminum are insulting and "Canadians will not be pushed around."

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry - CNN Video

"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.

He blasted Trudeau for having positive conversations with the president during the G7 meetings, then changing his tune in a "stunt press conference."

'Special place in hell': Trump advisers blast Trudeau for comments at G7 summit | CBC News

We have NO idea what was AGREED upon by Trump/Trudeau but we do KNOW that it evidently according to Trump's RESPONSE to Trudeau it wasn't what Trump thought.

BUT again who was to blame? Trump! "Trump Leaves, LASHES out"

BUT when we the "deplorables" READ the whole story... again we find the MSM i.e. Dallas Morning News
PRESENTING NEWS in a BIASED manner. They are to report. Not form opinions!

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.
Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?
Canada eliminated tariffs on all industrial and most agricultural products imported from the United States under the terms of NAFTA.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.
Good thing we have someone on our side then isn’t it.
Oh, I see. No one has ever been on our side before Dear Leader.

Wow. You really should stop guzzling his piss in public.

NAFTA has been a net positive for the US.

I bet you believed Trump's lie that we have a trade deficit with Canada. :lol:
U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $673.9 billion in 2017. Exports were $341.2 billion; imports were $332.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade surplus with Canada was $8.4 billion in 2017.

Canada | United States Trade Representative

And yet Trump imposed tariffs on one of our closest allies.

What a fucking retard!
I don't see the point about the media headlines. Headlines are written to attract readership to the article, regardless if the media is mainstream or not. Forming opinion without going past the headline is lazy and silly.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
In the years since NAFTA, U.S. trade with its North American neighbors has more than tripled, growing more rapidly than U.S. trade with the rest of the world. Canada and Mexico are the two largest destinations for U.S. exports, accounting for more than a third of the total. Most estimates conclude that the deal had a modest but positive impact on U.S. GDP of less than 0.5 percent, or a total addition of up to $80 billion dollars to the U.S. economy upon full implementation, or several billion dollars of added growth per year.

Such upsides of trade often escape notice, because while the costs are highly concentrated in specific industries like auto manufacturing, the benefits of a deal like NAFTA are distributed widely across society. Supporters of NAFTA estimate that some fourteen million jobs rely on trade with Canada and Mexico, while the nearly two hundred thousand export-related jobs created annually by the pact pay 15 to 20 percent more on average than the jobs that were lost.

NAFTA’s Economic Impact

Trump had a hissy fit that one of our closest friends didn't take his new tariffs lying down. A country with whom we have a TRADE SURPLUS.

The man is a fucking idiot.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slap them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!

I'm sure you know liberals have a tendency to leave out words, when it's convenient.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
Hey dumb shit.

We have a TRADE SURPLUS with Canada.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!

I'm sure you know liberals have a tendency to leave out words, when it's convenient.

Of course they do. As that great broadcaster Paul Harvey used to say, "and Now for the rest of the story!" The Left ALWAYS neglects to fill it in-)
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
Hey dumb shit.

We have a TRADE SURPLUS with Canada.

Hey PHONY-BALONEY, so what! Should we give them MORE of our jobs because YOU think it is a good idea! Thought you were about fairness? So then, we should only level the playing field for our workers and their jobs, with country's we run a deficit with?

Now that is a tard way of thinking-)
Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?
Canada eliminated tariffs on all industrial and most agricultural products imported from the United States under the terms of NAFTA.

Either they ELIMINATE the tariffs; ALL of them, or they get some back. Done, simple. Makes sense to me!
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
Hey dumb shit.

We have a TRADE SURPLUS with Canada.

Do We have a Trade Surplus with Canada?

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